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Explore Your Future at Law School Preview Day

Welcome to the Law School Preview Day at the Name of Your Law School! This event is an opportunity to learn about the diverse career paths available with a law degree. DiscoverLaw.org, the official website of LSAC, invites you to start your journey towards a legal career early.

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Explore Your Future at Law School Preview Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ®
  2. WELCOME TO Name of your event goes here Name of your law school goes here
  3. It's never too early to start thinking about law school and the many career options available to you when you obtain a law degree.

  4. DiscoverLaw.orgAn Official Website from the Law School Admission Council (LSAC)

  5. DISCOVERLAW.ORG GOALS To encourage racially and ethnically diverse students to discover career opportunities in law and choose a path in undergraduate school to help them succeed Providing students with resources, tips, and tools on how to become a competitive law school applicant We want this website to becomeyour official source of information on the LSAT, early preparation, financial aid, and other law school admissions issues
  7. Biweekly LSAT sample questions to strengthen their skills,Preference for DiscoverLaw.org Prelaw Undergraduate Scholars summer program,Podcasts and webinars touching on important topics to prepare for law school,And other tips, tools and resources to help students prepare to become a successful law school applicant WHY REGISTER?
  10. VIDEOS
  11. Additional resources and scholarships
  12. When you register, your application will be given preference to theDiscoverLaw.org Prelaw Undergraduate Scholars Program(summer)
  13. Sample LSAT QuestionsPRACTICE your skills
  14. Join us on Facebook!
  15. We’re Also On Twitter
  16. The legal profession needs more lawyers who are African American, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American to serve an increasingly diverse society. Sign up for DiscoverLaw.org today!
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