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Spectral Changes in Correlation-Induced Optical Fields

Explore the properties and dynamics of optical fields through correlation functions and spectral changes. Learn about coherence theory, polarization, and spatial coherence effects. Discover applications in imaging, scattering, and spectroscopy.

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Spectral Changes in Correlation-Induced Optical Fields

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  1. InvitedCorrelation-induced spectral (and other) changes Daniel F. V. James, Los Alamos National Laboratory Frontiers in Optics Rochester NY JMA3 • 10:00 a.m. Monday 11 October

  2. average over random ensemble (or a time average) components of the E/M field (i,j =x,y,z) Coherence Theory: unified theory of the optical field Correlation function: all the (linear) properties of the field: Properties of Classical Fields • Local properties • -Intensity/spectrum • Polarization • Flux/momentum Non-local properties -Interference

  3. -Intensity -Stokes parameters u =unit vector normal to the plane of the field components -Fringe visibility • can be measured by interference experiments Correlation Functions are our Friends • All the “interesting” quantities can be got from :

  4. Scalar representation of the E/M field obeys the pair of equations- The Wolf Equations* Field Correlation function - (scalar approximation) - * E. Wolf, Proc. R. Soc A230, 246-65 (1955)

  5. The Wolf Equations (II) • Correlation functions are dynamic quantities, which obey exact propagation laws. • Quantities dependent on correlation functions do not obey simple laws. • Coherence properties change on propagation. – van Cittert - Zernike theorem: spatial coherence in the far zone of an incoherent object. – laws of radiometry and radiative transfer.

  6. • van Cittert - Zernike Theorem in pictures solid angle incoherent planar source radiated field acquires transverse coherence • coherence and radiometry in pictures partially coherent planar source radiation pattern has solid angle

  7. The Wolf Equations (II) • Correlation functions are dynamic quantities, which obey exact propagation laws. • Quantities dependent on correlation functions do not obey simple laws. • Coherence properties change on propagation. – van Cittert-Zernike theorem: spatial coherence in the far zone of an incoherent object. – Laws of radiometry and radiative transfer. – Change of spectrum on propagation (“The Wolf Effect”). – Change of polarization on propagation. – Change of what else on propagation?

  8. obeys the equations - Space-Frequency Domain The cross-spectral density

  9. A Solution (secondary sources)

  10. Far Zone • Remember Fraunhofer diffraction theory....

  11. spectrum (spatially invariant) spectral degree of coherence intensity slow function fast function Quasi-Homogeneous Model Source* *J. W. Goodman, Proc. IEEE53, 1688 (1965); W. H. Carter and E. Wolf, J. Opt. Soc. Amer.67, 785 (1977)

  12. Spectral degree of coherence - fringe visibility Spectrum – spectrum is different from the source! Far Zone Field Properties – spectral analogue of the van Cittert - Zernike theorem. – measure visibility then invert Fourier transform - synthetic aperture imaging

  13. excess red light off axis excess blue light on axis What if ? All wavelengths have same solid angle, and spectrum is the same. Rigorously: . (The Scaling Law for spectral invariance*) *E. Wolf, Phys. Rev. Lett.56, 1370 (1986). Spectral Changes in Pictures

  14. • Fractional shift of central frequency of a spectral line Spectral Shifts* • 3D primary source * E. Wolf, Nature (London)326, 363 (1986)

  15. Applications to Date* •Primary sources (i.e. random charge-current distributions). •Secondary sources (i.e. illuminated apertures). •Weak scatterers (First Born Approximation). •Atomic systems (correlations induced by radiation reaction). •Twin-pinholes (application to synthetic aperture imaging) * E. Wolf and D.F.V. James, Rep. Prog. Phys.59, 771 (1996)

  16. axis of strong anisotropy scattered light incident light Doppler-Like Shifts* • Broad-spectrum temporal fluctuating scatterer, with anisotropic spatial coherence *D.F.V. James, M. P. Savedoff and E. Wolf, Astrophys.J. 359, 67 (1990).

  17. Model AGN ?* *D.F.V. James, Pure Appl. Opt.7, 959 (1998)

  18. Applications to Date* •Primary sources (i.e. random charge-current distributions). •Secondary sources (i.e. illuminated apertures). •Weak scatterers (First Born Approximation). •Atomic systems (correlations induced by radiation reaction). •Twin-pinholes (application to synthetic aperture imaging) •Dynamic scattering (Doppler-like shifts: cosmological implications?) * E. Wolf and D.F.V. James, Rep. Prog. Phys.59, 771 (1996)

  19. Spatial Coherence Spectroscopy* • Interferometry and imaging are equivalent. • Use spectral measurements to determine the coherence. *D.F.V. James, H. C. Kandpal and E. Wolf, Astrophys. J.445, 406 (1995). H.C. Kandpal et al, Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys.36, 665 (1998).

  20. Polarization Changes on Propagation* • Different polarizations have different spatial coherence properties • Need to be very careful about using vector diffraction theory *A.K. Jaiswal, et al. Nuovo Cimento15B, 295 (1973) [claims about thermal source are not correct] D.F.V. James, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A11, 1641 (1994); Opt. Comm. 109, 209 (1994).

  21. Solve the Wolf Equations Source Correlation function Field Correlation function Conclusions • Shifts happen. Get used to it. - Spatial Coherence (van Cittert - Zernike) - Temporal Coherence/ Spectra - Polarization - Fourth-order (& higher) effects (e.g. photon counting statistics) • Wolf equations are the only way to analyze the field! Properties of the source Properties of the Field

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