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Stream Cipher. Introduction Pseudorandomness LFSR Design Refer to “Handbook of Applied Cryptography” [Ch 5 & 6]. Stream Cipher. Introduction Originate from one-time pad bit-by-bit Exor with pt and key stream ( c i = m i z i )
Stream Cipher • Introduction • Pseudorandomness • LFSR • Design • Refer to “Handbook of Applied Cryptography” [Ch 5 & 6]
Stream Cipher • Introduction • Originate from one-time pad • bit-by-bit Exor with pt and key stream • (ci= mi zi) • Encryption = Decryption --> Symmetric • Use LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register) • (external) Synchronous or self-synchronous • Properties • Faster and Low Complexity in H/W -> Lightweight ! • Security measure : Period of key stream, LC(Linear Complexity), Statistical properties • Vast amounts of theoretical knowledge • Proprietary and Confidential for Military
Sequence • Def) • s=s0,s1,… : infinite seq., • sn=s0,s1,…,sn-1:n term of s • if si= si+n for all i >=0, s is periodic seq. having period n. • run : subsequence of consecutive ‘0’(gap) or consecutive ‘1’(block)
Golomb’s postulates(I) sN: periodic seq. of period N For a cycle of sN, 0~1 balanceness, i.e, | #{si=1} - #{sj=0} | =<1 (2) For a cycle of sN, half the runs have length 1, 1/4 have the length 2, …, etc. (3) Autocorrelation* function is two-valued * Measuring similarity between original and t-shifted sequences ** A sequence satisfying them is called Pseudo-Noise(PN) sequence.
Golomb’s postulates(II) (Ex) s15 = 0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1 (1) #{0} = 7, #{1}=8 (why ?) (2) 8 runs, 4 runs with length 1 (2 gaps, 2 blocks), 2 runs with length 2 (1 gap, 1 block), 1 run with length 3 (1 gap), 1 run with length 4 (1 block) (3) Autocorrelation function, C(0)=1, C(t)= -1/15 Thus, PN-seq.
Statistical Randomness • Five Basic Tests • Frequency Test (monobit) • Serial Test (twobit; Overlapping is allowed) • Poker Test (Frequency of m-bit subsequences) • Runs Test • Autocorrelation Test • Others • Spectral Test • Linear Complexity Profile • Quadratic Complexity • Universal Test
Statistical Test by FIPS 140-1 For a given 20,000bit sample seq. (I) monobit test : The number of ‘1’=n1, 9,654 < n1 < 10,346 (2) poker test : m=4, 1.03 < X3 < 57.4 (3) runs test : for length 1 i 6 (4) long run test : no run greater than 34
Notation of LFSR • Notation: < L, C[D]> where connection polynomial C[D] = 1 + c1D + c2D2 + …+cLDL Z2[D] • If cL=1, {i.e., deg{C[D]}=L}, C[D] is called a nonsingular polynomial • If initial vector 0 is [sL-1, … , s1,s0], si ={0,1}, output sequence s= s0,s1, … is uniquely determined by the recursion sj= (c1s j-1 + c 2 s j-2 + … + c Ls j-L) mod 2 , j L • (Ex) <4, 1 + D + D4> , 0 = [0,1,1,0] c1 =1, c4 =1, s4=s3+s0 t D3 D2 D1 D0t D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 1 1 0 (6) 8 1 1 1 0 (14) 1 0 0 1 1 (3) 9 1 1 1 1 (15) 2 1 0 0 1 (9) 10 0 1 1 1 (7) 3 0 1 0 0 (4) 11 1 0 1 1 (11) 4 0 0 1 0 (2) 12 0 1 0 1 (5) 5 0 0 0 1 (1) 13 1 0 1 0 (10) 6 1 0 0 0 (8) 14 1 1 0 1 (13) 7 1 1 0 0 (12) 15 0 1 1 0 (6) Output seq. = 0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1 Output Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 0 D2 D0 D1 Clock D3 15 10
Properties of m-LFSR(I) • The period of the sequence from LFSR divides 2L-1 • A irreducible polynomial f(x) in Zp[x] of degree m is called a primitive polynomial if and only if f(x) divides xk-1 for k=2m-1 and for no smaller positive integer k • # of monic primitive poly. of degree m over Zp =(pm-1)/m where is Euler-phi ft. • If the connection polynomial is primitive, the period is 2L-1 • Such sequence is called Maximum-length Shift Register Seq., M –seq. and LFSR is called m-LFSR.
