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Temples in different religions – how do they vary ?. Contents. 1. Orthodox Church 2. Buddhist Temple 3. Mosque 4. Synagogue 5. Curiosity. ORTHODOX church. How does Orthodox Church look like ?.
Templesin different religions – how do theyvary?
Contents 1. OrthodoxChurch 2. BuddhistTemple 3. Mosque 4. Synagogue 5. Curiosity
How does Orthodox Church look like? Orthodox church is build on acclivity. This is a building on a cruciform, circular or rectangle plan. Temples have got a lot of domes which symbolize heaven. Different numbers of domes mean different things, for example 1 dome symbolizes the only God, 7 domes - seven sacraments, 33 domes mean years of Christ’s life.
Inside they are divided into: • Porch, • Main nave (pews are under walls), • Iconostasis (in front of the altar.) ,,Iconostasis” means ,,Icon-stand” and it can be as simple as a large image of Christ on the right and a corresponding image of Virgin and Child on the left), • Altar (the most sacred place, turns to eastern direction because they believe that east represents a paradise. On the altar there are throne, sacrificial table and a place for coadjutor).
Whatare the mainsymbolsinorthodoxchurch? The most important symbol of this religion is eight – arm cross. The top beam, also seen on the Patrialchal cross, represents the plaque bearing Pontius Pilate’s inscription „Jesus the Nazorean, King of the Jews”. The lower beam represents a foot – support and began appearing in Eastern Chrisitian art in the 6th century. The purpose of the suppendaneum was to support the weight of the body.
We do not know whether such a device existed on Jesus’s cross. A popular interpretation of the slanted suppedaneum is to symbolize a balance – scale showing the good thief St. Dismas, having accepted Christ, would ascend to heaven, while the thief who mocked Jesus would descend to hell. With this, the Cross is a balance – scale of justice.
HOW SHOULD YOU BEHAVE IN ORTHODOX TEMPLE? 1.Holy Communionshould be administeredinto the mouth. 2. We maintainrespect for all. 3. Attract men in a churchhat, no chewing gum and talkingloudly. 4. Youcannevertakecommunioninorthodoxbecauseitwouldmean a changereligion. 5. Rules of behavioraresimilar as inCatholicChurch.
Whatis the central place inOrthodoxchurch? The most important place is the altar and behind there is the wall of the icons.
HOW DO PEOPLE PRAY? The bulk of SundayMassesareinvolved and peopleevenlike to go to churchbecause the churchis a place of socializingwith neighbours and friends. Worship services arecelebrated for quite a while (about 3 hours) and fewpeopleremainin the templeall the time.
The faithfulcome out duringthe Mass, to cut a chat withfriendsoutside the church, thencome back or not - depending on yourmood. Peoplepray standing.
HOW DOES BUDDHIST TEMPLE LOOK LIKE? Buddhist temple is a building on an axial and symmetric plan. Buildings are constructed on a simple axis from the north to the south. The Temple consists of the main gate-Samon, Buddha’s hall-Butsudem and pavilion for Buddhist monks . Every building has a separate court.
In reality, main buildings are surrounded by other buildings. For example, a bridge above the stream or a pond which symbolizes passage between our world to Budda’s World. In a court grows a fig aśwattha because Buddha meditated under such tree.
The important building is Budda’s hall.This pavilion has got the front door and the rear door. There are 12 pillars and 11 statues of Buddha. Inside there are golden jewels and flowers.
Whatare the mainsymbols in Buddhism? 1.Bindu - a dot on the forehead 2 Lotus Flower – symbolizes the purity of heart and mind.
3.Wheelof Dharma - the circle of life and learning. It symbolizes the Eighfold Path: right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. 4.Swastika - the symbol most commonly associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis while in Asia it's commonly used symbol of good luck and prosperity.
How shouldYoubehave in buddhisttemple? 1. Before entering the temple your shoes must be off. 2. Inside you should be dressed modestly. 3. After entry perform three obeisances towards the altar, and if the Lama is seated on the throne - then we bow in front of him. 4. We offer lighted lamps, incenses lamps. 5. To meditate, we sit on the floor with your legs crossed.
6.Bow your head and pay respect to the temple and the Buddha statues. 7.Do not point at Buddha statues, Monks, Nuns with your feet. 8.Keep your head below Buddha statues, images, honorable Monks and Nuns. 9.Do not touch (especially on the head) Buddha statues, images, Monks, Nuns and elders. 10.Refrain from pubic displays of affection.
Whatis the central place? The central place in Buddhist temple is Stupa. In this place are kept Buddha’s relic.
How do peoplepray? Most of them sit on the floor with their legs crossed towards the altar or Lama. Buddhists don’t pray to a Creator God, but they do have meditation practices which could be compared to praying. Buddhist meditation is fundamentally concerned with two themes: transforming the mind and using it to explore itself and other phenomena.
Tibetans pray in a special way. They believe that when certain sounds and words, called mantras, are said many times, they arouse good vibrations within the person. If a mantra is repeated often enough it can open up the mind to a consciousness which is beyond words and thoughts.
Howdoesmosquelooklike? Mosque this is a building on a rectangle plan with domes, arcades and pillars. Next to the main building there are tall towers-minarets. The minarets were mostly used to call believers to prayer as it was the highest point of the mosque more people would be able to hear. The most important room is a prayer hall. In this place Muslims pray to Allah. In a prayer hall there aren’t pews or pictures of Saints. The only ornaments are verses of Koran.
