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autonomy supportive lesmateriaal (Het is nog niet zo gemakkelijk...) Rob Martens Francqui Leerstoel college 3.
autonomysupportive lesmateriaal (Het is nog niet zo gemakkelijk...) Rob Martens Francqui Leerstoel college 3
Boekaerts, M., & Martens, R. (2006). Motivated Learning: What is it and how can it be enhanced?In L. Verschaffel,.F. Dochy, M. Boekaerts, & S. Vosniadou (Eds.) Instructional psychology: Past, present and future trends. A look back and a look forward (pp. 113-130). London: Elsevier. • Boekaerts, M., Van Nuland, H. J. C., & Martens, R. L. (2010). Perspectives on motivation: What mechanisms energise students’ behaviour in the classroom. In J. Kleine Staarman, K. Littleton, & C. Wood (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Psychology (pp. 535-569). Bingley, UK: Emerald. • Gulikers, J., Bastiaens, Th., & Martens, R. (2005). The Surplus Value of an Authentic Learning Environment. Computers in Human Behaviour, 21, 509-521. • Martens R. L. (2007). Positive learning met Multimedia. Onderzoeken, toepassen & generaliseren. Oratie. Heerlen: Open Universiteit Nederland. • Martens, R. & Hooijer, J (2011). De leervitale leraar: een paradox verklaard. Onderwijsinnovatie, 1, 2011, 12-16. • Martens, R. (2008). Vrijheid en autonomie. naar een doorbraak in onderwijs. In J. van der Zwaard, S. van Oenen, & M. Huisman (Red.), Zonder wrijving geen vooruitgang (pp. 27-33). Antwerpen: Garant Uitgevers. • Martens, R. (2009). De docent als enthousiaste ontwerper van eigen digitaal leermateriaal. In A. ten Brummelhuis & M. van Amerongen (Eds.), Hier heb ik niets aan! (pp. 84-89). Zoetermeer: Stichting Kennisnet. • Martens, R. (2010). Onderwijs meer dan een competitie. Van twaalf tot achttien, september 2010, 20-21. • Martens, R. (2011). De coöperatieve Onderwijsvernieuwing. Onderwijsinnovatie, 2, 2011, 24-26. • Martens, R. (2011a). De Toekomst van het onderwijs. Onderwijsinnovatie, 4, in druk. • Martens, R. (2011b). Professionaliseren op de werkplek. Onderwijsinnovatie, 3, 11-13. • Martens, R. (2011c). Leer- en motivatietheorieën in vogelvlucht. In J. Castelijns, M. Segers, & K. Struyen (Red.). Evalueren om te leren – toetsen en beoordelen op school. (pp.19-32). Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho. • Martens, R., Gulikers. J., & Bastiaens, Th. (2004). The impact of intrinsic motivation on e-learning in authentic computer tasks. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20, 368-376. • Martens, R., & Boekaerts, M. (2007). Motiveren van studenten in het hoger onderwijs. Theorie en interventies. Hoger Onderwijs Reeks. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff. • Martens, R., Bastiaens, Th., & Kirschner, P. A. (2007). New learning design in distance education: its impact on student perception and motivation. Distance Education, 28, 81-95. • Martens, R.L. (2010). Zin in onderzoek. Docentprofessionalisering. Oratie. Heerlen: Open Universiteit Nederland. • Strijbos, J. W., Kirschner, P. A., & Martens, R. L. (Eds.). (2004). What we know about CSCL in Higher Education. Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer Academic Publishers. • Van Nuland, H. J. C., Taris, T. W., Boekaerts, M., & Martens, R. L. (in press). Testing the hierarchical SDT model: The case of performance oriented classrooms. European Journal of Psychology of Education, accepted for publication. • Van Nuland, H.; Dusseldorp, E.; Martens, R. Boekaerts, M. (2010). Exploring the motivation jungle: Predicting performance on a novel task by investigating constructs from different motivation perspectives in tandem. International Journal of Psychology, 45, 250-259.
