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By: Jessica B. Trey C. Anastasia C.

Planet Terra. By: Jessica B. Trey C. Anastasia C. Laws. Only weapon is a tranquilizer for animals. Everyone is treated equally. No stealing. No skipping school unless sick. No hurting each other emotionally or physically. Every person even at a young age has the right to vote. Rules.

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By: Jessica B. Trey C. Anastasia C.

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  1. Planet Terra By: Jessica B. Trey C. Anastasia C.

  2. Laws • Only weapon is a tranquilizer for animals. • Everyone is treated equally. • No stealing. • No skipping school unless sick. • No hurting each other emotionally or physically. • Every person even at a young age has the right to vote.

  3. Rules • No going out after dark. • Always finish meals. • No texting while in school. • No disrespect. • No being rude. • No faking injury or illness.

  4. Punishment • Adult crimes are punished from jail time to death. • Child crimes are punished from house-arrest to Juvy. • Any minor crime can result in house-arrest.

  5. Education • Studies in math, science, social studies, comm. Arts, P.E., art, and music. • For fifteen years. Starting when you’re five and ending when you’re 20. • 10:00am-4:00pm • You have 1 hr. in each class.

  6. Finding and ChoosingLeaders • We elect a leader by voting • A government by the people, in which the people are given supreme power to elect their leaders. • We let people that are already, working in some place in the government run for ahigher rank in the government.

  7. How the Government is ran • The Government is a democracy government. • In a democracy the people have freedom to do their choosing.

  8. Money System • Every job on Terra is equal. So the pay is equal. Each and every job will pay 5,ooo a month. So everybody will be equally wealthy. • On Terra there is 2 dollar bills, 5 dollar bills, 10 dollar bills, 20 dollar bills, and 100 dollar bills.

  9. Families • In a family there is a mom a dad and two kids of one gender and one of the other gender. Their children are picked for them. They choose their spouse. • They are required to have family time all Saturday. • They can only have two non-exotic pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits, goldfish, hamsters, guinea pigs, and song birds.

  10. Recreation • Fun things to do on planet Terra are going to theme parks, circus’s, movies, sleepover’s, vacation’s, zoo’s, and scuba diving and sports. • There are a lot more fun things to do on Terra but these are only a few.

  11. Wildlife • On Terra there is no dangerous predators. Such as lion, tigers, and bears. • But there are household pets such as dogs, and cats. All non dangerous animals from planet Earth were taken to Terra. Such as rabbits, birds, cattle, and many more.

  12. Transportation • All these are eco-friendly!  • Airplanes • Cars • Trains • Boats • Helicopters

  13. Communication • All speak English • Telephones • Internet • E-mail • Mail

  14. Thank You! • Please come to planet Terra!

  15. Cited • www.loopygadgets.com • www.psipunk.com • www.tiptaptip.com • www.karynromeis.blogspot.com • www.cardinalsgab.com • www.marketplace.xbox.com • www.preparednesspro.files.wordpress.com • www.tanzania-safari-channel.com • www.wallpaperstock.net

  16. Cited Continued • www.downwithranny.blogspot.com • www.pacificchristianuniversity.com • www.Giblog.pokerstrategy.com • www.nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov

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