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The Gender wage gap: & HOW NOT TO GET STUCK IN IT

The Gender wage gap: & HOW NOT TO GET STUCK IN IT. Sponsored by t he Center for the Education of Women, The Career Center, and the Women’s Studies Department. . What You’ll Learn. Why does the gender wage gap matter? What causes it? What can I do about it on a political level?

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The Gender wage gap: & HOW NOT TO GET STUCK IN IT

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  1. The Gender wage gap:& HOW NOT TO GET STUCK IN IT Sponsored by the Center for the Education of Women, The Career Center, and the Women’s Studies Department.

  2. What You’ll Learn • Why does the gender wage gap matter? • What causes it? • What can I do about it on a political level? • How can I avoid it on a personal level?

  3. Comparable Worth vs. Equal Pay Comparable Worth: Refers to equal pay for work of equal value. Tries to resolve the inequities that are rooted in sex-segregated jobs. EX: Janitors and Maids do work of equal value and should therefore be paid equally. Equal Pay: Advocates for equal pay of men and women in the same position. EX: Male and female Janitors should be paid equally. This is the focus of the Gender Wage Gap & Negotiation Workshop.

  4. Measuring the Gender Wage Gap • The average American woman working full-time year-round earns about 77% of a man’s earnings • The size of this gap hasn’t changed in a decade!

  5. Michigan’s Gap In 2011, Michigan ranked 43 out of all states in average female to male earnings ratio of 74% The average Michigan woman working full-time made $37,117 last year compared to $50,053 for a man That’s a $12,936 difference in earnings!

  6. Educational Choices Affect Wage Gap • Women bachelor’s degree recipients working full-time year-round earn 82% of what their male counterparts earn withinjust one year of graduating • Female dominated areas of study often have lower pay than male dominated fields

  7. Bachelor’s Degrees by Gender Arts, Humanities, Education, Health & Welfare

  8. Average Annual Earnings One Year after College Graduation, by Undergraduate Major and Gender

  9. For Example: Social Work The raw difference in average salaries for men and women working full-time in a social work job is $12,045 Social work salaries by gender: Occupational profile. (2011). In NASW Center for Workforce Studies & Social Work Practice.

  10. Choices Made After Entering the Workforce Affect Women’s Earnings • Out of those working full-time, women are earning 69% as much as men and are equally as likely to be married and have children • 10 years after graduation, 81% of men work full-time compared to 61% of women.

  11. The “Mommy Penalty” • Moms with one child earn 7% less than women without children. • A woman with 2+ children earns 14% less than a woman without children.

  12. Women & Social Security Because women are paid less than men when they work, &Often work fewer hours for some years, They receive smaller Social Security benefits whenthey retire.

  13. Discrimination Factors into the Gap

  14. Unconscious Bias & Accumulation of (Dis)Advantage • Virginia Valian: Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women • Gender schemas = intuitive beliefs about behaviors and traits, by gender • John’s resume rated higher than Jane’s

  15. Implicit Assumptions Harvard research on unconscious bias Test your own assumptions about gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. YOU’LL BE SURPRISED how deeply bias is ingrained in all of us! https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/takeatest.html

  16. What Can YOU Do to Create Change?

  17. Stand Up for Pay Equity Write an editorial, blog or social media post Tell Congress to support Paycheck Fairness Act • house.gov • senate.gov • pay-equity.org/cando-indiv.html • action.citizen.org/pickMedia.jsp?letter_KEY=199

  18. Create Awareness • Organize an online petition to show high level support for pay equity legislation. • Change.org is easy & free to use! • Use Social Media • Post a Facebook status or Tweet to create awareness about the wage gap.

  19. Avoiding the Pay Gap on a Personal Level • Consider long-term financial implications of career & family choices you make • Seek out union jobs, which typically offer better pay & benefits • Develop negotiation skills to ask for higher pay & other resources

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