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Hinge questions. Differentiation by processes used. Presentation Language Activities Questions Teaching methods Thinking processes. It’s about varying your RESOURCESand approach to activities. “What the learner does is more important than what the teacher does” Geoff Petty.
Differentiation by processes used • Presentation • Language • Activities • Questions • Teaching methods • Thinking processes It’s about varying your RESOURCESand approach to activities
“What the learner does is more important than what the teacher does” Geoff Petty The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist’ Maria Montessori • What are differentiated resources? • They are resources that address the wide range of • Knowledge, • Ability levels, • Interests and • Learning styles • students bring to the classroom and that address different • instructional strategies.
OFSTED REPORT – June 2010 Students enjoy lessons and do particularly well where teaching is challenging and encourages them to participate actively in learning. They are very keen to learn new things but can become disengaged when lessons fail to challenge or motivate them. This was noted across a number of lessons where, for example, teachers made use of effective strategies for questioning students or encouraging them to reflect on their own learning. Where teaching was not as effective, teachers did not provide enough challenge for students of different ability and information and communication technology was not used effectively enough to support teaching and learning.
OFSTED REPORT – June 2010 • The quality of teaching is good overall across the school. In lessons observed where teaching was good or outstanding, teachers had confident subject knowledge and formed very good relationships with students. • There were clear and effective learning objectives and lessons had challenge and pace with well-managed activities. • These lessons were characterised by active and purposeful activities.
By the end of todays TLC session: All of you will be able to pinpoint how you can combine many tools to aide differentiation in your lessons Most of you will be able to incorporate at least 1 or 2 in future lessons Most of you will be able to reduce planning & preparation time by using many new or old amendable templates Some of you will be able to highlight where and how they could use more than 2 of the differentiation strategies and resources from today’s session EasydifferentiationToolkit • Difficult • Quite difficult • Easiest
Differentiation of starters • Expect pupils to articulate rules or patterns to clarify understanding orally or in writing or in a few sentences on MWB’s • Have tasks or examples that require higher-order thinking skills. • Use differentiated or open-ended questioning. • Make a statement and ask for it to be justified. • Exploit the power of the follow-up question: ‘What makes you think that?’ • Have a range of tasks based on the same text or focus. • Ask abler pupils to articulate the skills involved in completing particular tasks.
Differentiate your starter: • Use as a pre-emptive tool towards a new topic • Get the pupils to find out the terminology needed before teaching a new topic • Re-use it later as a revision tool • Homework tool
Habla: en parejasmenciona los trabajos en español(In pairs name as many jobs in Spanish you can think of) Un médico A doctor Una azafata A… Success Criteria: Name as many jobs as you can in Spanish between you in 1 minute Name new ones you found or more obscure vocab Rally Robin
Green = 1 point, Orange = 2 points, Red = 3 points Las noticias Las telenovelas Los documentales Las series Los programas policiácos Los concursos Los culebrones Las series dramáticas Las películas Los programas culturales Las comedías Los programas de ciencia ficción
STEP 1: AfL Traffic Light templates • Simply type in your own objectives/ sentences • Benefits: • Instant differentiation by objective/ task/ outcome • Perfect AfL practice in your lesson • Dyslexia friendly backgrounds • Creates a challenge and sense of aiming higher • Can be used as a starter/ MWB activity/ hinge question background/ plenary
Whole class differentiation • Use differentiated questions. • Differentiate expectations/ objectives. (Colour code) • Prepare questions targeted on particular pupils that reflect their needs and personalities. • Prime able pupils for contributions that extend the experience of all. • Pitch texts just above the independent reading level of the class. • Avoid over-exposure of able pupils. • Involve pupils in modelling if appropriate. (Washing lines – MWB’s) • Ask able pupils to articulate explanations and principles. • Make it possible for able pupils to enter tasks at a higher point. (Hinge Questions) • Model problem-solving at different levels.
Challenging Interesting Fun The teacher is Kind Useful Practical I do well in I get good marks in I am passionate about I am crazy about I enjoy I love Me encanta el español porque es desafiante y divertida
Elige la respuesta corecta(choose the correct answer) 1. ¿Cómo se dice: ‘I live in a house in the countryside’? Vivo en un piso en la ciudad Vivo en una casa en el campo Vivo en un chalet en el norte de la ciudad Vivimos en una casa en las montañas 2. ¿Cómo se dice: ‘he lives in an old block of flats in the centre’? Vive en (un piso en) un bloque antiguo en las afueras Vivo en (un piso en) un bloque moderno en el centro de la ciudad Vive en (un piso en) un bloque antiguo en el centro Viven en un chalet en las montañas
Mirad (look) Tengo un hamster. Aim higher: Say what colour / how old/ what it’s name is Or what pet you would like?
Write! Escribid
Verificad (check) Tengo un hamster.
Differentiation of groups • Types of group make-up • Ability group (according to the subject, the aspect of the subject, the topic, the kind of task…) • Mixed ability group • Gender group • Mixed gender group • Friendship group • Expert group • Age group
Differentiation of groups • Grouping in two strands: • Collaborative vs. Co-operative Group Work • Although these terms are often used interchangeably, a helpful distinction can be made: • Collaborative Work - work shared by two or more pupils whose design, planning and / or materials etc. are left to the group to decide. • Co-operative Work - work shared by two or more pupils where the task and / or resources etc. and possibly the children's roles are specified by the teacher.
