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By Cecily Snowball

The speed of online journalism and social media distorts news values and undermines quality journalism - Discuss. By Cecily Snowball. Social Media - Start to the day. This presentation will focus on. The birth of online journalism News values How it affects what we read?

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By Cecily Snowball

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The speed of online journalism and social media distorts news values and undermines quality journalism - Discuss By Cecily Snowball

  2. Social Media - Start to the day

  3. This presentation will focus on... • The birth of online journalism • News values • How it affects what we read? • Citizen journalism – helped or hindered? • Case studies – Mumbai 2008

  4. Reality strikes • April 2005 – “The stodgy newspaper industry officially woke up to the realities of the digital age” – The Economist about the month Rupert Murdoch conceded that the press industry should address the implications of the internet revolution.

  5. Online News - Beginnings • 1997 - Dallas Morning News – the first newspaper to publish an exclusive interview (with Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh) on the internet before the print edition • 1997 – BBC news website – now one of the most globally read news sites in the world. • 1999 First newspaper blog by Dan Gillmor

  6. Social Media • Social media came into prominence with the launch of Facebook in 2004 and Twitter in 2006 • Could argue that social media exacerbated pressures on the traditional media that it led the press to push the boundaries of acceptable reporting (Grey 2011)

  7. Online Journalism distorts? In the process, journalism is accused of sacrificing accuracy for speed, purposefulness investigation for cheap intrusion and reliability for entertainment – Hargreaves (2003)

  8. Online News - Technology • “Online news merges traditional ways of producing the news with the web’s new potentials in an ongoing process” – Traditional media seen as finite process. (Natalie Fenton 2010)

  9. Online News - Technology • 2000 – 2010 - 92% fall advertising revenues for print media (McNair)

  10. Benefits of new technology • Efficiency • Geographical communities • Local news

  11. Case Study – Mumbai Attacks 2008 • “The internet has steadily reduced the gap between events happening and their being reported to virtually zero” – Mcnair (2013) • 12 co-ordinated shooting and bombing attacks across Mumbai. It killed 164 people and lasted 3 days. • Social media sites – Twitter and photo-sharing site Flickr – brought photos and news about the attacks.

  12. Mumbai Attacks 2008

  13. Mumbai Attacks • http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/11/27/mumbai.twitter/ • As blogger Tim Mallon put it, "I started to see and (sic) ugly side to Twitter, far from being a crowd-sourced version of the news it was actually an incoherent, rumour-fueled mob operating in a mad echo chamber of tweets, re-tweets and re-re-tweets.

  14. Citizen Journalism • “Citizen journalism is key to bringing in more voices to traditional journalism and broadening a world view that was once the exclusive domain of professional media” – Glaser.

  15. Citizen Journalism • “The white noise of the collective unconscious scrolling out their narratives” - McNair

  16. Conclusion • Online journalism and social media has often distorted news values, focusing on speed rather than accuracy for viewers. • However, it has been beneficial for news gathering for certain events. • Has led to the downfall of newspaper profits, however this can be explained through generational/technological problems

  17. Further Questions • Is journalism is going through a ‘reformation’? • What do you think the next step for journalism could be? • Does online journalism mark the death of traditional media?

  18. References • Fenton, N 2010 - ‘News in the Digital Age’ in S Allen ‘The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism’. Routledge, London • Glaser, M 2010 – ‘Citizen Journalism: Widening World Views, Extending Democracy’ in S Allen ‘‘The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism’. Routledge, London • Allan, S 2013 - ‘Journalism as Interpretive Performance: The Case of Wikileaks’ in C Peters and M Broersma – ‘Rethinking Journalism: Trust and participation in transformed news landscape’ Routledge, London

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