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The Language for Digital Rights ™

Enabling Interoperability:. ContentGuard and. The Language for Digital Rights ™. ContentGuard Origins. Launched in April 2000 Xerox and Microsoft investors A decade of patented Xerox PARC research the language for Digital Rights

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The Language for Digital Rights ™

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  1. Enabling Interoperability: ContentGuard and The Language for Digital Rights™

  2. ContentGuard Origins • Launched in April 2000 • Xerox and Microsoft investors • A decade of patented Xerox PARC research • the language for Digital Rights • Headquartered in Bethesda, MD; Operations in El Segundo, California,

  3. ContentGuard Mission & Strategy • Stimulate eCommerce and Enterprise digital content and service market growth through the use of a common digital rights language: • Promote the widespread adoption of eContent and eService initiatives through • patent licensing and • tools/products

  4. Author Publisher Distributor Author Publisher Distributor Consumer Consumer Agent Aggregator Wholesaler eTailer Agent Aggregator Wholesaler Publishing S/W Content Packaging WWW. Store Front Authoring Tools User Interface Asset Management Content Hosting Rights Clearing Digital Identification Meta Data Digital Rights Digital Supply Chain Digital Content Products & Services

  5. DRM Requirements Trusted Systems that … • Secure and protect digital contents and services across the value chain • Persistently honor usage rights, conditions and obligations specified for digital contents and services A Common Language that … • Provides a uniform mechanism to describe specifications of rights and their conditions and obligations for distributing and using digital contents and services • Enables trusted systems to exchange digital contents and interoperate for end-to-end DRM

  6. What is ? XrML – eXtensible rights Markup Language • Originates from Xerox PARC in 1994 • Provides a universal method for securely specifying and managing rights (and associated conditions) for all kinds of resources including digital content and services • Supports content integrity and entity authentication and confidentiality within the specification • Encodes in XML, leverages standard XML schemas, namespaces, digital signatures etc. • Is highly flexible, customizable, and extensible • Is available at www.xrml.org

  7. Philosophy Underpinning Enable trusted systems to interoperate for end-to-end DRM • Single language across all media types, platforms, formats, resources, products & services to facilitate interoperability • Application/domain agnostic structure • Comprehensive to express wide variety of business models • Application to all phases of life cycle • Extensible to allow adaptability and minimize future cost of change • Ease of implementation and deployment

  8. XrML Evolution • XrML 2.0 (11/01) ContentGuard • Support for More Business Models • Enhanced security, flexibility & extensibility • XrML 1.2 (11/01) ContentGuard • Final Maintenance Release of 1.X • XrML 1.03 (8/00) ContentGuard • Enhancements added to increase flexibility XrML 1.0 (4/00) ContentGuard • Conversion to XML based language • Additional Extensions DPRL 2.0 (’97-’99) Xerox • Enables specification of rights (fees, terms, and conditions) for digital works • DPRL 1.0 (‘94-’96) Xerox • Focus on machine enforceable rights

  9. 2.0 Core Structure • Four Key Components • Granting Mechanisms • Grant • License Principal (person, Device, application, etc.) Resource (work, service, name, etc.) Right (view, play, print, copy, forward, etc.) Condition (fee, time, geography, etc.)

  10. Unlimited usage Flat fee sale Pay per view Preview Promotion Subscription/Membership Transfer Gifting Library loan Site/volume license Rent Multi-tier models Territory restricted Component based model User type based model Payment to multiple Rights Holders Superdistribution Composite content Personal lending Business Models Supported in

  11. Future Extension Future Extension Future Extension Extensibility Architecture XrML Standard Extension (SX) XrML Content Extension (CX) XrML Core

  12. 2.0 Highlights • Mathematical Precision – no ambiguity • Expressiveness – advanced business models, life-cycle management, usage state tracking, pattern matching • Well defined core and extensions architecture • Compact: Use of only those terms needed • Applications based on equality & pattern matching enable extensions without the need to upgrade • Comprehensive Security • Entity authentication (Users, software, hardware, Digital Items, etc. ) • Integrity and confidentiality of rights expressions • Up-to-date Standards and Technologies

  13. The Standards Arena • MPEG • OeBF • TV-Anytime • SMPTE DCinema • 3GPP • ISMA • PRISM • WAP Forum • OASIS • cIDf • IDRM / IRTF • IPTC - NewsML

  14. MPEG 21 RDD - REL • Call for Requirements complete • Sydney Meeting : Call for Proposals for REL was issued • Proposals in November 2001 • Processed in Pattaya, Thailand • XrML Selected as the Base Architecture by MPEG

  15. Future Extension TV Anytime Extension MPEG Extension Future Extension XrML Extensibility Architecture XrML Standard Extension (SX) XrML Content Extension (CX) XrML Core OeBF Extension

  16. Tools to Support Adoption • XrML SDK released to aid developers of Content Applications that : • Provide Labeling of Usage Rights • Enable Distribution of Digital Content • Enable the Use of Digital Works per a License • Create, validate, and interpret XrML licenses • SDK Documentation includes • Installation Guide • User's Guide • API Programmer's Guide • Guide to use and create XrML Templates

  17. Summary • Progress beginning on interoperable DRM standards • DRM’s full potential requires applicability across • Content centric businesses • Enterprise applications • Web services • A dynamic standard (e.g. XrML) can facilitate required extensibility • Adapt to a changing future • Reduce possibility of standards fragmentation • Digital Rights Language is an essential but only one of several initiatives needed

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