Differentiation of groups • Issues to consider: • Why are the children grouped in a particular way? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of grouping in different ways according to gender, ability etc? • How do you plan to divide your time between different groups? • Are the groups fixed / dynamic? • Are the planned groups working effectively? • Is the grouping appropriate to the learning intention? • Is the grouping appropriate to the activity? • How do you prepare for, and manage group work? • How do you give the class a clear rationale for why you have decided that working in groups is an appropriate way to do the task and for the selection of group members? • How do you know if the groups are working effectively?
Discuss the Ground Rules for discussion and respect in your groups. • As a team check that the words you used to categorise each group of individuals are acceptable and understandable • Also decide on 5 Ground rulesthat are necessary in order to create fair discussion. • Next, plan Who is going to take which role when planning the role for the new character in your soap! • Chief Producer: highlights task and keeps it orderly • Team Leader (final decision maker!!) • Scribe • Note taker? • Ideas people (x2) This also helps differentiate in Learning Style (VAK)
Habla: en parejas give your opinion on school subjects(Talk about your school subjects and the other person takes notes) Mixed Pair Share ¿Cual es tu asignatura preferida y por qué? Por un lado me gusta el español porque es… ¿Y tú? Pues… Success Criteria: Mention as many subjects as you can Give more than one opinion Say what the teacher is like Say what you like and don’t like
Habla: En parejas: (In pairs answer the following questions) Timed pair share ¿Dónde vives exactemente? Vivo en Leeds en el norte…* ¿Cómo es tu casa? En mi casa hay/ tiene… 5 minutes to cover all success criteria: *say where (north, south.., what type of house, where exactly is it?) *mention what there is on different floors of the house.. Abajo hay…
Differentiating the Plenary • List 3 things you learnt today • Draw a spider diagram showing what you have learnt today • Students put questions on post-it notes at lesson start after aims/objectives have been shared by teacher (good base-line exercise) • Miniwhiteboards –answer question from lesson aim • Write definitions for 3 new terms learned today • Show extract from anonymous student’s work – class identify 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses • True or false? Relevant or irrelevant? Alike or different? Fact/opinion? • Hinge questions • Draw a timeline or chart showing cause and effect, sequence, chronological order
Differentiating BEYOND the classroom • Homework tasks • On the internet: Stixy.com/ answergarden.ch/ Realsmart Cloud • Youtube • Wikispaces • Blogs • Create the next starter for a new topic • More able children are given a homework to read something to feed back and teach the lesson (Co-Construction) • Build a prezi highlighting the main points of a new topic/ revision topic
Busca y corrige el error Find and correct the error(s) No me gusta el español porque la divertido No me gusta el español porque es divertido Odio la geografía porque el proffesora es estricto Odio la geografía porque el profesor es estricto No me gusta la informatica porque es abburida No me gusta la informática porque es aburrida Me encantan las ciencias las ciencias porque es divertida Me encantan las ciencias porque son divertidas Me gusta absoluto el inglés porque el profesor son simpático Me gusta mucho el inglés porque el profesor es simpático AFL Difícil ~ Difficult Bastante difícil ~ average (quite difficult) Fácil ~ easy
Traduce las frases siguientes I am passionate about history because the classes are interesting Me apasiona la historía porque las clases son interesantes I do well in Spanish because I go abroad a lot Se me da bien el español porque voy al extranjero mucho I get good marks in Sciences because they are practical and useful Saco buenas notas en las ciencias porque son prácticas y útiles I am very weak at ICT because it is challenging and I don’t really understand the teacher Estoy muy flojo/a en la informática porque es desafiante y no entiendo bien al profesor Maths enrages me because it is boring and the teacher is unkind and strict Me dan rabia las matemáticas porque son aburridas y el profesor es desagradable y estricto *GCSE Difícl ~ Difficult (A/A*) Bastante difícil ~ quite difficult (B) Fácil ~ easy (C)
The Olympic Games • Dave: Quick History of the games (Group Activity – Coaching – Co-construction with students – use of youtube via kid explaining the history as pre-knowledge?) • Adam: Metres per race ran or activity thrown (Hinge questions) • Robin: Anthems of the Olympics (Kagan Structure) time pair share • Mich: Greetings of each country (MWB’s) • Alison: Countries the Olympics have been in most to least? (Kinaesthetic game on wksheet/ preferably PP or prezi) • Brigitte: Spelling of game names???/ definition of game names?/ (Answergarden) • Mark: Real Smart outlining the Olympic Games as a homework activity (Out of school differentiation) • Kevin: AfL objectives • Dan/ Rob: Names of games – Prezi and explain in groups what each game is/ technique/ equipment used and feed back (Pair share/ Kagan)
How you use one or more of the various tools in the presentation to differentiate for your students? • What resources/ ideas you have used in your lessons to ‘Differentiate for Engagement’ and could make available for AND explain to others? • Would you be happy explaining how a resource to differentiate was used in a subject which is not your main discipline? • Ideas on delivering a 45 minute session to your TLC community in the form of a lesson using differentiated resources in the presentation or from your own ideas • Do you feel this would be better done using a universal/ generic topic for all staff (eg Global warming)? And if so any suggestion as to which topic are welcomed (Christmas/ The Olympics??)