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Learn how to compare Java objects using equals and compareTo methods. Understand the importance of proper Object equals method overriding, Comparable interface, and polymorphic calls in ArrayList and Arrays. Dive into Sequential Search, Binary Search, and Sorting algorithms with examples and implementations.
Comparing Objects in Java • boolean result = obj1.equals(obj2); • int diff = obj1.compareTo(obj2); • int diff = c.compare(obj1, obj2);
obj1.equals(obj2) (cont’d) • equals is called polymorphically from library methods, such as ArrayList’scontains or indexOf that is why we have to properly override Object’s equals. • The equals method is properly defined in String, Integer, Double, etc.
obj1.compareTo(obj2) • compareTo is an abstract method defined in the java.util.Comparable<T> interface: • Returns a positive integer if obj1 is “greater than” obj2, a negative integer if obj1 is “less than” obj2, zero if they are “equal.” public int compareTo (T other); T is the type parameter Sort of like obj1 - obj2
obj1.compareTo(obj2) (cont’d) • compareTo is called polymorphically from library methods, such as Arrays.binarySearch(Object[ ] arr). • Objects of classes that implement Comparable are called “comparable” (pronounced com-'parable). • Strings, Integers, Doubles are comparable.
obj1.compareTo(obj2) (cont’d) «interface» Comparable<String> «interface» Comparable<Integer> «interface» Comparable<Double> String Integer Double compareTo is based on lexicographical order compareTo is based on numerical values
Eve Guy Fay Cal Dan Amy Ben 1 6 0 4 2 5 3 Amy? Amy? Amy? Amy! Amy? Amy? Sequential Search • Scans the list comparing the target value to each element.
Sequential Search (cont’d) public int sequentialSearch(Object [ ] arr, Object target) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length ; i++) { if (target.equals(arr [i])) return i; } return -1; } For primitive data types it is if (value == arr [ i ])
Sequential Search (cont’d) • The average number of comparisons (assuming the target value is equal to one of the elements of the array, randomly chosen) is about n / 2 (where n = arr.length). • Worst case: n comparisons. • Also n comparisons are needed to establish that the target value is not in the array. • We say that this is an O(n) (order of n) algorithm.
Binary Search • The elements of the list must be arranged in ascending (or descending) order. • The target value is always compared with the middle element of the remaining search range. • We must have random access to the elements of the list (an array or ArrayList are OK).
Eve! Eve? Eve? Cal Guy Dan Ben Fay Eve Amy Fay Dan Cal Amy Ben Guy Ben Guy Amy Eve Dan Fay Eve Cal 3 4 1 2 0 6 6 1 0 4 0 3 2 3 6 5 1 4 5 2 5 Binary Search (cont’d)
Binary Search (cont’d) • Recursive implementation: public int binarySearch (int [ ] arr, int value, int left, int right) { if (right < left) return -1; // Not found int middle = (left + right) / 2; if (value == arr [middle] ) return middle; else if (value < arr[middle]) return binarySearch (arr, value, left, middle - 1); else // if ( value > arr[middle]) return binarySearch (arr, value, middle + 1, right); }
Binary Search (cont’d) • Iterative implementation: public int binarySearch (int [ ] arr, int value, int left, int right) { while (left <= right) { int middle = (left + right) / 2; if ( value == arr [middle] ) return middle; else if ( value < arr[middle] ) right = middle - 1; else // if ( value > arr[middle] ) left = middle + 1; } return -1; // Not found }
Binary Search (cont’d) • A “divide and conquer” algorithm. • Works very fast: only 20 comparisons are needed for an array of 1,000,000 elements; (30 comparisons can handle 1,000,000,000 elements; etc.). • We say that this is an O(log n) algorithm.
Sorting • To sort means to rearrange the elements of a list in ascending or descending order. • Examples of sorting applications: • a directory of files sorted by name or date • bank checks sorted by account # • addresses in a mailing list sorted by zip code • hits found by a search engine sorted by relevance • credit card transactions sorted by date
Sorting (cont’d) • The algorithms discussed here are based on “honest” comparison of values stored in an array. No tricks. • How fast can we sort an array of n elements? • If we compare each element to each other we need n(n-1) / 2 comparisons (that is, n2 by the “order of magnitude.”) • Faster “divide and conquer” sorting algorithms need approximately n·log2n comparisons (much better).
