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The Youth Information Technology Entrepreneurship Project (“Youth IT”)

The Youth Information Technology Entrepreneurship Project (“Youth IT”). Agenda. Project Background Why Youth IT Project is important? Project interest Uganda Youth IT Pilot Logistics Next steps. The ICT for Education Group.

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The Youth Information Technology Entrepreneurship Project (“Youth IT”)

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  1. The Youth Information Technology Entrepreneurship Project (“Youth IT”)

  2. Agenda • Project Background • Why Youth IT Project is important? • Project interest • Uganda Youth IT Pilot Logistics • Next steps

  3. The ICT for Education Group The mission of the ICT for Education (formerly WorLD Program) is to promote the use of ICT in Education systems in order to better prepare Youth for the future digital economy. The YouthIT project is a mainstream extension of this approach and philosophy, linking core MDG, EFA and Education Systems objectives by combining educational curriculum in IT and business basics skills development for in- and out-of-school youth • World Links org – Pre- and in-service professional development • Professional Development for teachers in IT use in the classroom • 3 – 4 year pilot projects – e.g., phasing out activities in many African countries (e.g., Ghana, Uganda, South Africa, Zimbabwe) • F2F and e-learning • ICT for Education – Policymakers’ and School-Based Telecenters • GDLN ICT in Education Policy Dialogues • School-based telecenters – school - community linkages • AFTQK-supported pilots in e-commerce and telemedicine • Bank supported youth projects - AIDSWEB and YouthIT • Partnerships – international and national not just Internet-focused

  4. The Youth Information Technology Entrepreneurship Project (“Youth IT”) Launch during FY 2003 Have expressed strong interest in starting Youth IT project Uganda • Uganda will be the first to launch the project in Dec 2002 • 500 Youth Participants across 10 schools – over 9000 participant days • 80 hours IT training • 80 hours entrepreneurship and business skills training • Relevant IT and Business Basics Skills • Africa Regional Project • High Scalability Zimbabwe • Youth Led IT-Business Creation • Exciting Project Partnerships • Builds Upon Existing National Programs • www.youthit.org • Will commence activities in early 2003 !

  5. Key Project Partners • Promote the use of ICTs in Education in developing countries • Link with existing Bank-supported Education, Economic Livelihoods and youth-focused development initiatives • Developer of the YouthIT project concept in 1999 • Coordinating project and fund-raising activities • With partnership support have set up school-based telecenters throughout countries which will serve as training sites • Using local staff for project oversight • Working with schools in identifying trainers and participants Youth IT • Business professionals united worldwide providing humanitarian assistance – 28,000 clubs • Commitment from Rotary Altadena California, Washington, D.C., Kampala Uganda and Hunyani, Zimbabwe • Have committed $40,000 to project in Uganda and Zimbabwe • Promoting project at worldwide Rotary conventions • Helps member nations develop and implement economic education programs for Youth • JA chapters in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Ghana and Nigeria serving as key partners in business training material • Annually serves 5 million students in 108 countries

  6. Rotary International serving as a key project partner The partnership began laying the groundwork for the Youth IT program in Jan 2002 following participation in the World Bank’s Development Marketplace competition – an annual event to highlight innovative social projects around the world in which the Youth IT project was a finalist Have actively promoted projects in international Rotary Conventions: Houston – 2001 Barcelona & San Diego 2002 Tony Bloome, Youth IT Project Coordinator

  7. National YouthIT Advisory Committees Uganda Zimbabwe • Ministry of Education • Commissioner of Secondary Education] • National Curriculum Development Center • Headmasters’ Association • Rotary – Kampala • SchoolNet-Uganda • CEEWA – Council • Uganda ICT Outsourcing Association • Junior Achievement • Zimbabwe WorLD • Rotary – Harare • World Vision – Zimbabwe • Discovery Channel Foundation - Zimbabwe