What are the most important symbols? 1.An appropriate symbol of Islam is the shahada written in black letters on white background or white letters on a black background.
2. Much more often, however, as a symbol of Islam is treated a crescent (Arabic - Hilal). 3. The basis of the faith of Islam is its Holy Book, the Koran, which contains all the major doctrinal principles of the religion.
Howshouldyoubehave? 1. Before entering the carpets' Mosque, please remove your shoes. 2. Inside you should be dressed modestly. 3. Women should have a head covering (bandana) and covered shoulders. 4. A dress or skirt should reach at least the knees.
Whatis the central place? The central place in the Mosque is mimbar- pulpit and a traditional mihrab, which indicates the direction to Mecca.
Howdo peoplepray? A Call is made from the mosque, indicating that it is time for the obligatory prayer. There are five obligatory prayers in a day. On hearing the Call, people start preparing themselves for the prayer. The faithful kneel and touch the carpet with their forehead.
Muslims pray to One God without associating any partners with Him. They pray facing the Holy Mosque in the city of Mecca. Facing this mosque is simply for uniformity and homogeneity in the prayers of all Muslims around the world and not as an act of worship to the mosque itself.
While standing, the first chapter of the Koran is recited. “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee (alone) we worship and Thee (alone) we ask for help. Show us the straight path. The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.” (1:1-1:7) After the first chapter, any other passage from the Koran is recited.
While bowing Muslims then bow to God and glorify Him. This glorification can be translated as follows.“Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty.”
While Prostrating To express complete submission and humility before God, Muslims then prostrate and place their foreheads on the ground. According to the prophetic traditions, at this moment of humility, the worshipper is the closest to his/her Lord. While prostrating, Muslims glorify God as follows. “Glory be to my Lord, the most High.”
While sitting In the end Muslims sit. At this point they testify before God that there is none worthy of worship but Him and that Muhammad is His slaveand His Messenger.Muslims then ask God to send His peace and blessings on His MessengerMuhammad asHe did on Prophet Abraham. At the very end, Muslims turn their face to the right and the left, sending God’s Peace on those surrounding them.
Howdoessynagoguelooklike? Synagogue means the home of God or thehouse of meeting. From outside a synagogue doesn’t differ much from other buildings in town. Every model of the temple resembles the First Jerusalem’s Temple. The building is divided into two parts: Downstairs there is a place for men and upstairs on the balcony there is a place for women. Men and women sit separately in synagogues to avoid "inappropriate" behaviors .
Walls and pillars are decorated with a stucco. This is a material made of an aggregate, a binder, and water. The stucco is applied wet and hardens to a very dense solid. It is used as decorative coating for walls and ceilings and as a sculptural and artistic material in architecture.
Whatare the mainsymbols? Menorah – symbolizes the ideal of universal enlightenment. The seven branches allude to the branches of human knowledge, represented by the central lamp. The Menorah also symbolises the creation in seven days, with the centre light representing the Sabbath.
2. Star of David – six points represent God’s absolute rule over the universe in all six directions: north ,south , east, west, up and down. People also believe that the triangles represent humanity’s dual nature – good and evil – and that the star could be used as a protection against evil spirits.
Howshouldyoubehave? 1. Worship the cross and pray with the Jews in the synagogue with the adopted headgear. 2. Maintain respect for all. 3. Attract men in a church hat, not chewing gum and not talking loudly. 4.Women and men may be asked to move to their designated sectors or parts of the synagogue.
5. Both men and women should be modestly dressed. Men should have special caps – yarmulka , women musn’t have naked arms. 6. Everyone can participate in worship. 7. Do not visit the synagogue during prayers.
Whatis the central place? The central place in the temple is Bimah. It is the elevated area or a platform in a Jewish synagogue which is intended to serve the place where the person reading aloud from the Torah stands during the Torah reading service. Behind the Bimah there isthe most important place in synagogue– The Torah Ark or Ark in a synagogue (Jewish house of worship).
It is generally a receptacle, or ornamental closet, which contains each synagogue's Torah scrolls (Sifrei Torah in Hebrew). In most cases, when possible, the ark is located on the wall of the synagogue closest to Jerusalem. This place resembles Jews gate to heaven.
How do peoplepray? People meet not only for prayer, but also to talk and discuss. The Jews attend synagogue several times a day. Their religion is a bit different than ours. The duty of every Jew is a prayer - it takes place several times during the day, in a certain place, in a certain way. For such a prayer they must be prepared. To recite the traditional prayers ten men are needed.
orthodox • Priestscangetmarried. • TheirbookisBible. • Theypraykneeling and standing. • The Orthodoxmustpraythreetimes a day.
muslims Theypray five times a day. Theythinkthatyoushouldsayyourprayersin a sincereway and youshouldbelievefully. Youshouldpray for otherpeople.If you want to go to mosque, you must leave your shoes outside.
The five pillars of islam 1. Publicly proclaim the confession of faith. 2. To pray five times a day. 3.Give alms to the poor. 4. By a month of fasting from dawn to sunset. 5. At least once in a lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca.
Buddism Buddha is not only the founder of Buddhism, but we call a Buddha every person who has reached Nirvana.