Sorting (cont’d) Time n2 n log2n n n 10 100 1000 n2 100 10,000 1,000,000 n log2n 35 700 10,000
Selection Sort 1. Select the max among the first n elements: 2. Swap it with the n-th element : 3. Decrement n by 1 and repeat from Step 1 (while n > 1) 1 13 8 5 2 1 3 n 1 3 8 5 2 1 13 n 1 3 8 5 2 1 13 n
Selection Sort (cont’d) • Iterative implementation: public void selectionSort (double [ ] arr, int n) { while (n > 1) { int maxPos = 0; for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) if (arr [k] > arr [maxPos] ) maxPos = k; double temp = arr [maxPos]; arr [maxPos] = arr [n-1]; arr [n-1] = temp; n--; } } swap a[maxPos] and a[n-1]
Selection Sort (cont’d) • The total number of comparisons is always (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1 = n(n-1) / 2 • No average, best, or worst case — always the same. • An O(n2) algorithm.
Insertion Sort 1. k = 1; keep the first k elements in order. 2. Take the (k+1)-th element and insert among the first k in the right place. 3. Increment k by 1; repeat from Step 2 (while k < n) 2 13 1 3 1 8 5 k 1 2 3 5 13 1 8 k
Insertion Sort (cont’d) • Iterative implementation: public void insertionSort (double [ ] arr, int n) { for (int k = 1 ; k < n; k++) { double temp = arr [ k ]; int i = k; while (i > 0 && arr [i-1] > temp) { arr [i] = arr [i - 1]; i --; } arr [i] = temp; } } shift to the right
Insertion Sort (cont’d) • The average number of comparisons is roughly half of the number in Selection Sort. • The best case is when the array is already sorted: takes only (n-1) comparisons. • The worst case is n(n-1) / 2 when the array is sorted in reverse order. • On average, an O(n2) algorithm.
Mergesort 1. Split the array into two roughly equal “halves.” 2. Sort (recursively) each half using... Mergesort. 3. Merge the two sorted halves together. 5 1 3 2 4 7 6 1 3 5 2 4 6 7 1 3 5 1 2 3 2 4 6 7 The smaller value goes first
Mergesort (cont’d) public void mergesort (double[ ] arr, int from, int to) { if (from <= to) return; int middle = (from + to ) / 2; mergesort (arr, from, middle); mergesort (arr, middle + 1, to); if (arr [middle] > arr [middle + 1]) { copy (arr, from, to, temp) ; merge (temp, from, middle, to, arr); } } Base case Optional shortcut: “if not yet sorted”... double[ ] temp is initialized outside the mergesort method
Mergesort (cont’d) • Takes roughly n·log2n comparisons. • Without the shortcut, there is no best or worst case. • With the optional shortcut, the best case is when the array is already sorted: takes only (n-1) comparisons. • An O(n log n) algorithm.
Quicksort 1. Pick one element, called “pivot” 2. Partition the array, so that all the elements to the left of pivot are pivot; all the elements to the right of pivot are pivot. 3. Sort recursively the left and the right segments using... Quicksort. 5 1 6 2 4 7 3 4 1 3 2 5 7 6
Quicksort (cont’d) • Takes roughly n·log2n comparisons. • May get slow if pivot consistently fails to split the array into approximately equal halves. • An O(n log n) algorithm.
The Benchmarks program Enter the array size Choose the sorting algorithm Running time in milliseconds
java.util.Random • Benchmarks uses the java.util.Random class — a more controlled way to generate random numbers. • Constructors: • If we set the same seed, we get the same “random” sequence. the seed is different each time Random generator1 = new Random( ); Random generator2 = new Random(seed); long seed;
java.util.Random (cont’d) • Methods: int k = generator.nextInt (n); double x = generator.nextDouble ( ); 0 k < n 0 x < 1
java.util.Arrays • Provides static methods for dealing with arrays. • Works for arrays of numbers, Strings, and Objects. • Methods: int pos = Arrays.binarySearch (arr, target); Arrays.sort (arr); Arrays.fill (arr, value); // fills arr with a given value String str = Arrays.toString(arr); Arrays.asList(arr); Returns a representation of arr as a fixed-length list
java.util.Collections • Provides static methods for dealing with ArrayLists and other Java collections. • Works for arrays of numbers, Strings, and Objects. • Methods: int pos = Collections.binarySearch (list, target); Collections.sort (list); Collections.shuffle (list);
Review: • What is the type of the parameter in the equals method? • How many methods are listed in the Comparable interface? • What is a comparator? • How many comparisons are needed in the worst case to find the target value among 15 values using Sequential Search? Using Binary Search?
Review (cont’d): • Describe briefly the main idea of Selection Sort. • Describe briefly the main idea of Insertion Sort. • Is it easier to implement Mergesort recursively or iteratively? • What is the average number of comparisons in Mergesort? • Name a few methods of the java.util.Arrays class.