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Home-Adventure-Home. a technique for literary analysis. First Let’s Review Some Vocabulary. External and Internal Concrete and Abstract Literal and Figurative Tangible and Intangible. Starting From HOME. Every single story you’ve ever read is one story: a quest.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Home-Adventure-Home a technique for literary analysis

  2. First Let’s Review Some Vocabulary • External and Internal • Concrete and Abstract • Literal and Figurative • Tangible and Intangible

  3. Starting From HOME • Every single story you’ve ever read is one story: a quest. • A quest is a journey or adventure in search of someone or something. (a goal) • The protagonist, the main character, is the hero or heroine in search of something or someone. • Therefore…all stories have the same pattern or structure.

  4. It All Begins at HOME • What is home to you? • What does it look like? • What are its external characteristics? • What are its tangible, concrete characteristics?

  5. The External Home • House • Apartment • Shelter • Cardboard box • Mobile Home • Teepee • Car • Igloo

  6. It All Begins at Home • What qualities do ALL homes have in common? • Think about some intangible, abstract characteristics. • What internal characteristics does your Home have?

  7. The Internal Home • Your internal home comes with you wherever you go! • Explain why you think that is.

  8. Known Loved Safe Belong The Internal Home

  9. Abel’s Internal and External Home

  10. Crossing The Threshold • When the protagonist crosses over from home. • You are crossing over into your adventure. • You choose to go over the threshold or you are ‘thrown’ into it.

  11. Abel crosses over his threshold into the unknown.

  12. The Adventure • When you cross your threshold (leave home), you begin your adventure. • The adventure is: • Unknown • Unpredictable • Uncontrolled • Has no order

  13. The Adventure • On your adventure you are: • Not safe • Not protected • Not loved • Not known

  14. The Adventure • In the adventure, the main character has his/her own experience. • Through this experience, he/she grows and acquires knowledge.

  15. The Adventure • When you begin your adventure, you must go without a parent or guardian, or it is not your own adventure. • You can be accompanied by Guides, Friends and Peers (equals) because you, alone, are still making the choices and decisions. NO ONE is ‘taking care’ of you! • Your guides can be physically with you (external) or emotionally with you (internal).

  16. Abel’s External Guide

  17. Abel’s Internal Guide

  18. The Climax • The highest point of tension. • The restatement of the protagonist’s problem. • Occurs right before we find out if the protagonist will succeed or fail.

  19. The Climax

  20. Everyone always wants to get back “home”!

  21. Home - The end point! • After the adventure, when the main character has returned home, his/her problem may NOT be solved but it is resolved. (the resolution) • He/she has changed internally and externally. (Transformation) • Changes are physical: he/she is older. • Changes are mental: he/she is wiser and gained knowledge about: • Self • Others • Society


  23. ABEL’S TRANSFORMATION • How has Abel changed externally? • How has Abel changed internally? • What he learned about society. • What he learned about others. • What he learned about himself.

  24. Let’s Review

  25. Let’s ReviewHome - Adventure - Home Climax Resolution External Guide Internal Guide Threshold Home

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