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Status Report of MFI-2 ISO/IEC 19763-2

Update on MFI-2 progress, documentation, proof of concept, registry discussions, model constraints, association definitions, and solution completeness. Focus on registering artifacts, metadata, ontology mapping, and sign-concept structure.

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Status Report of MFI-2 ISO/IEC 19763-2

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  1. WG2 N1281 Status Report of MFI-2 ISO/IEC 19763-2 SC32/WG2 Jeju, Korea 25/06/09 Masaharu Obayashi

  2. Update of MFI-2 • FCD3 ballot close: 10 July 2009 • Documents • 32N1848T-text-for-ballot-FCD3-19763-2 • 32N1849-disp_of_comments-FCD2_19763-2 • Proof of Concept • ROR registry • Vehicle registry • CCL registry • Medical registry

  3. Discussion Points on FCD2 • CA17: component Type for componentSet and componet • CA18: check consistency between UML diagrams and statements • CA52: path between classifier and componentSet • CA66: constraint among concept, classifier and componentSet • JP08: ModelInstances and ModelComponentSet • JP14: constraint between path selection-sign-concept and selection-componentSet-concept • B287: CA17 • B288: JP08 • B289: JP09 • B290: definition of Association and AssociationEnd • B291: ModelConstruct • B292: JP10: name of DomainProfile • B293: redundant data, modeltype, etc. • B294: various expression for instance xxx • BP01: Unable to fit Model Component examples into schema • BP02: Unable to reconstruct from inputted data • BP03: Unable to reuse – granularity at lowest level not reusable • BP04: Absence of model semantics rule check on inputted data • IDEF1X & IDEF0 – an entity can be matched without constraint with a UML class for a given association---action NOT permitted across 2 semantic model sets • IDEF1X can be shared in IDEF0 across 2 model semantics – permitted action this info is missing in model • BP05: Incomplete solution

  4. Meaning of Meaning [Ogden, Richards, 1923: enhanced by Obayashi ] Concept Sign evokes (expressed by (evoking metamodels in Concepts) domain) refers to stands for conceptualization Instances (of the model associated by the metamodels ) (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  5. Feature of MFI Core (1) • Modeling Artifacts to be registered • Metamodel, Model, Value sets, Vocabulary, Template, Pattern etc. • UML (domain) profile including metamodel and model • Artifacts based on OMG ODM (Part3) • Artifacts based on MOFQVT (Part4) • The other such as document, spreadsheet, XML schema etc. • Classification for components • From viewpoint of “Sign-Concept-Instances” (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  6. Feature of MFI Core (2) • Basic Metadata • Administered Item (from ISO/IEC 11179 MDR) • Selection of instance sets for a particular purpose usage • Assembly (Composition) of registered components • Plug and Play with selection • Core Framework for registering Ontology and Model Mapping (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  7. Framework of Registering (Key Idea) • Sign-Concept-Instances • Sign • designating a concept (named element) in a namespace. • namespace is a collection of signs • Concept • designated by a sign. • specified by domain knowledge. • classified by a classifier • Instances (Component Set) • a set of instances of Concept expressed by a sign. • Selection • Specific set of component for particular usage • referents designated by a sign. (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  8. sign concept classifier evoked “Vehicle” domain Class Vehicle referesTo componentSet selection “Car” Component “Bus” Component “Truck” Component “Bicycle” Component “Ambulance” Component “Trailer” Component “Auto cycle” Component Simple Example (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  9. sign concept classifier evoked “Vehicle” domain Class Vehicle referesTo componentSet selection “Car” Component “Bus” Component “Truck” Component Selected “Bus” Selected “Truck” “Bicycle” Component “Ambulance” Component “Trailer” Component “Auto cycle” Component Simple Example (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  10. sign concept classifier evoked “Vehicle” domain Class Vehicle referesTo componentSet selection “Car” Component “Bus” Component “Truck” Component Selected “Vehicle Model” “Bicycle” Component “Ambulance” Component Selected “Truck Model” “Trailer” Component “Auto cycle” Component Simple Example (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  11. Registration Framework using MFI (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  12. (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  13. Concept World Terminology Domain Profile Domain Vocabulary Metamodel Code system use …. …. Realm Profile Code Code system Model Realm Profile …. Code Model …. Code Model use Code Model …. …. use use …. Instance Instance …. Instance Concept Instance Affinity Domain Affinity Domain (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  14. Overview of Metamodel Framework (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  15. MFI-2 Packages (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  16. MFI Core Metamodel (overview) (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  17. MFI Core Metamodel (1) Registry Structure (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  18. MFI Core Metamodel (2) RegisteredTarget Structure (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  19. Revised MFI Core Metamodel MFI-2 Packages

