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飛航管理程序 ATMP 訓練. 緣起 ICAO 與 FAA 規範之差異 (DOC 4444 VS.7110.65) 飛航管理程序與飛航管制程序差異對照第一章至第九章 (ATMP VS. ATP88) 術語. 國際民航組織 ( I nternational C ivil A viation O rganization- ICAO ). 為聯合國負責國際民用航空事務之機構 主要任務為 訂定全球各國一致遵循的標準及建議措施 : 頒訂國際民航公約 Annex 1-18 為聯合國各締約國遵守之國際標準。
飛航管理程序ATMP訓練 • 緣起 • ICAO與FAA規範之差異(DOC 4444 VS.7110.65) • 飛航管理程序與飛航管制程序差異對照第一章至第九章 (ATMP VS. ATP88) • 術語
國際民航組織(International Civil Aviation Organization-ICAO) • 為聯合國負責國際民用航空事務之機構 • 主要任務為訂定全球各國一致遵循的標準及建議措施: • 頒訂國際民航公約Annex 1-18為聯合國各締約國遵守之國際標準。 • 發行各類飛航相關文件、手冊、指導資料、通告,以補充國際民航公約附約之實際作業程序。
編號 ICAO文件 使用單位 參考單位 維護單位 Procedures of air navigation services 1 [PANS] Doc 4444 Air Traffic Management 航管、情報、通信單位 航管組管制科 2 Doc 8168 Vol-2 Aircraft operation (OPS) 航管組系統科 3 Doc 8400 ICAO abbreviations and codes (ABC) 飛航服務單位 航管組查核科 4 Doc 7030 Regional supplementary procedures 飛航服務單位 Air navigation – AGA – Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids 5 Doc 9476 Manual of surface movement guidance and control system (SMGCS) 航管、情報、航電單位 舉例:
為何要符合國際民航規範 • 交通部指示:民航局全面檢視本區各項飛航作業是否符合國際民航組織(ICAO) 民航公約Annex 1-18。 • 國際民航公約中有關與飛航管制相關之航管作業程序,主要以飛航服務程序之 第4444號文件「飛航管理」。
為何要符合國際民航規範(續) • 飛航管制程序是航空器駕駛員及飛航管制員之間的一種互動行為模式的媒介,雙方對於這種行為模式都要有深切的瞭解、熟練並共同遵守規範。 • 對於非英語系國家更需要使用標準程序及術語,以避免誤解原文涵義及誤用相關規定。
為何要符合國際民航規範(續) • 儘管FAA與ICAO規範間之差異不是很大,但即使是小部分,對於所有民航駕駛員而言,就必須去適應兩種不同的管制觀念和作為;而對於民方管制員而言,則必須採用一種標準來實施飛航管制。 • 對於軍方飛行員及管制員而言,既然飛航及作業均在本情報區內,當然必須了解ICAO規範,以使所有軍方、民方管制員與駕駛員,都能採用同一種標準。 • 另本區周圍之國家,航管作業都已採用ICAO規範。
ICAO與FAA規範之差異 • ICAO規範與FAA規範內容最大之差異在於FAA規範包括軍用程序,ICAO規範則無。 • ICAO規範與FAA規範於重要部分如管制方式、隔離標準大抵相似,小部分內容如陸空通訊所用語言(術語)、特定系統相關 程序等則有差異。
軍用專屬程序 • 3-10-12 衝場航線作業 • 3-10-13 模擬熄火進場/戒備航線進場練習 • 4-8-7 側降 • 5-10 雷達進場-終端 • 5-11 搜索進場-終端 • 5-12 精確進場-終端 • 5-13 使用精確雷達監視進場-終端 • 全部保留稍加修改
軍民共用程序 • 2-1-19 機尾亂流 • 2-1-20 機尾亂流警告諮詢 • 3-2-1 燈光信號 • 3-9-4 進跑道等待 • 3-11 直昇機作業 • 5-10-9 通信檢查 部分修改
軍民共用程序(續) • 7-1目視 • 7-4-2 引導做目視進場 • 7-4-3 目視進場許可 • 7-4-6 觸視進場 • 7-5 特種目視 部分修改
飛航管理程序AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES(ATMP) • ATMP=ATP88架構及術語+DOC4444條文及術語+MATS補強 • 基本上ATMP採用FAA 7110.65之架構,保留原有之部分術語,大約佔59% • 大部分採用D0C4444之條文及術語,大約佔40% • 部分參考澳洲之飛航服務手冊,大約佔1% • 民航局與空軍司令部會銜頒布 • 預訂於96年7月1日生效(96年3月28日轉移進度說明會決議)
飛航管理程序與飛航管制程序差異對照 • 第一章 Introduction 緒論 • 第二章 General Control 一般管制 • 第三章 Aerodrome Traffic Control-Terminal 機場管制-終端 • 第四章 IFR 儀器飛航 • 第五章 RADAR 雷 達 • 第六章 Non-Radar Separation Methods and Minima 非雷達隔離之方法與最低標準 • 第七章 Visual 目 視 • 第八章 Special Flight 特種飛航 • 第九章 Emergencies 緊急程序
