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Log in with email address and password

Log in with email and password to select book genres, authors, or specific titles. Find books based on preferences and location. Connect with other members, exchange books, and arrange swaps easily.

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Log in with email address and password

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Log in with email address and password

  2. Select a Genre from the drop-down list. . .

  3. . . . and see a list of books for that genre . . .

  4. . . . or choose an author . . .

  5. . . . and get a list of books by authors matching that name . . .

  6. . . . or look for a specific book whether you know the author or not . . .

  7. . . . and find all books containing the word or phrase

  8. You can even look for all books that suit your taste in your immediate locality – select a genre and enter your own post code . . .

  9. . . . and see a list of all the books of that genre in your neigbourhood

  10. However you get to it, pick a book and click the Submit button . . .

  11. . . . and see all the books that the owner of your chosen title has on offer: click as many as you like and Submit.

  12. The other member receives an email with your selection, your contact details and a link to the books you have on offer . . . they make a selection of your books and you receive a similar email. One of you makes contact with the other and you arrange a venue for the swap.

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