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Parallel Methods for Nano/Materials Science Applications

Parallel Methods for Nano/Materials Science Applications. (Electronic Structure Calculations). Andrew Canning Computational Research Division LBNL & UC Davis, Applied Science Dept. Outline. Introduction to Nano/Materials science Electronic Structure Calculations (DFT)

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Parallel Methods for Nano/Materials Science Applications

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  1. Parallel Methods for Nano/Materials Science Applications (Electronic Structure Calculations) Andrew Canning Computational Research Division LBNL & UC Davis, Applied Science Dept.

  2. Outline • Introduction to Nano/Materials science • Electronic Structure Calculations (DFT) • Parallelism for Plane Wave Approach • Code performance on High Performance Parallel Computers • New Methods and Applications

  3. Milestones in Parallel Calculations 1991 Silicon surface reconstruction (7x7), Phys. Rev. (Stich, Payne, King-Smith, Lin, Clarke) Meiko I860, 64 processor Computing Surface (Brommer, Needels, Larson, Joannopoulos) Thinking Machines CM2, 16,384 bit processors 1998 FeMn alloys (exchange bias), Gordon Bell prize SC98 (Ujfalussy, Stocks, Canning, Y. Wang, Shelton et al.) Cray T3E, 1500 procs. first > 1 Tflop Simulation 2006 1000 atom Molybdenum simulation with QboxSC05 (Gordon Bell prize for peak performance). (F. Gygi et al. ) BlueGene/L, 207 Tflops on IBM BG/L (LLNL) 2008New Algorithm to Enable 400+ TFlop/s Sustained Performance in Simulations of Disorder Effects in High-Tc SC08 Gordon Bell prize (Thomas C. Schulthess et al.) Cray XT5 (ORNL), first > 1 Pflop Simulation Linear Scaling Divide-and-Conquer Electronic Structure Calculations(L-W Wang et. al.) SC08 Gordon Bell prize (algorithmic innovation )

  4. Electronic Structure Calculations • Accurate Quantum Mechanical treatment for the electrons • Each electron represented on grid or with some basis functions (eg. Fourier components) • Compute Intensive: Each electron requires 1 million points/basis (need 100s of electrons) • 70-80% NERSC Materials Science Computer Time (first-principles electronic structure) BaYCl:Ce excited state (new scintillator gamma radiation detector)

  5. Motivation for Electronic Structure Calculations • Most Materials Properties Only Understood at a fundamental level from accurate electronic structure calculations (Strength, Cohesion etc) • Many Properties Purely Electronic eg. Optical Properties (Lasers) • Complements Experiments • Computer Design Materials at the nanoscale

  6. Materials Science Methods • Many Body Quantum Mechanical Approach (Quantum Monte Carlo) 20-30 atoms • Single Particle QM (Density Functional Theory) No free parameters. 100-1000 atoms • Empirical QM Models eg. Tight Binding 1000-5000 atoms • Empirical Classical Potential Methods thousand-million atoms • Continuum Methods Increasing #atoms Single particle DFT methods largest user of supercomputer cycles of any scientific method in any discipline

  7. Quantum Mechanics for molecules and crystals Many Body Schrodinger Equation for electrons (position ri) in a molecule or crystals with nuclei charge Z and position RI (natural units e = h = 1 etc.) kinetic energy electron-nuclei interaction electron-electron interaction • Solution of the above eigenfunction equation HY=EY (H is Hamiltonian) for the wavefunction Y gives complete information for the system. • Observables take the form of operators eg. momentum p (classical form = mv) pop = - ih then p observed is given by the solution of popY=pY • Lowest eigenvalue pair (E0,Y0) is the groundstate energy. Higher eigenpairs correspond to excited states of the system.

