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Family rituals:
1. Tea time!: Family rituals and their links to family functioning and youth wellbeing in New Zealand Carla Crespo, Jan Pryor and Paul Jose
Roy McKenzie Centre for the Study of Families
SASP-Wellington 2008
2. Family rituals: windows to the family
- Rituals tell researcher what families do
- Powerful organizer of behaviour within the family
- Interaction between individual and family - level factors
3. -Family rituals are associated with positive outcomes for young people such as stronger adolescent identity, and less alcohol consumption for adolescents in at-risk households; they have also been negatively linked with mental health problems.
4. Current study Examined the links between familys investment in rituals and:
a) Family perceptions (young people and parents/caregivers reports)
b) Young peoples outcomes such as bullying behaviour and externalization as a coping strategy (young peoples reports)
5. Measures -Family Ritual Questionnaire
(Fiese and Kline, 1993)
-Family Cohesion
(Adapted from FACES II, Olson, Portner & Bell, 1992)
-Family Monitoring and Supervision; Family Conflict
(Adapted from Family Climate Inventory, Kurdek, Fine & Sinclair, 1995)
-Family Identity
(Generated for the study)
6. Measures -Work-life balance
(One item generated for the study)
-Coping strategy: Externalization
(Adapted from Jose, DAnna, Cafasso et al.)
-Bullying in and outside school
(One item each measuring the frequency of bullying in the past month)
7. Dinner timeThink about a typical dinner in your family
For our family
really true sort of true
Some families regularly eat dinner together
For our family
really true sort of true
Other families rarely
eat dinner together.
8. Annual CelebrationsThink of celebrations that your family has every year. Some examples would be birthdays, Christmas and anniversaries.
For our family
really true sort of true
For some families , celebrations are important and special
For our family
really true sort of true
For some families, celebrations arent particularly important or
9. Sample
12. CorrelationsFamily rituals and other family dimensions * p< .05 ----- Parents/caregivers
** p <. 01 ----- Young people
13. CorrelationsFamily rituals and young peoples outcomes * p< .05
** p <. 01 ----- Young people
14. Model fit
Chi-square: 1.52; p= .22; CFI= .99; RMSEA= .015
15. Regression analyses: Predicting Bullying in school * p < .05 ----- Parents/caregivers
** p < . 01 ----- Young people
16. Regression analyses: Predicting Bullying outside school * p< .05 ----- Parents/caregivers
** p <. 01 ----- Young people
18. Regression analyses: Predicting Externalization * p < .05 ----- Parents/caregivers
** p < . 01 ----- Young people
19. Discussion Stronger families investment in rituals is linked to more positive family perceptions reported by both parents/caregivers and young people
Stronger families investment in rituals is negatively linked to young peoples bullying behaviour and externalization
20. Conclusions The study of family rituals vs the study of more classic family dimensions
Family rituals: Relevant for young peoples regulation of interpersonal behaviour?
The assessment issue: The importance of young peoples independent perceptions of family rituals