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Computational Privacy. Overview. Goal : Allow n -private computation of arbitrary funcs. Impossible in information-theoretic setting Computational setting : Adversary and simulator are bounded to probabilistic polynomial time.
Overview • Goal: Allow n-private computation of arbitrary funcs. • Impossible in information-theoretic setting • Computational setting: • Adversary and simulator are bounded to probabilistic polynomial time. • REAL and IDEALshould only be computationally indistinguishable. • relaxes information-theoretic privacy (bounded simulator variant) • Main theorem: Every functionality can be computed with computational n-privacy (under standard cryptographic assumptions). • Enough to show computationally n-private protocol for MSADD, where ADD is additive secret-sharing over GF(2). • Theorem holds also with insecure channels.
Security Parameter • In a computational setting, all participants receive a security parameter k. • Players, adversary, and simulator run in time poly(k); • Security is defined with respect to k: informally, any environment running in time poly(k) cannot distinguish between REAL and IDEAL, except with an advantage which vanishes super-polynomially in k. • Convention: make k implicit in input length • Input domain X will include all n-tuples of strings with equal lengths. • Security parameter: k = |xi| • Every (partial) functionality f:({0,1}*)n →{0,1} can be augmented into a (partial) functionality f ’ defined over X via input padding. • To effectively achieve security level k, players can pad their inputs to length k (if needed). • Note: must assume an upper bound on input length is made public. • Alternative convention: players and adversaries receive k as an additional input; all algorithms are efficient in k.
Distribution Ensembles • Given an infinite index set X, we let {D(x)}xX denote a distribution ensemble: a family of distributions over {0,1}* indexed by X. • Sometimes use D(x) or simply D when X is understood from the context • Typical choices of X: • X = N (natural numbers) • X = n-tuples of strings of equal length (input vectors) • With each index xX associate a length |x| • if xN let |x| =x • if x is an n-tuple of k-bit strings, let |x| =kn • D(x) is typically distributed over {0,1}p(|x|), for some polynomial p.
Notions of Closeness • Def. A function : N→[0,1] is negligible if, for every const. c>0, (k)=o(1/kc). • Equivalently: for every c>0 there is k0 s.t. for every k> k0, (k)<1/kc. • Note: neg * poly = neg • Def. Let D(x), D’(x) be distribution ensembles. We say that D,D’ are: • perfectly indistinguishable (denoted DD’) if D(x)D’(x) for every x; • statistically indistinguishable (denoted DsD’) if for every function (distinguisher) Z there is a negligible function (k) such that for every x | Pr[Z(D(x))=1] - Pr[Z(D’(x))=1] | < (|x|) • computationally indistinguishable (denoted DcD’) if for every efficient distinguisher Z and poly-size advice sequence (ak)kN, there is a negligible function (k) such that for every x: | Pr[Z(D(x), a|x|)=1] - Pr[Z(D’(x), a|x|)=1] | < (|x|) • Advice makes distinguisher nonuniform: stronger than randomized. • Equivalent to distinguishing using poly-size circuits.
Security Definition Revisited • We say that the protocol securely computes the functionality f (w.r.t. a given class of adversaries) if for every adversary A there is a simulator S such that: • REAL,A(x) IDEALf,S(x) perfect security (time(S) poly(time(A)) • REAL,A(x)s IDEALf,S(x) stat. security (time(S) poly(time(A)) • REAL,A(x)c IDEALf,S(x) comp. security (time(A),time(S)poly(|x|)
Main Theorem • Thm. Every efficiently computable functionality f admits a computationally n-private protocol. • Proof outline: • Define a simple 2-party OT functionality and realize it by a computationally private protocol. • Obtain a perfect n-private reduction from MSADD to OT. • Using a computational variant of the composition theorem, obtain a computationally n-private protocol for MSADD. • Use the circuit-based protocol we’ve seen for reducing f to MSADD. • frestricted to inputs of length k can be computed by an arithmetic circuit C of size poly(k) over F=GF(2). • Use the composition theorem once again to obtain a computationally n-private protocol for f.
