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GASSP Literacy Conference. Lock & Lynch. Building a Culture of Literacy-Mr. Riddile Time to Act J.E.B. Stuart High School, National Breakthrough School, IB School. Literacy is a result of skills acquired from all classes. Reading gets kids to college, writing keeps them there
GASSP Literacy Conference Lock & Lynch
Building a Culture of Literacy-Mr. RiddileTime to Act J.E.B. Stuart High School, National Breakthrough School, IB School Literacy is a result of skills acquired from all classes. Reading gets kids to college, writing keeps them there • Student/Teacher Relationship is number one in-class determiner • Literacy is the spine of the curriculum, of the school • Textbooks now around 1100L and we need the kids to be reading at 1300L. • Rereading and close analysis can be delivered through note-taking, highlighting, annotating • 70% of students in grades 4-12 are low-achieving writers • By 12th reading and writing should be 20% narrative 40% informative 40% argumentative
Literacy Design Collaborative and Math Design Collaborative – High School Level When writing, consider: • What do others think? • What do I think? • What does the evidence say? • How do I report it? • Process of editing and revision very important (peer review using a protocol) Sample Tasks • T-Chart on benefits and costs of the Industrial Revolution (large post-it notes and markers) • In-class debate, students answered series of questions in an assumed role during the time period in history • Authentic writing tasks rather than essays: ex. Write a letter to the EPA about the effect of -------- on the environment. • Ag: research task on biofuels didn’t relate anything to ELA taught skills except grammar and conventions • Science: DNA evidence presented in lawyer’s closing arguments, might use anticipation guide as intro and see what they know from CSI, etc., Linda Dotson will be attending LDC training in May and the fall and will be redelivering some info soon.
Chad Foster Financial Literacy for Teenswww.chadfoster.com Parents are “financial choices” role models for student Over 40% of Americans will never achieve a net worth over $10,000 Talked about differences between needs and wants; dangers of credit card debt Credit Card debt now is the number one reason students leave college, NOT academic failure Teenagers now spend 98.5% of the money they get their hands on **We are supposed to receive a free copy of his new program, let me know if you are interested **
Lisa Burkhalter Digital Literacy http://portal.sliderocket.com/CVJFZ/http%3A%2F%2Fportal.sliderocket.com%2FCVJFZ%2FA59EF1EF-0753-4BAA-B8D4-5E78FEC7E222 The word “information” is mentioned 243 times in the Common Core standards • Google Search Education- learn and teach how to be more effective googlers. • http://www.xtranormal.com/ Free program that makes text 3d VIDEOS (video of job interview ) • http://allthingslearning.wordpress.com/tag/learnacy Skills that our students need now in the workplace, such as working in teams, etc. • http://www.google.com/insidesearch/searcheducation/ • Beyond Google- http://www.oolone.com/ shows thumbnail when displaying search results of a website • http://twurdy.com/ ranking and color coding system based on readability • http://www.sweetsearch.com/ - summary that highlights search terms so you can see how they are referenced • http://www.instagrok.com/ - instantly puts it into graphic organizer with clickable subtopics/can also adjust reading level of information at the top of the page/Can also search for images, videos, etc.
Web Site Validity Links • CRAP Test (Currency, Reliability, Authority, Purpose) Websites to validate • California’s Velcro Crop/ Dihydrogren Monoxide http://home.inreach.com/kumbach/velcro.html http://home.inreach.com/kumbach/bio.html Ken Umbachhttp://www.umbachconsulting.com/ • Test Compactor – free online summarization tool www.testcompactor.com Copy and paste text in and decide what percentage to keep 50% ,etc. Includes main points and summary • Readability bookmarklet removes ads and fluff from a website so you can just view the content without being distracted • www.fourandsix.com assesses reliability of visual images (the same “mother” at Sandy Hook and at the Colorado shooter trial) • http://www.fourandsix.com/photo-tampering-history Abe Lincoln’s head was inserted onto John Calhoun’s body • Computer generated images Fake or Fotohttp://area.autodesk.com/fakeorfoto/
Primary Sources Links • Library of Congress Resources very helpful…Primary Source Assessment http://www.loc.gov/teachers/ • http://docsteach.org/ Teaching with documents in the classroom • The Marshmallow Challenge • http://www.loc.gov/teachers/professionaldevelopment/teacherinstitute/ strategies for helping teachers work with documents in their classrooms • Other professional development, workshops online http://www.loc.gov/teachers/professionaldevelopment/ • Copy/Paste blog http://www.peterpappas.com/ • Collective Intelligence- http://www.scoop.it/ in such a world, everybody knows something, nobody knows everything and what any one person knows can be tapped by the group as a whole: blog, pinterest, youtube, twitter • As part of the collective intelligence, there are four main criteria to be crowd smart: diverse group, decentralized (no one leader), collective verdict (everyone has to listen and be included in the decision), independent • The big shift isn’t that content is digital. It’s that the learning culture is participatory. • From Professional Learning to Learning Professionals