  20. RegisteredTarget Structure (1) Revised MFI Core Metamodel

  21. RegisteredTarget Structure (2) Revised MFI Core Metamodel

  22. Registry Structure Revised MFI Core Metamodel

  23. Relation Revised MFI Core Metamodel

  24. No. Administered Item IRDI (International Registration Data Identifier) Naming Convention for IRDI DI-1 DI-2 DI-3 Postfix1 Postfix2 1 ModelSign sign concept domain rai version 2 ModelConcept concept domain rai version 3 ModelComponentSet componentset concept rai version 4 ModelSelection selection sign componentset rai version 5 ModelDomainProfile domain rai version 6 ModelComponent component rai version RAI: registration authority identifier (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  25. Metamodel Example Vehicle Model Package Vehicle Body Platform Steering wheel Tire Engine (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  26. Metamodel Example(1) Vehicle Model Package Platform Vehicle Body Steering wheel Tire Engine Truck Model Package Platform Tire Trailer Truck Body Platform Steering wheel Tire Engine Trailer Truck Product (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  27. Metamodel Example (2) Engine Model Package Engine Cylinder Power transmission Fuel Gear Axis V2 Engine Model Package Gear Power transmission Cylinder1 V2 Engine Cylinder2 Gear Axis V2 Engine Product (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  28. MFI Registry Overview Administered Item DB Component ComponentSet Domain Profile Concept Sign Selection Import ebXMLrr (Omar) Public Excel(CSV) Draft Export MFI-adaptor Transformation LevelPair Rule MFI Editor MFI Browser API ebRIM3.0./ ebRS3.0 MindMap Submit Validate Search Edit Client Program Register Stewardship User RA Organization (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  29. MFI Registry Administration Submission Import Export Stewardship Register Language Organization RA Item-ID Administered Item Submission Edit Submit (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  30. MFI Registry Context Submission Import Export Designation Definition Language Administered Item Language-Section Context Terminological-Entry Edit Submit (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  31. MFI Registry Core/Transformation Submission Import Export Component Administered Item Domain Profile Component Set Concept Sign LevelPair Rule Selection Transformation Edit Submit (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  32. MFI Registry (1/6) mComponent1 ISO mComponent2 mComponent3 US Auto mComponent4 JP Auto mComponent5 GM mComponent6 mComponent7 Ford mComponent8 Toyota mComponent9 Honda mComponent10 Administration Information mComponent11 Registry Object Items (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  33. No. Instance Name (component/rai/version) Note 1 mComponent1 Vehicle Model Package/ISO/V1.0 Vehicle,Body,Platform, etc. 2 mComponent2 Truck Model Package1/ISO/V2.1 3 mComponent3 Engine Model Package/ISO/V1.0 4 mComponent4 Truck Model Package2/US Auto/V1.0 5 mComponent5 Truck Model Package3/JP Auto/V2.0 6 mComponent6 V2 Engine Model Package1/US Auto/V1.0 7 mComponent7 V2 Engine Model Package2/ JP Auto/V2.0 8 mComponent8 Trailer Truck Product1/GM/V3.0 9 mComponent9 Trailer Truck Product2/Ford/V2.0 10 mComponent10 V2 Engine Product1/Toyota/V3.0 11 mComponent11 V2 Engine Product2/Honda/V2.0 mComponent1: Vehicle Model Package/ISO/V1.0 The “mComponent1” is a Model Component named “Vehicle Model Package”. This instance is registered by Registry Authority “ISO“ and Version V1.0. It has Model Classifiers including “Vehicle”, “Body”, “Platform”, “Steering wheel”, “Tire” and “Engine”. (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  34. MFI Registry (2/6) mComponent1 ISO mDomainProfile1 mComponent2 UN mComponent3 mDomainProfile2 US Auto mComponent4 JP Auto mDomainProfile3 mComponent5 GM mComponent6 mDomainProfile4 mComponent7 Ford mComponent8 Toyota mDomainProfile5 mComponent9 Honda mComponent10 Administration Information mComponent11 Registry Object Items (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  35. No. Instance Name (domain/rai/version) Component 1 