第一章緒論(續) • 1-1-4EXPLANATION OF MAJOR CHANGES • This Manual replaces “ATP 88”. • The majority of changes incorporated in this Manual are designed to achieve compliance with ICAO documentation especially Annex11–Air Traffic Services and the PANS/ATM Doc 4444. • If further information is desired, direct questions to the Air Traffic Services Division(ATSD), CAA, and the Air Traffic Management Procedures Revision Committee.
第一章緒論(續) • 1-2 TERMS OF REFERENCE • 1-2-1 WORD MEANINGS • Level is a generic term relating to the vertical position of an aircraft in flight and means variously, height, altitude or flight level. • Altitude. means the vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level (MSL) • Track, bearing, azimuth, heading, and wind direction information shall always be magnetic unless specifically stated otherwise.
第一章緒論(續) • 1-2 TERMS OF REFERENCE • 1-2-5 ANNOTATIONS • e. The annotation, MILITARY, denotes that the procedure immediately following the annotation applies only to the designated service. • NOTE:Military procedures shall be applied by: • ① ATC facilities operated by that military service. • ② Other ATC facilities when specified in a letter of agreement.
第一章緒論(續) • 1-2 TERMS OF REFERENCE • 1-2-6 PHRASEOLOGY DEPICTION • Words in parentheses ( ) indicate that specific information, such as a level, a place or a time, etc., must be inserted to complete the phrase, or alternatively that optional phrases may be used. Words in square parentheses [ ] indicate optional additional words or information that may be necessary in specific instances.
第一章緒論(續) • 1-2 TERMS OF REFERENCE • 1-2-6 PHRASEOLOGY DEPICTION • PHRASEOLOGY: • NUMBER ... FOLLOW (aircraft type and position) [additional instructions if required]. • CONTINUE APPROACH [PREPARE FOR POSSIBLE GO AROUND]
第一章緒論(續) • 1-3 DEFINITIONS • 1-3-1 ICAO DEFINITIONS • Aircraft proximity: A situation in which, in the opinion of a pilot or air traffic services personnel, the distance between aircraft as well as their relative positions and speed have been such that the safety of the aircraft involved may have been compromised. • An aircraft proximity is classified as follows:
第一章緒論(續) • 1-3 DEFINITIONS • 1-3-1 ICAO DEFINITIONS • Risk of collision: The risk classification of an aircraft proximity in which serious risk of collision has existed. • Safety not assured: The risk classification of an aircraft proximity in which no risk of collision has existed.
第一章緒論(續) • 1-3 DEFINITIONS • 1-3-1 ICAO DEFINITIONS • No risk of collision:The risk classification of an aircraft proximity in which no risk of collision has existed. • Risk not determined: The risk classification of an aircraft proximity in which insufficient information was available to determine the risk involved, or inconclusive or conflicting evidence precluded such determination.