  8. Ab initio Method: Density Functional Theory (Kohn 98 Nobel Prize) Many Body Schrodinger Equation (exact but exponential scaling ) Kohn ShamEquation (65): The many body ground state problem can be mapped ontoa single particle non-linear problem with the same electron density and a differenteffective potential (cubic scaling). Use Local Density Approximation (LDA) for (good for Si,C) r = charge density

  9. Selfconsistent Solution fix V(r,r) alinear problem N electrons N wave functions lowest N eigenfunctions Selfconsistency until Vout = Vin

  10. Choice of Basis for DFT(LDA) Increasing basis size M Gaussian FLAPW Fourier grid Percentage of eigenpairs M/N 30% 2% Eigensolvers Direct (scalapack) Iterative

  11. Plane-wave Pseudopotential Method in DFT Solve Kohn-Sham Equations self-consistentlyfor electron wavefunctions within the Local Density Approximation 1. Plane-wave (Fourier) expansion for to energy cutoff |g| < rcut (sphere ) 2. Replace “frozen” atom core (core electrons and nuclei) by a pseudopotential (pseudo-wavefunctions in core region allows rcut to be reduced without loss of accuracy) Different parts of the Hamiltonian calculated in different spaces (Fourier and real) via 3d FFT

  12. Computational Considerations • H never computed explicitly (available through mat-vec product) • Matrix-vector product in NlogN steps (not N2) • Orthogonalization is expensive, Mat-vec is cheap • Matrix is dense (in Fourier or Real space) • Real space grid approximately double size of Fourier sphere • Each Selfconsistent step we have good guess for eigenvectors (from previous step) • Typically use stable CG based iterative methods or Davidson FFT

  13. Parallelization (load balance, minimize communications) Dataset: spheres of Fourier coefficients for each wavefunction (electron) 100s-1000s N spheres of M points per sphere (M ~100N) ………. • Calculations (most costly): • Calculation of overlap matrices for orthogonalization, scales as MN2 (written in BLAS3) • Non-local part of pseudopotential calculation (ion-electron interaction) scales as MN2 (written in BLAS3) can also be done in real space • 3d FFTs to construct charge density in real space, scales as NMlogM Load balancing calculations: 1., 2. Give the same number of points in sphere to each processor 3. Give the same number of columns of data to each processor Conflicting conditions, np complete problem: bin (bag) packing problem

  14. Parallelization (load balance, minimize communications) Load Balancing Scheme: • Consider sphere as one dimensional list of columns ordered according to length. • Give out columns to processors in descending order such that each column is given to the processor with the least number of points in the sphere. 3 processor example Close to the same number of points and columns go to each processor 3d FFT Communications: • With this data distribution the BLAS3 operations in Fourier space have limited communications • Main communications occur in 3d FFTs Write specialized 3d FFTs for this data layout

  15. Standard Parallel 3d FFT on NxNxN (x,y,z) grid 1. Perform 1d FFTs on N2 x direction columns 2. Transpose (x,y,z) -> (y,z,x) 3. Perform 1d FFTs on N2 y direction columns 4. Transpose (y,z,x) -> (z,y,x) 5. Perform 1d FFTs on N2 z direction columns 6. Transpose (z,y,x) -> (x,y,z) optional Scaling Issues (bandwidth and latency): computations/communications ~ N2NlogN/N3 = logN ~ O(10) message size ~ (num. of processors)-2 for 1d layout

  16. Specialized 3d FFT for Electronic Structure Codes (Plane Waves/Fourier) • Works for any grid size on any number of processors • Only non-zero elements communicated/calculated • Most communication in global transpose (b) to (c) little communication (d) to (e) • Many 3d FFTs done at the same time to avoid latency issues • Much faster than vendor supplied 3d-FFT (no grid size limitations) • Used in many codes (PARATEC, PETot, ESCAN, GIT code etc. ) (a) (b) FFT Transp. (c) (d) FFT Transp. (e) (f) FFT

  17. Results: 3d-FFT 5123 grid on Cray XT4 (Franklin, NERSC, LBNL) • Cray XT4 (NERSC) • Quad core proc. Opteron 2.3 GHz • 38,640 proc. cores, 9660 nodes Time for forward+reverse 3d FFT, 5123 grid uses FFTW 1d FFT libs

