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“Respecting the Brand” - The Dangers of Cross Filling. LPGAS SAFETY ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA - RIO 2009. LPGSASA Organisation. LPGSASA BOARD OF DIRECTORS. LPG FORUM MANCOM. MANAGING DIRECTOR. Secretary. Manager KZN. Manager Community Development. Manager Communication.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Respecting the Brand” - The Dangers of Cross Filling LPGAS SAFETY ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA - RIO 2009

  2. LPGSASA Organisation LPGSASA BOARD OF DIRECTORS LPG FORUM MANCOM MANAGING DIRECTOR Secretary Manager KZN Manager Community Development Manager Communication Manager Technical Standards Manager Technical Standards Eric Hulley Manager Administration Manager Training LPG Safety Commission Manager Cape Various Consultants SAQCC SAQCC Training Coordinator Training Service Provider Training Service Provider Manager Free State Receptionist & Cleaning Service GM Botswana Association

  3. Cylinder Verification Scheme • We have to start by making sure the cylinders are safe • To do so, we follow all National and International standards and procedures

  4. Quality Dealer Network • A registration scheme whereby LP Gas dealers are audited for compliance with all applicable standards and laws • LPGSASA has now been asked, by Government, to introduce a registration scheme for LPG filling sites and fillers

  5. Background • Demand for LPGas is increasing • Encouraging • More competition – lower prices • Increased accessibility for users • Impact • Perceived opportunities in a growing market • Inexperienced operators • Responsible & safety-conscious? • Increase in rate of incidents

  6. Background • Cross filling identified as a serious problem • Two companies instituted legal action • Court of law found in their favour • Imposed a fine and costs - and precedence has now been set • The ‘guilty’ company is now a member • Complies with the legal requirements

  7. Options • Ignore the problem • Bow to pressure • Accept the consequences • But, this year, in South Africa • More accidents involving cylinders than past 10 years • More destruction than before • Our proud reputation has been tarnished • Little sign of this changing • A typical example of the consequences . . . .

  8. The Results

  9. Why we should care!

  10. Independent Forensic Audit • The outcome of the audit was clear • The Cylinder had been cross-filled • The Cylinder had been over-filled

  11. Graphically + 35 mm

  12. Next step • Educate dealers and the public on the legal and safety aspects of trading with LPGas • Not a commercial promotion of LPGas • The messages had to be clear and concise • Make it simple for the consumer to: • Understand ‘Authorised Dealers’ • Have easy access to them • Eliminate “Cross Filling”

  13. LPGSASA Action • Authorised Dealer Campaign • What/Who is an Authorised Dealer? • Who is responsible for which cylinder • Which dealers can fill whose cylinders? • A number of messages and they were complex

  14. Media & Message • Newspapers • 10 National Daily and 3 National Weekend publications • An LPGSASA message - Not commercially driven • Messages • Safety • Educational • Facilitating

  15. The Messages Facility for the consumer to, easily, find their nearest participating dealers – by Brand ‘Authorised’ Dealer? Logo on the Seal to match the Brand on the Cylinder

  16. Media Support • Used TV to support the Press Campaign • Directed the viewers’ attention to the press • Spin-offs included exposure for our Association • An independent, non commercial body supporting the consumer

  17. TV Promo

  18. Audience Reach • Press campaign; • 6 week period • reached 34.33% of the population • equating to 10,7 million Adult South Africans (Age 16+) • TV campaign; • 5 week period • reached 68.1% of the population • equating to 15,7 million Adult South Africans (Age 16+)

  19. Response • Innumerable questions • Why do prices vary so much? • Are all gases the same – some burn ‘quicker’? • Some very constructive feedback • Numerous radio interviews and editorial content • Should be sustainable

  20. Post Campaign Support A competition run in popular magazines encouraging readers to read the safety tips in order to participate

  21. Industry Action • Independent company instituted their own action. • Involved the S A Police Services • Confiscation of LPGas and cylinders - and arrests • The ‘raid’ was well publicised to discourage the illegal practice of cross filling • Further action is pending • Other companies will follow suit

  22. Industry Action Media coverage on action taken by a major LPGas company

  23. Outcome • No doubt the campaign has reached millions • Dealers and Distributors • Are aware of the consequences • Cannot claim ignorance • The public • are aware and questioning • We cannot guarantee, but are convinced that Brand respect is far more top-of-mind • We will continue to sustain our efforts in order see a dramatic reduction of LPGas incidents


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