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Functionalists say the family is good for society. Functionalism is a conflict theory. Durkheim says the family acts like a warm bath. Parsons says the family acts like a warm bath to relieve the stresses and strains of life.
Parsons says the family acts like a warm bath to relieve the stresses and strains of life
According to Functionalists; the family has evolved from extended to nuclear as a result of industrialisation
Parsons claims that the family is a successful institution because it contains an expressive male and instrumental female
Murdock claims the nuclear family is universal because it carries out 4 key functions
Engels, Zaretsky, Althusser, Lasch and Donzelot are the Marxist theoriest who claim the family works to support the dominance of the ruling class
An ideological state apparatus is a tool used by the state to transmit their dominant ideology e.g. according to Marxists the family is used to teach children to work hard and respect authority.
Fran Ansley said women should babystrike in order to avoid the childcare responsibilities that held them back
Feminists say that the family should be used to promote patriarchy
Delphy and leonard say that women are ultimately responsible for the emotion work in families. They now have a triple shift.
Feminists think family diversity is negative for society and that the ideal family type is nuclear
Anti psychiatrists believe the family is bad for individuals and causes mental illness due to the stress and pressure it causes,
Postmodernists say there is very little diversity in families today
Interactionists or social action theorists want to look within individual families to see how people interpret and experience their role.
All sociological theories agree on the role of the family in society