Composition Theorem • Computationally private reduction from f to g • Inputs of oracle calls to g are as long as original inputs • Allow g to have less than n arguments • High-level protocol f|gspecifies which player is assigned to each input of g. • Can be emulated via a “universal” functionality. • Thm. Let f|g be a computationally -private reduction from f to g and g a computationally -private protocol for g. Then the protocol f obtained from f|g by substituting each call to g with a call to g is a computationally -private protocol for f.
c c Composition (contd.) f|g f|g Sf|g Sg g Sg • Fact: computational indistinguishability is robust under multiple samples. • If DcD then for every efficient oracle algorithm Z and poly-size advice sequence (ak)kN, there is a negligible function (k) such that for every k: | Pr[ZD(ak)=1] - Pr[ZD’(ak)=1] | < (k) • Proof via a hybrid argument. o/w f|g can be used to distinguish g from Sg o/w Sgcan be used to distinguish f|g from Sf|g REAL IDEAL
Oblivious Transfer • Def. Oblivious Transfer is a (computationally, 1-)private protocol for the following 2-party functionality: OT((d0,d1) , s) = ( , ds) • Player P1 will be called the Sender and P2 theReceiver. • By default d0,d1,sare bits • may be generalized to longer strings or multiple selections. • In the literature, OT often requires security against active adversaries. • OT can be privately reduced to the following simpler functionality: Naïve-OT(d , s) = ( , ds) • To implement OT, call Naïve-OT on inputs (d1, s) and (d0, 1-s).
Public-Key Encryption • Def. A public-key encryption scheme is a triplet of efficient probabilistic algorithms (G,E,D) such that: • G(1k) outputs a pair of keys (pk,sk). • Correctness: for b=0,1, if E(pk,b) outputs c then D(sk,c) outputs b. • Secrecy: E0(k) c E1(k), where Eb(k) is the distribution of (pk,E(pk,b)) where pk is taken from G(1k). • Generalizations: • Larger message domain (e.g., strings of length k). • Allow negligible error probability
Example: Goldwasser-Micali PKE • G picks a pair of random k-bit primes p,q, and lets N=pq, pk=N, and sk=p. • Encryption: • E(pk,b) outputs c=r2vb where rR Z*N and v is non-square modulo bothp,q. • Decryption: • D(pk,c) uses factorization of N to find whether c is a square modulo N. • Security holds under the Quadratic Residuosity Assumption.
Randomizable PKE • Def. Apublic-key encryptionscheme (G,E,D) is randomizable if there is an efficient randomization algorithm R such that given any ciphertext cE(pk,b), R(pk,c) outputs a random c’ distributed according to E(pk,b). • GM scheme is randomizable: multiply c by r2 where rR Z*N.
OT from Randomizable PKE • Enough to implement Naïve-OT(d , s) = ( , ds) • Protocol: • Receiver lets (pk,sk)G(1k) and cE(pk,s), and sends (pk,c) to Sender. • If d=1 sender lets c’R(pk,c) and sends c’ to Receiver;If d=0 it sends c’E(pk,0). • Receiver outputs D(pk,c’). • Simulators: • Sender: let (pk,sk)G(1k) and cE(pk,0), and output (pk,c) along with local randomness. • Receiver with output b: let (pk,sk)G(1k) and output E(pk,b) along with local randomness.
More on OT • OT can also be based on trapdoor permutations (e.g., RSA). • Open question: Does PKE imply OT? • There is no black-box reduction from OT to PKE.
Reducing MSADD to OT • Recall: MSADD maps(a1,…,an) , (b1,…,bn) to (c1,…,cn) where the outputs ci are random subject to ci= (ai)·(bi) and all arithmetic is in GF(2). • Write ci= i,j aibj • Problem would be easy if eachaibj were known to some player. • Idea: use OT to additively share aibj between Pi,Pj • Even by corrupting both Pi,Pj, adv. learns nothing new. • Implementation: Pi acts as Sender and Pj as Receiver • Pi picks a random bit ci,j, which will serve as its share of aibj • Players call OT((d0,d1) , s)where db=aib+ ci,j and s=bj • May be viewed as a private reduction of the following func. to OT: SP(a,b)=(c1,c2) where the outputs are random subject to c1+c2= ab.
Reducing MSADD to OT (contd.) • Given that allaibj are additively shared, we could use a 1-roundn-private protocol to compute an additive sharing of their sum. • Additional interaction is not needed. • Protocol: • For each (i,j) s.t. ij, players Pi,Pj call SP(ai,bj) • emulated via a single call to OT as in previous slide • Let (ciji,cijj) denote the outputs of this call. • Each Pi outputs ci = aibi + j i ciji +j i cjii • Simulator on inputs (aT,bT) , cT: • For each (i,j) s.t. i,j T pick (ciji,cijj) at random subject to ciji+cijj= aibj • The values ciji and cjii such that iT, jT are picked uniformly at random subject to the constraint that they are consistent with cT. • May be done by picking all at random except ciji for some j0[n]\T, and determining the |T| remaining values according to the sum constraints. 0