第一章緒論(續) • 1-3 DEFINITIONS • 1-3-1 ICAO DEFINITIONS • Near-parallel runways: Non-intersecting runways whose extended centre lines have an angle of convergence/divergence of 15 degrees or less.
第一章緒論(續) • 1-3 DEFINITIONS • 1-3-1 ICAO DEFINITIONS • Runway-holding position: A designated position intended to protect a runway, an obstacle limitation surface, or an ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles shall stop and hold, unless otherwise authorized by the aerodrome control tower. • Note: In radiotelephony phraseologies, the expression “holding point” is used to designate the runway-holding position.
第一章緒論(續) • 1-3 DEFINITIONS • 1-3-1 ICAO DEFINITIONS • Holding point:A specified location, identified by visual or other means, in the vicinity of which the position of an aircraft in flight is maintained in accordance with air traffic control clearances.
第一章緒論(續) • 1-3 DEFINITIONS • 1-3-1 ICAO DEFINITIONS • Segregated parallel operations: on parallel or near-parallel instrument runways in which one runway is used exclusively for approaches and the other runway is used exclusively for departures.
第二章 ㄧ般管制 • 2-1GENERAL • 2-1-1 OBJECTIVES OF THE AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES • The objectives of the air traffic services are to: • a. Prevent collisions between aircraft. • b. Prevent collisions between aircraft on the maneuvering area and obstructions on that area.
Aug. 31, 1986 -- Aeromexico DC9 collides with single-engined Piper aircraft. 85 dead. These are the last words they said: CAPT: TOWER, WE ARE GOING DOWN. CO-PILOT: MOM, I LOVE YOU.
Mid-air collision over Ueberlingen, Germany, July 1, 2002 (TU 154 Bashkirian) BTC 2937 (B757 DHL) DHX 611
Tenerife, Canary Islands March 27, 1977 The worst aviation disaster in history, which killed a total of 583 people.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1GENERAL • 2-1-1 OBJECTIVES OF THE AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES • c. Expedite and maintain an orderly flow of air traffic. • d. Provide advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights. • e. Notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as required.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1GENERAL • 2-1-2 DUTY PRIORITIES • a. Give priority to the provision of air traffic control service over the provision of flight information service whenever the provision of air traffic control service so requires. • b. The provision of safety alerts is a function of the air traffic control service.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1GENERAL • 2-1-3 GENERAL PROVISIONS OF SEPARATION • a. Unless otherwise specified ,vertical or horizontal separation shall be provided: • 1. Between all flights in Class A and B airspaces • 2. Between IFR flights in Class C, D, E and E surface airspaces • 3. Between IFR flights and VFR flights in Class C airspace
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1GENERAL • 2-1-3 GENERAL PROVISIONS OF SEPARATION • 4. Between IFR flights and special VFR flights, and • 5. Between special VFR flights, when so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority. • Except for the cases under 2. above in airspace Classes D, E and E surface, during the hours of daylight,when flights have been cleared to climb or descend subject to maintaining own separation and remainingin visual meteorological conditions.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1GENERAL • 2-1-3 GENERAL PROVISIONS OF SEPARATION • b. No clearance shall be given to execute any manoeuvre that would reduce the spacing between two aircraft to less than the separation minimum applicable in the circumstances. • c. Larger separations than the specified minima should be applied whenever exceptional circumstances such as unlawful interference or navigational difficulties call for extra precautions. This should be done with due regard to all relevant factors so as to avoid impeding the flow of air traffic by the application of excessive separations.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1GENERAL • 2-1-3 GENERAL PROVISIONS OF SEPARATION • d. Where the type of separation or minimum used to separate two aircraft cannot be maintained, another type of separation or another minimum shall be established prior to the time when the current separation minimum would be infringed.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-5 GENERAL PRIORITIES • Provide air traffic control service to aircraft on a “first come, first served”* basis as circumstances permit, except the following: • NOTE: “Shortest Processing Time” **and “Earliest Due Date” are other basis used in aviation industry.