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DataMaster DMT Operator Course. Contact Information. Trisha Conti, PhD Alcohol Program Supervisor trisha.conti@state.vt.us (802) 241-5436. Amanda Bolduc, MFS Forensic Chemist III amanda.bolduc@state.vt.us (802) 241-5300. Rob Driscoll DMT Technician rob.driscoll@state.vt.us
DataMaster DMT Operator Course 09/2013
Contact Information Trisha Conti, PhD Alcohol Program Supervisor trisha.conti@state.vt.us (802) 241-5436 Amanda Bolduc, MFS Forensic Chemist III amanda.bolduc@state.vt.us (802) 241-5300 Rob Driscoll DMT Technician rob.driscoll@state.vt.us (802) 241-5817 Rebecca Mead, MFS Forensic Chemist II rebecca.mead@state.vt.us (802) 241- 5279 Marcella Giammanco Administrative Assistant marcella.giammanco@state.vt.us (802) 241-5282 09/2013
Thank You! • Thank you to the Vermont Governor’s Highway Safety Program for the funding to purchase the DataMaster DMT’s. 09/2013
Why are we here? • To certify Vermont Police Officers in the proper operation of the DataMaster DMT to enable them to obtain an evidential breath sample from a DUI subject. 09/2013
General History • The DataMaster is an infrared breath testing instrument approved for evidential use in the state of Vermont. Originally developed in the early 1980’s. • The BAC DataMaster was installed in Franklin County in 1990 as a test county. Used exclusively Jan 1st 1996. 09/2013
General History • The DataMaster DMT was installed in Franklin & Grand Isle Counties in July of 2008. Used exclusively as of December 2010. • Oversight of the Blood and Breath Alcohol Program was transferred from the Department of Health Laboratory to the Vermont Forensic Laboratory on March 1, 2012. 09/2013
Addison County – 4 Bennington County – 5 Caledonia County – 3 Chittenden County – 11 Essex County – 3 Franklin County – 6 Grand Isle County – 1 Lamoille County – 3 Orange County – 3 Orleans County – 2 Rutland County – 4 Washington County – 6 Windham County – 8 Windsor County – 7 How many are there? 66 Sites 09/2013
The DataMaster DMT 09/2013
The Science Behind the DataMaster Aka Everyone’s Favorite Section 09/2013
What are we doing? • Ethanol is volatile • Readily moves from liquid to air • Readily moves from blood to breath • The DataMaster measures the concentration of ethanol in breath • Less invasive than drawing blood 09/2013
Henry’s Law • In a closed system, at a given temperature, there is a fixed ratio between the concentration of a volatile in a liquid and in the air above the liquid. Ethanol in air Ethanol in liquid Therefore, the ethanol concentration in the blood is at equilibrium with the ethanol concentration in the breath. 09/2013
Infrared Spectroscopy • IR energy is one small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum typically felt as heat. • Infrared (night vision) goggles makes heat visible by using various colors for different temperatures. 09/2013
IR energy and EtOH • In a molecule atoms are held together by bonds • When subjected to IR energy of the correct frequency the bonds will move from one vibrational state to the next highest • DataMaster targets the C-H bond in the methyl group 09/2013
Infrared Absorption • Different molecules absorb IR energy differently • Different IR “fingerprints” exist for different compounds • The “fingerprints” allow the DataMaster to be specific for ethanol 09/2013
Partial EtOH Fingerprint 3.50 microns 09/2013
Beer-Lambert Law • The Beer-Lambert law states that there is a direct relationship between the concentration of a substance and the amount of infrared energy it absorbs. The DataMaster can measure the amount of ethanol in a breath sample by detecting how much IR energy reaches the detector. 09/2013
Beer-Lambert Law • The more ethanol present in the breath, the more infrared energy is absorbed, the less IR energy that reaches the detector. 09/2013
Quantitation • The DataMaster is calibrated with a sample of known concentration • Known concentration = known absorption 09/2013
Quantitation • IR energy absorbed by the KNOWN sample is compared to IR energy of UNKNOWN sample • From this comparison the alcohol concentration of the unknown can be determined 09/2013
External Components 09/2013