WEB 2.0 • Social software, tagging, • collective intelligence • prosumers, user-generated content • Cloud computing • Zeer goede bedienbaarheid zoektechnologie • Whatever, Whenever, Wherever • Volstrekt multimediaal • Mobile technology
Duidingen: • vrijheid • competentie • samenwerking • Dit is revolutionaire verandering t.o.v. ‘traditioneel’, boekgestuurd curriculum (lineair, eenrichting, gestandaardiseerd, getoetst)
sociale verbonden-heid autonomie competence Mediator: perception Omgevings-kenmerk Motivatie- processen uitkomst nieuws-gierigheid, lerend, samen-werking Omgevings-kenmerk inzet, diepgaand leren, creativiteit Omgevings-kenmerk intrinsieke motivatie Omgevings-kenmerk minder uitval, welzijn
Dus onderwijs moet anders? Beter passend bij de toekomst? Meer sociaal, meer gedifferentieerd, minder gecompartimenteerd en gefragmenteerd? school kills creativity - ken robinson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkPvSCq5ZXk&feature=related
Dus (met ICT) twee zaken combineren: • From research on the SDT (Ryan & Deci, 2000; 2002), evidence has built up that a teacher has to be autonomy supportive to fulfill the need of autonomy (Reeve, Ryan, Deci, & Jang, 2007). Also, he or she has to provide structure to fulfill the need of competence (Grolnick & Ryan, 1989; Skinner & Belmont, 1993; Tucker, Zayco, Herman, Reinke, Trujillo, Carraway, Wallack, & Ivery, 2002) to promote students’ engagement and motivation in the class (Jang, Reeve, & Deci, 2010; Taylor & Ntoumanis, 2007; Sierens, Van Steenkiste, Goossens, Soenens, & Dochy, 2009; Authors, 2012). The need for autonomy involves being self-organized and having a sense of choice about one’s behavior. The need for competence involves the experience of efficacy while completing a (learning) task (Ryan & Deci, 2000).
Denk aan docenten en/of ICT omgevingen met: • autonomy supportive • provide structure • acknowledging students’ perspective, that enhance students’ feelings of volition • recognizes the personal goals • degree of choice • providing a rationale for a task • internalize the personal relevance • empathize with and respect the learner’s perspective • avoiding the use of controlling language • make their goals and expectations clear • explicitly describe the consequences • offering help and support • adjusting teaching strategies to the level of the child
En hoe doen we dat dan??? Gorissen, Kester: ‘different conditions, namely Fixed Procedure, Learner Control and Autonomy, are expected to have an effect on the performance scores, type of motivation for the task, the experienced need fulfillment (for autonomy, relatedness and competence) and experienced cognitive load. On the basis of our manipulation, the different types of control, we found no main effects.’
Van Nuland (Eliciting classroom motivation, not a piece of cake): ‘In a field experiment we tried to influence students’ intrinsic motivation and hence their actual study behaviour by means of five different types of written motivational information, namely intrinsic why-information, extrinsic why-information, howinformation, a combination of intrinsic why- and how-information, and a combination of extrinsic why- and how-information. A control condition completed the experimental design. Results showed no effects of theexperimental conditions on self-regulatory skills, intrinsic motivation, performance, and persistence. We conclude that eliciting intrinsic motivation in secondary education via motivational information is not that straightforward, and that the possibilities should be investigated further.’
Van Nuland (Eliciting classroom motivation, not a piece of cake): ‘One strategy emanated from self-determination theory to optimize motivational orientation in the classroom is to provide information about the rationale of a specific task. Three field experiments were conducted in pre-vocational (n = 734 and n = 88) and pre-university (n = 99) secondary education (age 11-17) to replicate the findings from other contexts and school levels. Questionnaires and a sentence revision task were used. Students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions (intrinsic; extrinsic; or no motivational information). Results from three MANOVA analyses showed that motivational information did not affect the girls’ motivation and performance. However, boys in pre-vocational secondary education became intrinsically motivated from extrinsic information when they worked on an unfamiliar task(experiment one). This effect was not retrieved when the boys were familiar with the task (experiment two) and for boys within a pre-university context. Consequences of these surprising results are discussed.’
Het is dus nog niet zo eenvoudig….(maar het kan wel) Anne-Marieke van Loon Anje Ros