mDomainProfile1 Vehicle Profile/UN/V1.0 mComponent1, mComponent3 2 mDomainProfile2 Track Profile1/US Auto /V2.1 mComponent1, mComponent4 3 mDomainProfile3 Track Profile2/JP Auto/V1.0 mComponent1, mComponent5 4 mDomainProfile4 Engine Profile1/JP Auto.0/V2.0 mComponent1, mComponent6 5 mDomainProfile5 Engine Profile2/US Auto/V1.0 mComponent1, mComponent7 mDomainProfile1 : Vehicle Profile/UN/V1.0 The “mDomainProfile1” is a Model Domain Profile named “Vehicle Profile”. This instance is registered by Registry Authority “UN“ and Version V1.0. It consists of Model Components “Vehicle Model Package (mComponent1)” and “Engine Model Package (mComponent3)”. It is described by a Model Specification “ISO xxxxx”. It is specified by a Model By MOF “UML diagram xx” which uses Model Classifiers such as “Vehicle”, “Body”, “Platform”, “Steering wheel”, “Tire” and “Engine” (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  36. MFI Registry (3/6) mClassifier mConcept1 Vehicle Platform ISO mDomainProfile1 mConcept2 Body Steering Wheel UN mConcept3 Tire mDomainProfile2 US Auto mConcept4 Truck Trailer JP Auto mConcept5 mDomainProfile3 Engine mConcept6 GM Fuel Cylinder mDomainProfile4 mConcept7 Ford Power Transmission mConcept8 Toyota Gear Axis mDomainProfile5 mConcept9 Honda mConcept10 V2 engine mConcept11 Administration Information (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  37. No. Instance Name (concept/domain/rai/version) Classifier 1 mConcept1 Vehicle/Vehicle Profile/ISO/V1.0 Vehicle 2 mConcept2 3 mConcept3 4 mConcept4 Truck/Truck Profile1/US Auto/V1.0 Truck 5 mConcept5 Truck/Truck Profile2/JP Auto/V2.0 Truck 6 mConcept6 Engine/Engine Profile1/UN/V1.0 Engine 7 mConcept7 8 mConcept8 9 mConcept9 10 mConcept10 V2 Engine/Engine Profile2/US Auto/V3.0 V2 Engine 11 mConcept11 V2 Engine/Engine Profile3/JP Auto/V2.0 V2 Engine mConcept1: Vehicle/Vehicle Profile/ISO/V1.0 The “mConcept1” is a Model Concept named “Vehicle” which is specified by Model Domain Profile “Vehicle Profile(mDomainProfile1)”. This instance is registered by registry authority “ISO“ and Version V1.0. It is classified by a Model Classifier “Vehicle”. (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  38. MFI Registry (4/6) mClassifier mSign mConcept1 Vehicle Platform ISO mDomainProfile1 Vehicle mConcept2 Body Steering Wheel UN Truck mConcept3 Tire mDomainProfile2 Tire US Auto mConcept4 Truck Trailer Engine JP Auto mConcept5 mDomainProfile3 V2 engine Engine mConcept6 GM Fuel Cylinder mDomainProfile4 mConcept7 Ford 車 Power Transmission mConcept8 トラック Toyota Gear Axis mDomainProfile5 タイヤ mConcept9 Honda エンジン mConcept10 V2 engine V2エンジン mConcept11 Administration Information (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  39. No. Instance Name (sign/concept/domain/rai/version) Classifier 1 mSign1 Vehicle/Vehicle/Vehicle Profile/UN/V1.0 Vehicle 2 mSign2 Truck/Truck/Truck Profile1/UN/V1.0 Truck 3 mSign3 4 mSign4 Engine/Engine/Engine Profile1/UN/V1.0 Engine 5 mSign5 V2 engine/V2 Engine/Engine Profile1/UN/V1.0 V2 Engine 6 mSign6 7 mSign7 車/Vehicle/Vehicle Profile/UN/V1.0 Vehicle 8 mSign8 トラック/Truck/Truck Profile2/UN/V1.0 Truck 9 mSign9 10 mSign10 エンジン/Engine/Engine Profile2/UN/V1.0 Engine 11 mSign11 V2エンジン/V2 Engine/Engine Profile2/UN/V1.0 V2 Engine mSign1: Vehicle/Vehicle/Vehicle Profile/UN/V1.0 The “mSign1” is a Model Sign named “Vehicle” which designates a Model Concept “Vehicle(mConcept1)” specified by a Model Domain Profile “Vehicle Profile(mDomainProfile1)”. This instance is registered by Registry Authority “UN“ and Version V1.0. It is classified by a Model Classifier “Vehicle”. (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  40. MFI Registry (5/6) Vehicle Model Package Platform Vehicle Body Steering wheel Tire Engine Truck Model Package2 Platform Tire Trailer Truck Body Platform Steering wheel Tire Engine mDomainProfile1 ISO Vehicle UN mClassifier mConcept1 mSign1 US Auto JP Auto AbstractSyntax-Expression mComponent12 GM Ford mComponent4 mSelection1 mComponentSet1 Toyota Honda pattern MFI Registry Information Administration Information (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi Registry Object Items