  18. PARATEC (PARAllel Total Energy Code) • PARATEC performs first-principles quantum mechanical total energy calculation using pseudopotentials & plane wave basis set • Written in F90 and MPI • Designed to run on large parallel machines IBM SP etc. but also runs on PCs • PARATEC uses all-band CG approach to obtain wavefunctions of electrons (blocks comms. Specialized 3dffts) • Generally obtains high percentage of peak on different platforms (uses BLAS3 and 1d FFT libs) • Developed with Louie and Cohen’s groups (UCB, LBNL) Overall ratio calcs./communications ~ N (not logN)

  19. PARATEC: Code Details • Code written in F90 and MPI (~50,000 lines) • 33% 3D FFT, 33% BLAS3, 33% Hand coded F90 • Global Communications in 3D FFT (Transpose) • Parallel 3D FFT handwritten, minimize comms. reduce latency (written on top of vendor supplied 1D complex FFT )

  20. PARATEC: Performance • Grid size 2503 • All architectures generally achieve high performance due to computational intensity of code (BLAS3, FFT) • ES achieves highest overall performance : 5.5Tflop/s on 2048 procs (5.3 Tflops on XT4 on 2048 procs in single proc. node mode) • FFT used for benchmark for NERSC procurements (run on up to 18K procs on Cray XT4, weak scaling ) • Vectorisation directives and multiple 1d FFTs required for NEC SX6 Developed with Louie and Cohen’s groups (UCB, LBNL), also work with L. Oliker, J Carter

  21. Application: Gamma Ray Detection ( Cerium activated Scintillators ) conduction 5 d 4 f valence • Applications in cosmology, particle physics, medical, homeland security • Scintillators: produce light in the optical range when exposed to gamma rays • Brightest Scintillators are Cerium doped materials (lanthanum halides) • Theoretical Screening of Candidate Materials Ce states Increasing energy Project funded by the DHS, in collaboration with S. Derenzo, M. Weber, A. Chaudhry in Life Sciences (LBNL)

  22. h Scintillation process model (Ce activ.) -ray excitation produces a hole and an e in the host material The hole is captured by the dopant Ce site (Ce3+ -> Ce4+ ) Electron diffuses down through conduction band into 5d Ce 5d -> 4f transition on Ce site emits optical photon Key assumption: 4f and 5d states of Ce atom must be in the energy gap of the host crystal conduction 5 d F 4 f valence

  23. Density of States Plot for Ce in LaBr3 host conduction band host valence band Fermi 4 f 5 d Single Ce atom in large unit cell Ce density of states Energy

  24. Criteria to determine bright Ce activated Scintillators conduction 5 d 4 f valence • Size of host material bandgap: smaller the bandgap the more electron hole pairs but must accommodate Ce 4f,5d • Energy difference between the VBM and Ce 4f level: larger this value the less probable will be hole capture at the Ce3+ site (requires multiple or high-energy phonons) • Energy difference between the CBM and Ce 5d level: if 5d is too close thermal excitations may excite electron into CB • Level of localisation of the (Ce3+)* state on the Ce atom: Ce states

  25. Predictions for some new materials Ba2YCl7:Ce made by experimentalists and found to be a very bright scintillator. Initial Patent Filing taken out for Material Ba2YCl7:Ce

  26. The Quantization Condition of Quantum-well States in Cu/Co(100) photon beam in electrons out d 54 Å Copper Wedge Cobalt layer 4 mm scan Copper substrate 0 • Theoretical investigation of Quantum Well states in Cu films using our codes (PARATEC, PEtot) to compare with experiments at the ALS (E. Rotenberg, Y.Z. Wu, Z.Q. Qiu) • New computational methods for metallic systems used in the calculations. • Lead to an understanding of surface effects on the Quantum Well States. Improves on simple Phase Accumulation Model used previously QW states in Copper Wedge Difference between theory and experiment improved by taking surface effects into account

  27. Summary • Plane wave electronic structure methods can scale to the 1K-10K processor regime • Require different parallelization methods for higher proc. count (state parallelism, k-point parallelism eg. Qbox code) • This research was funded by the DOE as part of the Modeling and Simulation in Nanoscience Initiative (MICS and BES) contract No DE-AC03-76SF00098 • Gamma ray detection funded by DHS

  28. Future Directions • O(N) based methods (exploit locality) can give sparse matrix problem • Excited state calculations • Transport Calculations (conductivity) (dynamical properties)

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