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-5 GENERAL PRIORITIES • a. An aircraft already at a level has priority over an aircraft requesting that level. • b. When two or more aircraft are at the same level, the preceding aircraft has priority. • c. Within an RVSM level band, an RVSM approved aircraft has priority for level assignment over anon-RVSM approved aircraft.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-5 GENERAL PRIORITIES • d. Assign levels at a holding fix or visual holding point to facilitate clearing each aircraft to approach in its proper priority. • e. When practicable, turbojet aircraft permitted to hold at higher levels to conserve fuel retain their place in the approach sequence. • f. In establishing approach and departure sequences, facilitate the movement of the maximum number ofaircraft with the least average delay.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-5 GENERAL PRIORITIES • g. A landing aircraft has priority over a departing aircraft if the latter cannot take-off with the prescribedseparation minima. • h. Aircraft landing and taking-off have priority over taxiing aircraft.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-6 SPECIFIC PRIORITIES • Provided that safety is not jeopardized, assign priority for the use of airspace and the maneuvering area in the following order: • a. An aircraft that is believed to be in a state of emergency, including being subject to unlawful interference. • b. An aircraft which anticipates being compelled to land because of factors affecting the safe operation of the aircraft (engine failure, shortage of fuel, etc).
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-6 SPECIFIC PRIORITIES • c. Air ambulance (LIFEGUARD) aircraft; when verbally requested, military evacuation flights; when requested by the pilot, ground handling of patients, vital organs and urgently needed medical supplies. • d. Aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations. • e. Interceptor aircraft on active air defense.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-6 SPECIFIC PRIORITIES • f. Presidential aircraft and entourage, and any escort,support aircraft. • NOTE:- Presidential aircraft and entourage include aircraft and entourage of the President, Vice President, or other public figures when designated by the military authority. • g.Other military mission flights by pre-arrangement. • h. Flight Check aircraft. • i. All other aircraft, except that IFR have priority over special VFR.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-8 SAFETY ALERT • Issue a safety alert to an aircraft if you are aware the aircraft is in a position/level which, in your judgment, places it in unsafe proximity to terrain, obstructions, or other aircraft. The issuance of safety alert is a first priority duty. Once the pilot informs you action is being taken to resolve the situation, you may discontinue the issuance of further alerts. Do not assume that because someone else has responsibility for the aircraft that the unsafe situation has been observed and the safety alert issued; inform the appropriate controller.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-8 SAFETY ALERT • NOTE: • ① Conditions, such as workload, traffic volume, the quality/limitations of the radar system, and the available lead time to react are factors in determining whether it is reasonable for the controller to observe and recognize such situations. While a controller cannot see immediately the development of every situation where a safety alert must be issued, the controller must remain vigilant for such situations and issue a safety alert when the situation is recognized.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-8 SAFETY ALERT • NOTE: • Recognition of situations of unsafe proximity may result from TOHAP/MSAW, automatic level readouts, Conflict/Mode C Intruder Alert, observations on a PAR scope, or pilot reports. • ③ Once the alert is issued, it is solely the pilot's prerogative to determine what course of action, if any, will be taken.
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-8 SAFETY ALERT • Phraseology: • (Identification) LOW LEVEL ALERT, CHECK YOUR LEVEL IMMEDIATELY. • THE, as appropriate, MEA/MVA/MOCA/MIA IN YOUR AREA IS (level), • or if an aircraft is past the final approach fix (nonprecision approach), • or the outer marker, • or the fix used in lieu of the outer marker (precision approach), • and, if known, issue • THE, as appropriate, MDA/DH IS (level).
第二章 一般管制(續) • 2-1 GENERAL • 2-1-8 SAFETY ALERT • Phraseology: • (Identification) TRAFFIC ALERT (position of traffic if time permits), • ADVISE YOU TURN LEFT/RIGHT (specific heading, if appropriate), • and/or • CLIMB/DESCEND (specific level if appropriate) IMMEDIATELY.