  41. No. Instance Name (componentset/concept/rai/version) type 1 mComponentSet1 VehicleSet1/Vehicle/Ford/V2.0 A-E, PAT 2 mComponentSet2 Name (selection/sign/componentset/rai/version) 3 mSelection1 Auto permitted in USA/Vehicle/VehicleSet1/US Auto/V1.0 4 mSelection2 The “mComponentSet1” is a Model Component Set named “Vehicle Set1” which is conceptualized by a Model Concept “Vehicle (mConcept1)” with a Conceptualization type “Abstract Syntax – Expression”. This instance is registered by Registry Authority “Honda“ and Version V2.0. It has Model Components “Truck Model Package2(mComponent4)” and “Wagon Model Package(mComponent12)” as a Pattern. The “mSelection1” is a Model Selection named “Auto permitted in USA” which is expressed by a Model Sign “Vehicle(mSign1)” and selects a Model Component Set “Vehicle Set1(mComponentSet1)” . This instance is registered by Registry Authority “US Auto“ and Version V1.0. (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  42. MFI Registry (6/6) Truck Model Package Platform Tire Trailer Truck Body Platform Steering wheel Tire Engine Trailer Truck Product mDomainProfile2 ISO トラック UN mClassifier US Auto mSign8 mConcept4 JP Auto Type-instance GM mComponent8 Ford mComponentSet2 mComponent9 mSelection2 Toyota Honda Product TOKYO MFI Registry Information Administration Information Registry Object Items (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  43. No. Instance Name (componentset/concept/rai/version) type 1 mComponentSet1 2 mComponentSet2 TruckSet1/Truck/JP Auto/V2.0 T-I, Product Name (selection/sign/componentset/rai/version) 3 mSelection1 4 mSelection2 Truck permitted in Tokyo/トラック/TruckSet1/TOKYO/V1.0 The “mComponentSet2” is a Model Component Set named “TruckSet1” which is conceptualized by a Model Concept “Truck (mConcept1)” with a Conceptualization type “ Type-Instance”. This instance is registered by Registry Authority “JP Auto“ and Version V2.0. It has Model Components “Trailer Truck Product1(mComponent8)” and “Trailer Truck Product2(mComponent9)” as a Product. The “mSelection1” is a Model Selection named “Truck permitted in Tokyo” which is expressed by a Model Sign “トラック(mSign9)” and selects a Model Component Set “TruckSet1(mConponentSet2)” . This instance is registered by Registry Authority “Tokyo Gov“ and Version V1.0. (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  44. MFI Registry Search Selection Sign Concept Domain Profile Component Set Component RA RA RA RA RA RA DI DI DI DI DI DI name name name name name name status status status status status status namespace model type alias conceptualization type sign usage type source component type title purpose Search Reset (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  45. No. No. Instance Attribute Name (selection/sign/componentset/rai/version) Value Link meta/map 1 1 condition 2 expressed by Sign 2 3 selects Component Set 3 4 administered Administered Item 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Selection Name (selection/sign/componentset/rai/version) (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  46. No. No. Instance Attribute Name (sign/concept/domain/rai/version) Value Link meta/map 1 1 namespace 2 sign 2 3 designates Concept 3 4 administered Administered Item 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sign Name (sign/concept/domain/rai/version) (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  47. No. No. Instance Attribute Name (concept/domain/rai/version) Value Link meta/map 1 1 model type 2 specified by Domain Profile 2 3 classified by Classifier 3 4 administered Administered Item 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Concept Name (concept/domain/rai/version) (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  48. No. No. Instance Attribute Name (domain/rai/version) Value Link meta/map 1 1 name 2 conformance 2 3 described by Specification 3 4 specified by Model By MOF 4 5 consist of Component 6 administered Administered Item 7 8 9 10 11 DomainProfile Name (domain/rai/version) (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  49. No. No. Instance Attribute Name (componentset/concept/rai/version) Value Link meta/map 1 1 model type 2 conceptualization type 2 3 format 3 4 conceptualized by Concept 4 5 has Component 6 administered Administered Item 7 8 9 10 11 ComponentSet Name (componentset/concept/rai/version) (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

  50. No. No. Instance Attribute Name (component/rai/version) Value Link meta/map 1 1 has Classifier 2 references Selection 2 3 administered Administered Item 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Component Name (component/rai/version) (c) 2007 Masaharu Obayashi

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