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Capital Punishment. Social Issues. History, controversy, and present-day uses. Brought to you by; Wade Wiltfong. Capital Punishment- punishment by death for a crime; death penalty. History. #1.
Capital Punishment Social Issues History, controversy, and present-day uses Brought to you by; Wade Wiltfong
Capital Punishment- punishment by death for a crime; death penalty. History #1 -) From/ Capital Punishment: A Century of Discontinuous Debate- (Carol S. Steiker & Jordan M. Steiker) • 1909- The U.S. Supreme held it’s first Big criminal trial under its’ original jurisdiction. (First recorded legal death penalty ordered in a court of law.) • Since then the argument has arose and maintained its’ status of the morality and wisdom of the death penalty.
Capital Punishment- punishment by death for a crime; death penalty. – Contreversy #2 • One of the biggest arguments due to capital punishment was that the amount of time in prison would be more of a punishment than the easy way out of killing the criminal. • A way that some death penalties are carried out is injection – A physician must be present for this task to be carried out which is against a oath they take prior to certification: “I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.” • “I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.” • The religious aspect is also quite a big deal as well, since murder is wrong in the Bible, even if the victim of murder has murdered.
Capital Punishment- punishment by death for a crime; death penalty. Present-day use #3 • There is still arguments of the usage today _The same continuance is sustained though. They may not be hung by a rope, but put in the electric chair or given a shot to tranquilize indefinably is just abut the same if not worse. • The criminal system may be better today, but there is still a dispute of rather or not the evidence against the criminal is enough to prove the true guilt of murder or treason. • Still today there are people being released from prison because of new science that provides a more effective way to know rather the prisoner is guilty or not.
History #1 • Various methods of capital punishment have been used in the U.S.: Hanging, Firing Squad, Electrocution, and Lethal Gas. • The year 1977 marks the first dated use of lethal Injection- Jay Chapman, MD Creator/ 3- drug protocol- One dose procedure= Act one- induce unconscious Act two- paralyze Act three= Stop heart… Legal Briefs/ An Ethical Dilemma for the Anesthesia Provider- Kevin W. Johnson, CRNA, MHS
# 2 Controversy • The controversy due to lethal injection is that non_ or ill_ Trained administrators of the task were permitted to do it. • The procedure was thought to be humane for a long while, but out of a recorded study since the 70’s there has been 1000 lethal injections and 40 out of them were performed in a inhumane manner. • The lack of care administered was a cause for many horrible compilations, ergo pain and suffering. Legal Briefs/ An Ethical Dilemma for the Anesthesia Provider- Kevin W. Johnson, CRNA, MHS
Present-day use #3 • As a result of error during the lethal injection process the law turned to the medical field, but this was a huge problem for the medical personnel because of the Hippocratic oath. • The medical professionals take care of the problem, but the resolution is still in the air. Legal Briefs/ An Ethical Dilemma for the Anesthesia Provider- Kevin W. Johnson, CRNA, MHS
History #1 Criminology- Legal Disparities In the Capital of Capital Punishment • In the 1990’s the case of bias and prejudice was at large. Lawyers who had power got there clients off more easily than those who didn't. • Defendants who hired council for the whole case were less likely to receive the death penalty, but those with the unfortunate flaw of a partial time lawyer for the case had a better chance of being sentenced to death./ due to statistics through out cases.
#2 Controversy Criminology- Legal Disparities In the Capital of Capital Punishment • Death Penalty cases are said to be subject to exemption by wealth. The defendants with wealthy funds are said at a controversial stance to be exempt from the death penalty because they can afford to buy lawyers who have a better chance to get them off the hook.
Present-day use #3 Criminology- Legal Disparities In the Capital of Capital Punishment • Today the usage of high dollar lawyers is extremelyrelevant because in a continuance study the lawyers with the most skill are more able to win the outcome’s upper hand. • The two main premises are • - Defendants who can hire council are less likely to be sentenced to death; and • - Only wealthy can afford to hire council. • However the people who can’t afford council may have an advantage because the lenience may be higher or the status of not being able to afford may lower the chances of a judge or jury to decide guilty for the reason of destitution.
