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Svein Erling Hansen Oceanor ASA

Objektiv farvannsinformasjon Pålitelige prognoser Trygg sjøtransport Eksempler fra Hellas og Spania. Svein Erling Hansen Oceanor ASA. Sikring av farledene. Kart Nye oppmålinger Digitale kartsystemer Merking av farledene Overvåking av farledene, trafikkontroll Meteorologisk varsling

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Svein Erling Hansen Oceanor ASA

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  1. Objektiv farvannsinformasjonPålitelige prognoserTrygg sjøtransportEksempler fra Hellas og Spania Svein Erling Hansen Oceanor ASA

  2. Sikring av farledene • Kart • Nye oppmålinger • Digitale kartsystemer • Merking av farledene • Overvåking av farledene, trafikkontroll • Meteorologisk varsling • Sann-tids overvåking av vind, strøm og bølger

  3. Sleipner ulykken • "Sleipner" bare godkjent for en meters signifikant bølgehøyde • "Sleipner" hadde bare driftstillatelse til å seile i opptil en meters signifikant-bølgehøyde, fordi tester av rømningsveier og redningsutstyr ikke var gjort i grov sjø. Ulykkeskvelden var bølgehøyden to-tre meter. • (sitat granskningsrapporten)

  4. Kyststrømutbrudd fra Skagerrak

  5. In Greece, a similar system as the system in Spain is running, the POSEIDON system The buoy system is delivered by the Norwegian company - OCEANOR

  6. The Sea-Watch measuring station

  7. POSEIDON Network

  8. ADCP and CTD data from VOS The system consists of a satellite unit of communication via Inmarsat-C and PC’ s.The PC’s communicate with the ADCP andCTD units. The system will be enabled to receive and process information and transmit it in real time to the Operational Center.

  9. Applications of the System • Safety of life and transports at sea, • prompt response in marine accidents, • tourism development, • fishing and sea-farming, • coastal zone management, • harbor and coastal works design and • support of the greek scientific and research community.

  10. Data from Crete

  11. Clorofyl-a,, oxygen Data from Crete

  12. Crete wave parameters

  13. Santorini- current

  14. Santorini- t/s profile

  15. Weather Forecasting Products • Wind • Air temperature • Relative Humidity • Precipitation • cloud cover • Atmospheric Pressure • Fog • Snow • Dust transport

  16. Offshore Wave Forecasting • Development: University of Thessaloniki, Department of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering • Resolution : 5km • Coupling with atmospheric and hydrodynamic models • Data assimilation scheme Products : Height, Direction and Period fields

  17. Hydrodynamic Model • Development : University of Athens, Oceanographic modelling group • Resolution : 5 km • Assimilation of AVHRR SST fields • Coupling with atmospheric and wave model Products: 3-D Velocity, Temperature and Salinity fields

  18. Pollutant Transport Model • Development: University of Thessaloniki, Department of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering • Resolution : 5km • Coupling with wave and hydrodynamic models • Simulation of transport and chemical transformations Products : Concentration of pollutant, beaching, evaporation etc.

  19. Near-shore wave model • Development: Technical University of Athens, Department of Naval and Environmental Engineering • Resolution :100m • Coupling with offshore wave, atmospheric and hydrodynamic models • Data assimilation scheme Products: Height, Period, Direction of waves plus bottom velocity and pressure

  20. Examples of output from this system, which among others show that forecasts (line) may differ from observations (squares).

  21. THE COMPUTER SYSTEM AT THE SHIP DECK The prototype system at “Blue Star Ithaki”. In the later versions of the system the computer boards and the other electronics are within a box with fixed specifications and the control of the system is made through a touch-screen and track-ball system.

  22. The installation of the stations The meteorological and navigation sensors are installed at a mast on the upper board of the ship. The entire installation is with specifications for marine environment.

  23. Ν H R Ε Α S SHIP TERMINAL STATION The terminal station at the ships consist of two basic operational parts: • The sensors for the meteorological and positioning data. • The computer that supports: • Two-way communications with the main server at HNMS. • Gathering, retrieval and storage of the meteorological data and the position of the ship. • Retrieval of weather and wave forecasted fields. • Performance of ship stability calculations for safer and optimum navigation according to wave conditions, cruising speed and route to follow.

  24. . Fosen Traffikklag: Our goal is to arrange for a transport which gives maximum SAFETY, RELIABILITY and COMFORT.

  25. Last February Fosen Trafikklag experienced an accident Where a window on one of our high speed vessels were broken from an unexpected wave in one of the areas identifyed as a ”dangerous” area. Dangerous Areas

  26. Then maybe in a short time our high speed vessels can get this kind of information underway, supporting the decissions to be taken, ensuring SAFETY, RELIABILITY and COMFORT

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