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This scholarship programme aims to increase staff and student mobility at the higher education level and strengthen institutional cooperation between Estonia and donor countries. It also enhances the quality of education through mobility, academic and institutional cooperation. The programme offers mobility opportunities for students, as well as cooperation projects and staff mobility. Priority themes for cooperation projects include mathematics, science and technology, green growth, sustainability, and developing schools as environmentally-friendly institutions.
EEA/NORWEGIAN SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME - Estonia - Anne Hütt FoundationArchimedes 26.04.2012
General information Aimsofthe Programme: • Increased staff and student mobility at the higher education level.... • increasedand strengthened institutional cooperation at upper secondary education level.... ...... between Estonia and donor countries • Enhanced quality in education through mobility, academic and institutionalcooperation • Totalallocation 1 600 000 € • Programme Operator: EstonianMinistryofEducation and Research • ImplementingAgency: FoundationArchimedes
Actions Mobility of students and stafffromthe HE institutions Cooperation projectsbetweenupper-secondaryeducationalinstitutions Preparatory visits
Studentmobility • Openforstudentsfromthe HE institutionsdefinedbyparticipatingcountries (in Estonia – Erasmuscharter!) • All studylevels (bachelor, master and doctoralstudies) • Mobilitycanbe: • Studyperiodin partner HE institutions • Placementsinenterprisesofthe partner country
Studentmobility Prioritywillbegivento: Degree students participating in research projects supported from the Research Cooperation Programme (RCP); Scandinavian studies, Baltic Sea area studies, specific study fields with very rare/ narrow specialization related with the Nordic-Baltic area specifics (according to EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region); Languages and cultural studies, cultural heritage; Placements inGreen energy enterprises i.e. enterprises promoting green growth - study areas such as Engineering and Technology, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics, Agricultural Sciences, Medical Sciences etc.; Placementsfor teacher training students to study and practice school diversity abroadand to learn working with pupils having special educational needs, diverse cultural and religious background etc.
Staffmobility Openfor • teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions • stafffrom enterprises involved in teaching/education/training activities Mobilityactivitiescaninvolve • teaching assignmentsvisits • teaching assignments for young teachers going abroad for the first time; • mobility of any staff member of the university going to other university or enterprise • any staff member of an enterprise going to a university orother HE institution
Mobility The selection of students and staff(including incoming flow) will be done by Estonian HEIs and the action scheme will follow LLP/Erasmus student/staffmobility procedures and documents. Placements should be at least 1/3 of total number of student mobility. Teaching assignments visits should be at least 50 % of total number of HE staff mobility.
Cooperationprojects Applicants - schoolsinuppersecondarylevel: gymnasiums and vocationalschools Localauthorities, NGOs canalsoparticipate Cooperationprojectsgive opportunity for schools to Exchange good practice of educational institutions in the partner countries; take joint actions with partner institutions increase the capability of school leaders, school staff and school owners.
Cooperationprojects Prioritythemesare • developingthe Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST)direction in schools; • integratingthe green growth and sustainability issues into teaching process; • developingschools as environmental-friendly institutions; • creatingthematic partnerships between schools and local communities for local sustainable development;
Cooperationprojects Projectscaninvolvemobilityactivitieslikeexchangesand/orvisitsof • teachers and otherstaff of schools • representatives of school owner institutions and school councils • academic advisors
Preparatoryvisits The aim of preparatory visits is to supportpotentialapplicantsin the preparation and development of new project plans and applications. PreparatoryvisitswillbeopenalsoforpotentialapplicantsofResearchCooperation Programme
Calls and grants Callforpreparatoryvisits: spring 2012, rollingdeadline Callformobilityaction and cooperationprojects: 2012 autumn, 2013, 2014 Duration of cooperationprojectsup to 24 months, project grants 50 000 - 80 000 € 10% co-financingforprojectactivities
Contacts FoundationArchimedes: Maria Leek maria.leek@archimedes.ee Anne Hütt anne.hutt@archimedes.ee MinistryofEducation and Research: Hella Suvi hella.suvi@hm.ee