History #1 Report to the ALI concerning capital punishment- • Due to rising controversy many states revised the capital punishments status • Each year the government reviews the cases dealing with capital punishment to maintain the effectiveness of the revised status codes.
Controversy #2 Report to the ALI concerning capital punishment- • The controversy role was limited and reduced due to such cases, but it still exist. • The government tracks the cases and “filters” out what they think is unimportant. • There is different values in each state though, so controversy varies.- The way the use the death penalty in one state may not be at all like another; this too creates controversy because of the continuous debate between state governments on the issue.
Present-day #3 Report to the ALI concerning capital punishment- • The world today is trying to completely remove the death penalty systems. • The problem is that the different states can not come to an agreement. • Until then every thing remains the same.
History #1 God Imagery and the opposition to capital punishment. • The history of religious revolt to capital punishment` is vast and still at large • Catholics mostly agreed to then law since they had there own death penalty for major sins • Other religious groups however didn't feel man had a right to do so just because the person may or may not have been guilty of treason or murder. • They felt as if the government was taking action that only God had the right to do
#2 controversy God Imagery and the opposition to capital punishment. • The biggest controversial struggle was that of hypocrisy • Some religions believed in the death penalty as long as it was administrated by holy personnel was permitted • Other religions were alright with the death penalty as long as it was humanely done. • The oppose religions did much to stop the task from being carried out, like: Rally at trials, boycott at the place where the death penalty was pursued, and argued the issues in church and through the media.
Present-Day #3 God Imagery and the opposition to capital punishment. • Today religious culture has grown use to the act, but still doesn’t approve • There are still boycotts, but they are minimized by the police, security, etc… • There are organized religious groups who help protect those that have a possible conviction rate. • They have lawyers to eliminate the case of unskilled court appointed lawyers that are likely to have very little success with the trial.
History #1 Conflict of Duty Physicians are routinely involved with capital punishment in both medical and non-medical capacities. In the beginning the Health Care workers didn’t see a problem with doing the procedures; in fact it was one of them who discovered the lethal injection drug.
Controversy #2 Conflict of Duty The controversy didn’t really begin until few there was a accumulative amount of cases the started the physicians effort to enforce the Oaths of Health Care. The decision to challenge the death penalty didn’t arise until several years later though. “Baby steps is the key to getting bigger”
#3 Present-Day Conflict of Duty Today there is a high percentage of anesthesia's who refuse to help with the Injections. This is the cause of errors in the procedures. The tide still get larger between physicians who agree and those who don’t.
Citation Scheme steiker, Carol S., Jordon M. "capital punishment: a century of discontinuous debate." crimes and punishments 101.3 (2010): n.pag. Kentucky Virtual Library. Web. 1 Dec 2011. Johnson, Kevin W. "The medical-legal quandary of health care in capital punishment: an ethical dilemma for the anesthesia provider." Legal Briefs 76.6 Dec, 2008. n.pag. Kentucky Virtual Library. Web. 1 Dec 2011. Levy, Christopher J. "capital punishment regulations and AMA medical ethics." conflict of duty (2005): n.pag. Kentucky Virtual Library. Web. 1 Dec 2011 Phillips, Scott. "Legal disparities in the capital of capital punishment." criminology 99.3 (2009): n.pag. Kentucky Virtual Library. Web. 1 Dec 2011. steiker, Carol S., Jordon M. "Report to the ALI Concerning capital punishment." n.pag. Kentucky Virtual Library. Web. 1 Dec 2011. Unnever, Bartkowswki, Cullen, James D., John P., Francis T. "God Imagery and the opposition to Capital Punishment." 71.3 (2010): n.pag. Kentucky Virtual Library. Web. 1 Dec 2011.
Reflections • There are many different social problems dealing with capital punishment and the cause vary wide from: Heath Care task, Religion, Personal reasons, to Economic, and Government issues.The research was easy considering the vast amount of information involved. The is a lot of social issues in the world, but this varies among the oldest of them; I guess that’s why I chose this one. “Capital Punishment; the penalty FOR LIFE”