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“ Dynamics of stoichiometrical and metabolomical traits under climate change ”. Jordi Sardans, Albert Rivas- Ubach , Albert Gargallo-Garriga, Ifigenia Urbina, Jofre Carnicer, Marc Estiarte, Iolanda Filella, Joan Llusià, Romà Ogaya, Josep Peñuelas. Stoichiometry-metabolomic studies
“Dynamics of stoichiometrical and metabolomicaltraitsunderclimatechange” Jordi Sardans, Albert Rivas-Ubach, Albert Gargallo-Garriga, Ifigenia Urbina, Jofre Carnicer, Marc Estiarte, Iolanda Filella, Joan Llusià, Romà Ogaya, Josep Peñuelas
Stoichiometry-metabolomicstudies Usefultraitstodetct and studyplant responses toenvironmentalchange Climatechange Plant Metabolism and stoichiometryshifts Sensitivityenoughtodetectthe dynamics of plant responses Potentialimprovement of global climate and balance models Mechanisms and functionsinvolved in theorganism response Cluesto global ecosystemimpacts mainlybytheeffectsontrophic webs
Long-time fieldstudies My firststudies of Biogeochemistry in the Global EcologyUnit ClimananiGarrafSite Pradessite
Droughtimpacts N and P concentrations and contents in Mediterraenanecosystems 1. Decreases in soilenzyme and root-enzymeactivity Four general results observed in allstudies 2. Decreases of N and P stocks in abovegroundbiomass 3. Increases in total soil N and P stocks butdecreses of plant-available stocks 4. Changes in plant N:P stoichiometry Afterfouryears of drought (Mediterraneanforest) Control Runoffexclussion Runoffexclussion plus partialrainfallexclussion Sardans & Peñuelas (2007) FunctionalEcology Erica multiflora Data from Sardans & Peñuelas (2005) Soil Biology and Biochemistry Sardans et al. (2008) Global ChangeBiology Sardans and Peñuelas (2007) FunctionalEcology
Changes in N/P ratio isnot a minorquestion C/N/P ratio relatedtoseveralecosystemsprocess In freshwaterecosystems Growth rate RNA (P-rich) GrowthRateHypothesis (GR) Elser et al. (1996) N/P In terrestrialecosystems No conclussiveresults of GR at thismoment Relatedtospeciesdiversity Relatedtospeciesstyle of life Relatedtosoiltrophic web structure
But K-stocks werealsoafectedbydrought Plant biomass In soil Sardans and Peñuelas (2007) FunctionalEcology Sardans et al. (2008) Plant and Soil
Droughtchangeswhole foliar elemental composition Soil stocks and biomassconcentrations of otherseveralelements (Mo, S or Ca) hadbeenchangedbydrought Sardans et a. (2008) Biogeochemistry, Sardans et al. (2008) J. Geophys. Res. PC2 (19%) PC2 (19%) Peñuelas et al. (2008) Pol J Ecol
Climatechangeimpact in terrestrialecosystemsstoichiometry: how can weadvance? Experimental, observationals and review studies (reviews and meta-analysis) How can improvestoichiometrystudies tobe a usefultraittodetectdynamics shifts in terrestrialplantvegetation Sardans et al. (2012a) Biogeochemistry Sardans et al. (2012b) Pers Plant EcolEvolSyst Sardans and Peñuelas (2012) Plant Physiology Capture ourattention in currentstudieslimitations Whatdoweneed? 1.More elementssuch as K, butalso Mg, S or Ca amongothersshouldbeconsidered 1.Most studies have beenfocusedon N and P (N/P ratio) 2. Stoichiometricstudies of terrestrialplants have been mailnyfocusedon foliar tissues, specially in trees 2. Plantsalsoallocatenutrientstoothertissues. Weneedwhenpossible, takeintoaccountwhole plantstoichiometry 3. N/P stoichiometry of higherplantsnotonlydepends of theallocationtogrowth, severalotherfunctions can beimportantsinksfornutrients 3. Togain a global knowledgment of thefunctional causes underliestoichiometricshifts in plant responses toclimatechange
Weproposetosolvetheseconstrains and advance in theframe of climatechangeimpactsonterrestrialplantcommunities Plant functional response Makethenextreasonig Wholelplant stoichiometricalchange Changes in gene expresion 1 2 Climatechange Impactsonbioticrelationships (competition, herbivorism….) Changes in metabolism and molecular structure Change in element use 1. Ecometabolomicstudies Soil resources 2. Includeotherelementssuch as K. Studythe elemental composition and itsshifts as a whole
Webeganto use metabolomicsanalyses in ourstudies 2 Wedeveloped a methodtoconductmetabolomicanalyseswithfieldsampling Rivas-Ubachet al. (2013) Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Plantsunderdifferentclimateconditionsshifttheirmetabolism. Thecorresponding metabolomicanalysisinformsonthemolecular causes underlyingtheshifts in elemental composition and stoichiometricalratios Stoichiometry + Metabolomics Elemental Stoichiometry S Spring Season Metabolome N/P Sugars Amino acids Rivas-Ubach et al. (2012) PNAS