m k(k1,k2,k3) m k(k1,k2,k3) m k(k1,k2,k3) m k(k1,k2,k3) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 1 2 1 1 6,5,1 4 3 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7,4,3 4,3,1 12,11,1 1 5,3,2 3 7 6,5,1 3 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 5 4,3,1 3 8,7,1 8,7,1 3 2 16,15,1 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 28,27,1 13 15,14,1 2 11 12,10,2 6,5,1 421,19,2 3 Primitive Polynomials • Primitive polynomial over Z2: • xm+xk+1(trinomial) for smallest k • xm + xk1+xk2+xk3+1(pentanomial)
Properties of LFSR • Well suited for H/W implementation • Produce seq. of large period • Good statistical properties • Readily analyzed by algebraic structure • Breakable by consecutive 2 * L subsequence is known to attacker • Using Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, from any (short) subsequences having length at least 2*L, we can find the LFSR with length L
Linear Complexity(I) • (Def) Given an infinite sequence s, the shortest length of LFSR’s that generate s is called Linear Complexity • Using Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, LC is computed • (Properties of LC) s,t : binary seq. • For any n 1, 0 L(sn) n • LC(sn) =0 iffsn is ‘0’ seq. of length n. • LC(sn) =n iffsn=0,0,…,0,1. • If s is periodic with period N, LC(sn) N. • LC(st) LC(s) + LC(t)
Linear Complexity(II) • sn: random seq. from all seq. of length n • Expectation value of LC where B(n)=0 if even n, otherwise 0 For large n, E(L(sn)) n/2 + 2/9 and Var(L(sn)) 86/81 • (Def) LCP (Linear Complexity Profile) DenoteLN is LC of sN=s0,s1,…sN-1, L1, L2, … LN is LCP
Nonlinear FSR f ( s j-1, s j-2, …, s j-L) Sj Sj-1 Sj-L+2 sj-L+1 S j-L Stage L-1 Stage 1 Stage 0 Output f() : nonlinear ft
f f Synchronous Stream Cipher(I) • f : next state ft, i+1 = f(i , k), 0 : initial value • g : keystream generating ft, zi = g (i , k), k : key • h : output ft, ci = h (zi, mi) , mi : pt, zi : key stream, ci:ct i i i+1 i+1 k k g g zi zi ci ci mi mi h h-1 Decryption Encryption
Synchronous Stream Cipher(II) • Keystream is independent of pt and ct • Properties • Synchronization requirement • No error propagation • Active attack • Insertion, deletion or replay will lose synchronization • Change selected ciphertext digits Need to have integrity check mechanisms
Self-Sync. Stream Cipher(I) • i = (ci-t , ci-t+1, …, ci-1), 0 = (c-t, c-t+1, …, c-1) : initial value • g : keystream generating ft, zi = g (i , k), k : key • h : output ft, ci = h (zi, mi) , mi : pt, zi : keystream, ci : ct g k g k zi zi mi mi ci ci h h-1 Encryption Decryption
Self-Sync. Stream Cipher(II) • Keystream is independent of pt and ct • Properties • Self-Synchronization • Limited error propagation • Active attack • Difficult to detect insertion, deletion, or replay • Easy to find passive modification • More diffusion more resistant against attacks based on plaintext redundancy
Nonlinear Combiner(I) LFSR 1 LFSR 2 f Keystream, z LFSR n Algebraic Normal Form (ANF) : mod. 2 sum of distinct m-th order product of its variable, 0 <= m <= n Ex) f(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)=1 + x2+ x3 + x4 + x4x5 + x1x2x3x4, deg(f) =4
x1 LFSR 1 x2 LFSR 2 Keystream, z x3 LFSR 3 Nonlinear Combiner(II) • Geffe generator • f(x1,x2,x3) = x1x2(1+x2)x3 = x1x2 x2x3 x3 • p(z) : (2L1-1) (2L2-1)(2L3-1) where L1,L2 and L3 are relatively prime • L(z) = L1L2 + L1L3 + L3 • Prob(z(t)=x1(t)) =3/4 Correlation attack is possible !