  8. Youth IT Timeline 2001 2002 Concept defined with JA Botswana Partnership with Rotary Altadena Project promoted at Rotary International Convention in Houston Participant countries identified with keen interest from Rotary Clubs in Uganda and Zimbabwe Key Pre- Launch activities $50K raised from World Bank’s PREM GENFUND Additional promotion by Rotary Club Convention in Barcelona, Spain Youth IT Project Manager hired in Uganda to coordinate pilot project in Uganda Local NGO CEEWA Hired to develop Entrepreneurship and IT training material Launch Dec 2002

  9. Agenda • Project Background • Why Youth IT Project is important? • Project interest • Uganda Youth IT Pilot Logistics • Next steps

  10. Youth Employment The issue • Research suggests that nearly 80% population in Sub-Saharan Africa is under 30 years old • The formal sector in many countries cannot absorb youth from schools, let alone those with little or no formal educational or job-related skills. • This type of unemployment contributes to the social and economic problems faced by communities throughout Uganda and Zimbabwe. • The problem is further compounded for young women, out-of-school youth, and those youth with family distress due to the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

  11. How Youth IT project can help Millennium Development Goals (MGDs) MGD Eradicate Poverty and Hunger • More community income from employment and micro-businesses Gender Equity and empower women • More IT educated women and women businesses • HIV/AIDS business impact and awareness incorporated into training • Training for AIDS orphans Combat HIV/AIDS • Environmental awareness incorporated into training material when discussing management of businesses Ensure environmental sustainability Maternal health and And child mortality • More community income from employment and micro-businesses leads to greater awareness and health care within communities Develop a global partnership • Implements the strategy of creating productive work for youth The most clear-cut example is Goal 8 which states that “In cooperation with developing countries, develop and implement strategies for decent and productive work for youth”

  12. Education for All (EFA) “To achieve education for every citizen in every society” • The Youth IT project directly contributes to the EFA initiative – lifelong learning, youth livelihood development, out of school youth • More income generated by Youth in communities can be funneled back into society encouraging more family/communities members to go to school • Computer education is fun encouraging better attendance • Income generated on the side can be used to fund additional education for out of school youth

  13. HIV/AIDS • In collaboration with the Education Development Center, there are plans to have a specific Youth IT training session dedicated to AIDS Orphans • In collaboration with Junior Achievement, material is being developed on understanding the impact of HIV/AIDS on business and employment • The development of IT skills provides greater access to knowledge for Youth in respect to reproductive health and HIV/AIDS awareness • Studies have shown that providing greater access to employment and micro-enterprise are preventative measure in themselves • The indirect benefits of additional income from additional employment can have positive externalities in Youth IT communities

  14. Agenda • Project Background • Why Youth IT Project is important? • Project interest • Uganda Youth IT Pilot Logistics • Next steps

  15. Overall project interest • Kayoko Shibata – Knowledge Management Analyst PRMGE • Steve Commins – Senior Human Development Specialist HDNVP • Gordon Betcherman – Senior Economist HDNSP • Marilyn Manalo- Operations Officer GSDPG • Viviana Mangiaterra – Advisor Children and Youth HDNSP • Jon Lauglo – Senior Education Specialist AFTH1 • Maman Sidikou – Senior Education Specialist HDNED • Norman Hicks – Sector Manager LCSPP • Iain Christie – Lead Specialist AFTPS • Nicolas Gorjestani – Senior Advisor, AFTKL • Mottoo Kusakabe – Vice President RMCVP World Bank Donors • $50,000 from Norwegian GENFUND • $40,000 from Rotary Clubs for Uganda and Zimbabwe • Have been selected into final round for Rotary submitted Infodev funding (300 applicants – only 30 are left) US$ 170,000 • Final round of Development Marketplace competition • US Peace Corps • Street Kids International • US Department of State • Ministries of Education Botswana • Education Tax Fund/ Schoolnet Uganda Other organizations Thus far, there has been tremendous interest in the project from other members of the Bank and outside organizations.