External Components Keyboard Stylus Breath Tube Simulator Serial Number Label Touch Screen 09/2013
Back Panel 09/2013
Simulator 09/2013
Internal Components 09/2013
Temperature Monitoring Cable Processor Board 09/2013
Internal Components Communication Board 5-Way Valve LABELED PHOTO OF INTERNAL COMPONENTS Simulator Tubes In/Out Pump Flow Sensor Inlet Block Sample Chamber IR Source Detector Block 09/2013
DataMaster Optical Bench 09/2013
Breath Analysis 09/2013
Quality Control Measures • Before analysis is begun the DMT: • Checks its components for function • Checks the detector response • Monitors its heated zones • Adjusts baseline to room air 09/2013
Quality Control Measures • Blank tests are run at the beginning of the test sequence and after vapors are introduced. • Blank tests are run after a purge cycle to ensure the sample chamber is free of alcohol. • Acceptable results will read 0.000. 09/2013
Quality Control Measures • The Calibration Check in the DMT is a quartz plate. • The calibration check is run to confirm the stability of the calibration. • An acceptable result for the calibration check will display PASSED. 09/2013
Quality Control Measures • An artificial breath sample is provided by the simulator and is analyzed as a control sample. • This will be reported as the Simulator Vapor with a result indicated on all reports. • A simulator solution at an approximate ethanol concentration of 0.100 is used. • The DMT has an acceptance range of +/- 5% of the certified value for the simulator vapor. • The testing process will continue after an acceptable simulator vapor reading. 09/2013
Mouth Alcohol vs. Deep Lung Air • DMT is designed to sample deep lung air • The human body is not a closed system • Therefore, the air in the bottom of the lungs will be closest in concentration to that found in the blood. • We want to sample the air closest to the blood, highest in concentration. • Air in the upper portion of the lungs is constantly being diluted by room air and is biased low. 09/2013
How do we know? • DataMaster reads the sample every 0.25 second. • When deep lung air is sampled a plateau is reached rather than a sharp increase. Normal Breath BrAC 09/2013 Time (sec.)
What is Mouth Alcohol? • Mouth Alcohol is alcohol that is not a reflection of the alcohol in the blood Drinking or rinsing with alcohol, some remains in the mouth. Vomiting, if there is alcohol in the stomach may leave mouth alcohol. 09/2013
How do we know? • The same methods it uses to know that it is reading deep lung air enables it to see mouth alcohol. Mouth Alcohol • Assume beer is 5.0% alcohol. • The legal limit is 0.08%. • The high EtOH concentration in the beer causes the peak to overshoot the concentration in the breath. • The DMT detects this and declares it an “Invalid Sample”. BrAC Time (sec.) 09/2013
Preventing Mouth Alcohol • 15 Minute Observation Period (nothing into the mouth, nothing out) • Most Studies show that mouth alcohol dissipates within 10-12 minutes, so 15 minutes is more than enough to ensure that no mouth alcohol will be present in the breath sample. 09/2013
Substances Other Than EtOH • How would other substances be present? • Diabetics and fasting people may produce acetone in their bodies in small amounts. • Alcoholics have been known to ingest other alcohols besides ethanol. Rubbing alcohol (Isopropanol), Wood alcohol (Methanol). Both are very toxic to humans. • Inhaling volatile substances which remain on the breath and absorb IR. 09/2013
How do we know? • Different Substances have different IR “fingerprints”. • The DMT uses multiple filters at different wavelengths to look for ethanol. • Ethanol generates characteristic peaks at these wavelengths which differentiate it from other substances. • If the DMT detects a ratio inconsistent with ethanol it will report “Interference” rather than a BrAC numerical result. • You will have to get a blood sample. 09/2013
After the stop… After the SFSTs… Back at the Station… 09/2013
Clear the screen saver then… Touch RUN on the screen 09/2013
DUI vs. Check-In Confirmation • For all suspected DUI subjects, you will select DUI • If a subject fails a PBT during a Check-In and needs a confirmation test, select CHECK-IN • Each selection will lead to a subject information entry screen. 09/2013