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Earth and Life Institute. Pole: Earth & Climate (ELIC). Research Group: Planetary Science and Space Geodesy. Venus. Earth. Mars. Mercury. Venus. Earth. Mars. Mercury.
Earth and Life Institute Pole: Earth & Climate (ELIC) Research Group: Planetary Science and Space Geodesy Venus Earth Mars Mercury Venus Earth Mars Mercury The research group is interested in understanding the interior and evolution of the terrestrial planets and moons of the solar system. The researchers aim at using spacecraft data or at developing models in order to achieve this goal. Participants: R.-M. Baland (PhD), V. Dehant (UCL/ROB), A. Hees (PhD), S. Le Maistre (PhD), G. Pfyffer (ROB), L.B.S. Pham (PhD), A. Rivoldini (PhD), P. Rosenblatt (UCL/ROB), A. Trinh (PhD) Ö. Karatekin (ROB), L. Koot (ROB), T. Van Hoolst (ROB), M. Yseboodt (ROB) Photo du groupe Rotations and interiors of terrestrial planets and moons of the solar system Dehant Véronique Although it is generally accepted that the interior of terrestrial planets is similar to that of the Earth, even the basic questions about the internal structure and the overall composition of Mercury, Venus, and Mars remain unanswered. It is the same for the moons/icy satellites of our solar system like Europa, Titan ... Moons of Jupiter Moons of Saturn Evolution of the interior of terrestrial planets Terrestrial planets of the solar system Planetary Geodesy is one of the primary means for probing the internal structure of solar system bodies. A few moons of our solar system Jupiter System mission VenusExpress Mars and the Earth have different dimensions, but their rotation and orientations are similar. Venus and Mercury are rotating more slowly. Characteristics of the interiors can be determined from their rotations. MarsExpress BepiColombo The researchers are working on radioscience data of MarsExpress, VenusExpress ... and will be involved in future missions to Mercury (BepiColombo) and the moons of Jupiter (Jupiter System Mission). Mercury Venus The question of the habitability of some terrestrial bodies in the solar system is at the center of the debate. Earth Mars Recent example of result of the team: discovery of a global subsurface ocean inside Titan