  16. Youth Employment Activities within the Bank The Presidents Contingency Fund The Presidents Contingency Fund released $500,000 to fund demand driven proposals on Children and Youth – the four main topic areas included orphans and vulnerable children, disabled children, child labor and youth employment. Active Youth Employment Bank Projects • Youth Development Project - Colombia • Children and Youth Development Project – Macedonia • Technician Education Project – India • Shohag Rural Development Project– Egypt • Social Development Fund Project - Senegal • Literature review of vocational secondary education programs – case studies of Botswana, Ghana and Kenya (Africa Region Human Development) • Entrepreneurial skills study – case studies of Uganda and Botswana • Skills and Literacy Training for Better Livelihoods (AFTH1) • Technology and skills development Research papers There is genuine interest and activities within the bank related to Youth employment. The Youth IT project is a great compliment to these existing activities

  17. Agenda • Project Background • Why Youth IT Project is important? • Project interest • Uganda Youth IT Pilot Logistics • Next steps

  18. Uganda Youth IT Pilot Overview • 9100 participant days • 420 unique participants with preference to women and out of school youth • Training will take place in 3 phases • TOT – December 2002 • Phase 0 – IT Intensive Training – 2 wks (Jan 2003) • Phase 1 – Entrepreneurship (EE) and IT business skills training – 10 wks (Feb-Apr 2003) • 200 youth will participate in Phase 0 with ~100 moving on to join 200 IT trained youth for Phase 1 • 10 Participating schools across Uganda • 2 instructors per school • 1 IT Instructor and 1 EE-trained instructor • Support of Rotarians during more advance training and post training activities

  19. How training will work? • Phase 0 training will consist of: • 80 hours of basic IT skills training covering: • Word, Excel, Powerpoint • Incorporating basic EE concepts Phase 1 Phase 0 Phase 0A ~ 100 Youth Application and selection process based on performance and interests • Phase 1 training will consist of: • 40 hours of general EE training covering • 40 hours of hands-on IT skills training broken out into 5-7 modules covering: • Web development services • Data processing services • Technician skills • Using IT to complement traditional businesses • Research • Graphics Design • E-Commerce • 40 hours of subsidized access for homework and self learning • Each participant receives 120 hours of training 200 Youth Track 1 • Selection Criteria: • From Phase 0 • Selection Criteria: • minimum 100 women • min 100 out of school youth • No previous IT training Track 2 200 New Youth ~ 100 Youth • 40 hour computer lab subsidy for self training • Selection Criteria: • 100 women • Previous IT training

  20. Key activities of the project Develop Training Material & Participant Selection Training of Trainer workshop Intensive IT Training Phase 0 Entrepreneur- ship Training Phase 1 Nov-Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Jan 2003 Feb - April 2003 Timing • Incorporate EE concepts into existing IT material • Develop EE material • Develop TOT material • Identify Trainers and Youth participants • Negotiation with schools for time • 200 in and out of school youth with no previous IT training • 20 participants per school • 2 instructors • 80 hours spanning 2-4 weeks • 10 weeks (8 hours per week) • Each week has 4 hours of basic EE classroom training • And 4 hours hands-on IT business training • 300 participants (100 from Phase O) • 20 participants (2 from each school) • 5 day duration Description • 20 instructors (2 per school) • 4 hours led by EE instructor • 4 hours led by IT instructor • Connections with Rotarians • CEEWA • Ayub • Mike/Tony/Kayoko • CEEWA • Ayub • 20 instructors (2 per school) • 20 instructors (2 per school) • Led by IT instructor Inputs The First Round of the Youth IT Pilot will span approximately 6 months and train 400 unique in- and out-of-school youth

  21. Agenda • Project Background • Why Youth IT Project is important? • Project interest • Uganda Youth IT Pilot Logistics • Next steps

  22. Next Steps • Formal part of workplan • Identify FY03 Resources • Recruit part-time project consultant • Evaluation Component • Youth Entrepreneurship Business Plan Competition • JA Entrepreneurship, IT and HIV/AIDS Material Development • GDLN • Youth Livelihood Education and IT • Women Entrepreneurship and IT • Match Rotary Commitment - Zimbabwe • Identify FY04 Resources • Continue to work with operations to find support • WBI and Bank co-financing • Pursue Bank-Rotary Challenge Grant – US$1 - 5 million • Other External Fundraising • Private Sector – e.g., Gates Foundation • Bilaterals – USAID • IDB/IYF – Entra 21 $10,000 $ 5,000 $20,000 $20,000 $ 5,000 $20,000 $80,000 Total:

  23. Appendix

  24. DevelopTraining Material & Participant Selection Key Activities • Confirm participation of CEEWA (Local NGO) for development of EE material • Identify 2 trainers for each of the 10 participating schools • Identify 20 Phase 0 participants from each school for intensive IT training • Identify an additional 20 participants per school for Phase 1 integrated training • Develop training material for TOT workshop • Develop IT and EE integrated training material • Negotiations with schools for usage of computer facilities • TOT logistics Inputs • CEEWA –Council for Economic Empowerment for Women of Africa • SchoolNet-Uganda – Ayub • WBIHD ICT for Education – Mike/Tony • YouthIT-Uganda National Advisory Committee • Rotary - Altadena Expected Outcomes • Hard copy material for TOT (40 hours) • Hard copy material for EE and IT integrated training (80 hours) – CEEWA • Hard copy material for IT Intensive (80 hours) – Ayub • ICT and Women Entrepreneurs Case Study Material - Mike • YouthIT CareerNet Handbook – CEEWA • HIV/AIDS, IT and Entrepreneurship Material – JA Zimbabwe • List of participants and instructors

  25. Training of trainer workshop Key Activities • 5 days of IT and EE training mainly focusing on EE material for IT-trained instructors (December) • Collaboration among instructors to finalize course content for Phase O and It Inputs • 20 instructors • CEEWA • Ayub • Oversight by ICT for Education – Mike/Tony • Training center facility Expected Outcomes • Instructor readiness • Enhancements to existing training program • Youth IT teacher network for ongoing collaboration

  26. Intensive IT training – Phase 0 Key Activities • 80 hours of general IT training spread across 2-4 weeks • Material taken primarily from Phase 0 of existing material • Incorporation of general IT-business concepts and assignments (EE-light) Inputs • 200 Youth (at least 100 women and 100 out of school youth) • 20 instructors across 10 schools • Oversight by CEEWA and Ayub • Dedicated schools labs (80 hours of instruction) Expected Outcomes • 100 youth will have basic IT proficiency and be ready for Phase 1 – based on a selection process • 100 youth will continue their training through self learning which is subsidized by the project (40 hours of additional training vouchers)

  27. Intensive EE training – Phase 1 Key Activities • 80 hours of training (40 hours of general entrepreneurship and 40 hours of hands on IT services training – spanning 10 weeks) • e.g., Tues and Thur - 2 hours of general EE training – in classroom • e.g., Sat - 4 hours of hands on IT training – 2 sessions (15 participants each) • 5 - 7 modules covering different business concepts (e.g., web development, data processing, technical support, supporting existing businesses, research support) • 40 hours of subsidized access to computer facilities for homework (4 hours per week) Inputs • 300 Youth (100 from Phase 0, 200 new participant with existing IT skills) • 20 instructors across 10 schools • Oversight by CEEWA and Ayub • Dedicated schools labs for Saturdays • Dedicated classrooms for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons/early evenings Expected Outcomes • 300 youth will have developed basic EE skills • Youth will understand the type of IT-related business opportunities • Youth are in a better position to market themselves within the workforce (employable or self-employed) • Youth will acquire exposure to major IT services with the hope that they will continue to develop skills in one or more IT-related areas

  28. What is expected of each participating school? What each school gets in return? • $400 • 80 hours Dedicated lab time during January for Phase 0 training • Dedicated labs on Saturdays for 10 weeks for Phase 1 IT training • Feb-April • 8 hours per day x 10 weeks = 80 hours • Classroom for EE training • For ~30 participants • 4 hours during after school hours (2 hours per session) • Coupons for in school participants to use labs • Coupons for out of school participants to use labs • 40 hours each • ~ 40 coupons per school • $400 • In school - FREE • Out of school - Rate of $.59 per hour (based on AVG. weekly rate) x 40 hours x 20 participants = $432 • $432 • Additional benefits • Free EE training for in school participants • Payment of school teachers + Total $ 1232

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