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Implacable-Not to be appeased, mollified, or pacified; inexorable; not forgiving: The tired soldiers faced an implacable enemy. . Paroxysm- Any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion:
Implacable-Not tobeappeased, mollified, or pacified; inexorable; not forgiving: The tired soldiers faced an implacable enemy.
Paroxysm-Any sudden,violentoutburst; a fit of violent action or emotion: In a paroxysms of rage he completely destroyed his science project because it would not work properly.
Reprehensible-Blamable, blameworthy, delinquent, discreditable, disgraceful, errant, guilty, sinful, unholy, unworthy, wicked: The manager apologized for his reprehensible behavior during the staff meeting.
Jurisdiction- 1. The right, power, or authority to administer justice by hearing anddetermining controversies. 2. Power; authority; control: He has jurisdiction over all American soldiers in the area. 3. The extent or range ofjudicial,lawenforcement, or other authority: This case comesunderthe jurisdiction of the local police. 4. The territory over which authority is exercised: All islands to the northwest are hisjurisdiction.
Skirmish-1. Military. A fight between small bodies of troops, especially advanced or outlying detachments of opposing armies. 2. Any brisk conflict or encounter: She had a skirmish with herlandlordabouttherent.
Terminate-1. To bring to an end; put an end to: The player wanted to terminate his contract. 2. To occurator form the conclusion of: The countess's soliloquy terminates theplay. 3. To dismiss from a job; fire:The company had to terminateemployees during a recession.
Forthwith-Immediately;atonce;withoutdelay: Any official accusedof dishonesty should be suspended forthwith.
Exacerbate- 1. To increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, illfeeling,etc.);aggravate. 2. To embitter the feelings of (a person); irritate; exasperate. The broken hearted man tried so much to exacerbate the relationship between his ex-wife and her new husband.
Revert- 1. To return to a former habit, practice, belief, condition, etc.: Theyreverted to the ways of their forefathers. 2. Law. To go back to or return to the former owner or to his or her heirs. 3. Biology. To return to an earlier or primitive type. 4. To goback in thought or discussion: He constantly reverted to his childhood.
Oust-1. To expel or remove from a place or position occupied: The bouncer ousted the drunk; to oust the Prime Minister in the next election. 2. Law. To eject or evict; dispossess.
Stymie-A situation or problem presenting such difficulties as to discourage or defeat any attempt to deal with or resolve it. Finding a cure for most diseases continues to stymie the medical world.
Effigy-A crude representation of someone disliked, used for purposes of ridicule. The leader was hanged in effigy by the mob.
Flout-To treat with disdain, scorn, or contempt; scoff at; mock: to flout the rules of propriety. Many people flout the rules that have been set, they just don’t follow them.
Cognizant-Aware; having knowledge. He was cognizant of the difficulty of becoming a doctor.
Turbulent-Given to acts of violence and aggression: The turbulent young soldiers completely destroyed the village.
Harass-To disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute. If I were to get harassed on a website, Iwould simply report the person who is harassing me.
Monolithic-1.Consisting of one piece; solid or unbroken: A boat with a monolithic hull. 2.Characterized by massiveness, total uniformity, rigidity, invulnerability, etc.: A monolithic society can take away the basic freedoms of individuals.
Arbitrary-Having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; despotic; tyrannical: An arbitrary government can do whatever they want to do and it’s up to the people to prevent it.
Indigent-Lacking food, clothing, and other necessities of life because of poverty; needy; poor; impoverished. A lot of people thought she was rich, but in fact she was indigent.
Fray-1. A fight, battle, or skirmish. Synonyms: altercation, combat, war, clash, encounter, set-to. 2. A competition or contest, especially in sports. Synonyms: tournament, match, meet, tourney. 3. A noisy quarrel or brawl. Synonyms: fight, dispute, tiff, spat, squabble; riot, fracas, tussle, rumpus.