PreliminaryResults Metabolomicprofiling of Quercusilex. Seasonal PCA Drought: Polyphenolics (antioxidants) Potassium
Ecometabolomics : a toolforseveralecological estudies Great sensitivitytodetectplant responses No-wounded Wounded Sardans et al. (2013) Plant Biology When the plant is wounded the metabolome changes
Current ecometabolomic-stoichiometricstudies Climatechangeeffectsonthepopulations of thesouthborder of thedistribution Area of importantEuropeanforestspecies Fagussylvatica Quercusilex Pinusuncinata
Stoichiometry and Metabolismonplant-herbivorerelationship Pine processionarymoths Thaumetopoeapityocampa
Untilthismomenttheresults show thatmetabolomics can beanusefultool: 1. Togive a global view of plantfunctionsinvolved in plant responses 2.To explainthe causes of plant elemental compostion and stoichiometricalshiftsunderdrought 3. Toimprovethekowledge of themetabolicpathwaysup– and down-regulatedunderdrought. 4.Is sensitiveenoughtodetectplant molecular and elemental shiftsunderdifferentenvironmentalconditionsthrough time 5.To knowplant responses toherbivoreattack
Second: Wholeplant elemental composition 2 The role of potassium Data fromCatalanNational Forestal Inventory K contentisrelatedwith MAP Sardans et al. (2012) FunctionalEcology Speciesadaptedtodryclimate have highercapacitytoallocate more K to foliar biomassduringsummer
Haveweneglegtedthe K limiting role in terrestrialecosystems? Review of published data 75% of fieldstudies have observed thatK limitsgrowth of terrestrial plants in fieldconditions Sardans et al. (2012) Global Change Biology (in preparation)
Climatechangeeffectson global plant elemental composition Differentelementsplaysdifferentfunctional and structuralfunctions C (structure,..) N (growth, light capture, metabolismfunctioning,..) P (growth, energy transfer,…) K (watereconomy, internaltransport,…) Mg (light capture,…) Consequence of the optimum adaptation to maximize species fitness in determined abiotic and biotic circumstances, i. e. consequence of long-term genetic adaptation (Genotype) “Biogeochemicalniche” , but also of short-term capacity to respond under certain limits to life-time environmental competition shifts (Phenotype flexibility) Eachspecies, as a singular evolutionaryproduct, should have anoptimum elemental composition as consequence of optimumfunction Peñuelas et al. (2010) Global Change Biology
“Biogeochemicalniche” in action Native and alienspecies in Hawai Differentforesttypes in Catalonia Peñuelas et al. (2010) Global Change Biology Mediterraneanspecies
Untilthismomenttheresults show thatthe use of more elementsthat N and P Give a more global view of the use of resources Improvethesensitivity in the use of plant elemental compositionshifttodetect responses to environmentalchange
Changingfrom local to global scale N eutrophicationthreatenstoshiftthe global stoichiometry Peñuelas et al. (2012) Global Change Biology
Humaninducedchsngeson N/P ratios are alreadyalteringecosystems function and biodiversitybytheimpactson N/P ratio isalreadyoccuring Number of “Web of Science” studies reporting effects of changes in N:P ratios and its effects on ecosystems species composition and function Peñuelas et al. (2013) NatreCommunicationsSubmitted.
Global P-cycleisbeingalteredbyhumanactivity Peñuelas et al. (2013) NatureCommunicatios(Submitted)
Global climate and C-balance modelsrelatedto global change shouldincludethechanges in nutrients balances and stoichiometry Our first attempt...Projections under different scenarios of the P demands to fixing C emitted by human activities. The models used were TAXIS, HadCM3, IPSL-CM2 , IPSL-CM4-LOOP, CSM, MPI, LLNL, FRCGC, UMD, UVIC, CLIMBER, BERNCC Phosphorus and N/P ratio couldbegaining role in global capacityto C fixation and consequently in the global climatic control Peñuelas et al. (2013) NatureGeoscience (submitted)
A new tooltostudyplant responses toclimatechange Ecometabolomics-stoichiometricstudies Whole elemental compositionshifts Wholemetabolomeshifts Sensitivetraitstodetectdynamicplant responses Improvement of theknowledge of thefunctionalmechanisms underliyingplant responses (growth, storage, defense, antistress….) Cluesonfurtherconsequencesthroughouttrophic web Usefulinformationtoimprove global elemental budgets (C, N, P,..) and climaticmodels
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