Carry x1 LFSR 1 x2 LFSR 2 xn LFSR n Nonlinear Combiner(III) • Summation generator If Li and Lj are pairwise relatively prime, then p(z) = i=1n (2Li -1) LC p(z) But vulnerable to the correlation attack of carry and 2-adic span z, keystream
LFSR R2 Clock LFSR R1 LFSR R3 Clock-controlled generator(I) • Alternating step generator z, keystream R1 : de Brujin seq. of period 2L1 R2,R3 : m-seq s.t., gcd(L2, L3)=1 p(z) = 2L1 (2L2-1)(2L3-1) L(z) : (L2 + L3) 2L1-1 < L(z) <= (L2+L3) 2L1 • Best known attack is a divide-and-conquer attack on the control register R1 in 2L • L should be about 128 (de Brujin = maximal period)
ai LFSR R1 Clock ai=1 bi output bi LFSR R2 discard bi ai=0 Clock-controlled generator(II) • Shrinking generator • If gcd(L1, L2) =1, p(z) = (2L2-1) 2L1-1 • L2 2 L1-2 < L(z) < L2 2 L1-1 • Best known attack takes O(2L1L23). Li is about 64
Other generators • Cascade Generator • CSPRBG(Cryptographically Secure Pseudo Random Bit Generator) • RSA LSB Generator • BBS Generator (p.336) • Pseudo-noise Generator • Noise Diode or Noise Transistor • Feedback with Carry Shift Register (FCSR) • 2-adic span • A5/1, A5/2, HC-256, RC4, PKZIP, Py, Rabbit, FISH, SEAL, Salsa20, SOBER, etc.
Correlation Attack (I) • Siegenthaler, 1984 • The complexity of a Combining Generator depends on the correlation of the combining function F. • Divide-and-Conquer Attack - If the output of F has a correlation with the output of KSG1, we can find the initial vector of the KSG1 KSG 1 x1 KSG 2 F x2 z xn KSG n
KSG 1 x1 KSG 2 F x2 z xn KSG n Correlation Attack (II) • Assume Prob(z=0|xi=0)=1/2-e, e>0 • Identify the initial vector of the KSGi by Divide and Conquer • Known ciphertext attack • Assume an initial vector of KSGi • Generate xi’ from KSGi • Compute e’=1/2- Prob(z=0|xi’=0) • If the initial vector is correct, we must have e’=e. If not, we have e0 since x’ has no correlation with z • This attack is very effective. So e must be zero.
Resilient Functions • A balanced function {0,1}n{0,1}m - every possible output m-tuple is equally likely to occur • A k-resilient function f : {0,1}n{0,1}m - every possible output m-tuple is equally likely to occur when the values of k arbitrary inputs are fixed and the remaining n-k input bits are chosen independently at random. • A 0-resilient function is just a balanced function. • A k-resilient function is (k-1)-resilient. • E.g.) f(x1,x2)=x1+x2 is 1-resilient.
Multi-output Stream Ciphers • To design a multi-output stream cipher based on a combining generator, we need a resilient function which • is nonlinear • has algebraic degree as large as possible (for large LC) • has nonlinearity as large as possible • has resiliency as large as possible KSG 1 KSG 2 F KSG n
Summary of a Stream Cipher • Period : Depends on req’d level of security • Linear Complexity • shortest LFSR that generates a given seq. • Measure against Correlation Attack • Correlation Immune function • Nonlinear function