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Strategic Planning for Course Management Systems

Strategic Planning for Course Management Systems. California State University October 9, 2006. CSU Chico Case Study. Chico Academic Technologies Profile LMS Selection Process The Change to Enterprise LMS Project Schedule, Planning & Teams Faculty Training Issues and Challenges

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Strategic Planning for Course Management Systems

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  1. Strategic Planning for Course Management Systems California State University October 9, 2006

  2. CSU Chico Case Study • Chico Academic Technologies Profile • LMS Selection Process • The Change to Enterprise LMS • Project Schedule, Planning & Teams • Faculty Training • Issues and Challenges • Resources

  3. Calif. State University, Chico • 90 miles north of Sacramento • 14,550 FTE / 15,600 Students • 913 Faculty • Serving 12 counties in NE California • 30-year history in distance education • 1995 Technology and Learning Program (TLP) • 1998 started with WebCT 1.3 • Chico is one of the original 14 WebCT Institutes • Instructional Designers design training • Rubric for Online Instruction

  4. Chico’s WebCT 4.1 Status • 96% of students access WebCT • 32% of course sections (active/engaged) • 68% of faculty using WebCT • WebCT 4.1 Server: • SUN V880 - 4 processors, Solaris 8 • 350GB Hardware RAID • System & Course back-ups nightly

  5. Estimated WebCT Usage Faculty Students Course Sections 15000 1,547 Sections 14000 14,727 Students 760 Faculty 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 Spring Spring Spring Spring 2006 2003 2004 2005

  6. WebCT Integration • Portal/LDAP • uPortal channel links to current term courses • Link to MyWebCT to link to other courses • LDAP supports direct “back-door” access to WebCT • Student Information System • 2003 SCT SIS+ “Connected Learning Solution” • Course shell for every course section • Adds and Drops “semi-real-time” • Moved to PeopleSoft Fall 2005 • Library • Course shell: generic link to Library resources

  7. Next Generation LMS • Available 24x7 • Fault Tolerant • Integrated with other campus systems • Expandable • Today’s technology (no perl, relational db) • Must do migration from WebCT 4.1 • “Modern” features

  8. Chico IT Strategic Planning • Target 2000 --> Beyond 2000 --> • Aligning with the Future • http://www.csuchico.edu/inf/ • These plans included the LMS • We were changing ERP systems • The LMS was going to move with them • Latch on to change and ride the tail

  9. LMS II Selection Process • CIO charged a campus committee • Committee Demographics • Review Chico State’s Priorities • Teaching and Learning • Academic Program Assessment • Support and Sustainability • Enterprise Integration • Institutional Partnership • LMS Needs Analysis and Rubrics

  10. Pass/Fail Rubric

  11. Best Fit Rubric

  12. Vista Enterprise Wide (VEW) DVD • Changing the Learning Management System • Moving it to an Enterprise Application

  13. Computing Networking Web ServicesDBAs Applications ATEC“Control” Old Architecture LDAP uPortal Network Back-ups WebCT CE www Users Student Information System Data Auth

  14. Vista Architecture Vista Production Vista Development& Training

  15. Change Management • Academic Technologies • Vista hotfixes, service packs and upgrades • Computing Services • OS upgrades and patches • Security and Networking • Host firewall issues • DBAs • Oracle configuration, monitoring, management and upgrades

  16. Enterprise Planning (Communication!) • Kick-Off meetings (technical and campus) • Informed IT Team • Establish ownership & collaboration • Informed campus • Set expectations & future vision • Project Planning Teams • Project Planning Meetings

  17. Vista Project Teams (Rev 3/06) California State University, Chico Vista Project Director Kathy Fernandes Project Management Bill Evans Vista Technical Mgmt Lead D. McElroberts Faculty Training & Support Project Management Implementation Committee Technical Integration and Testing Functional Testing Team Content Migration Application & System Security Systems Team HW/SW/App Communications B Evans K Fernandes F- B Evans F – B Evans F-L Sederberg L Sederberg F - L Sederberg F- B Evans L Sederberg T – D Partington T- B Evans T – C Franquet T- C Araya T-D Partington K Fernandes B Evans T – D McElroberts V Breeden L Sederberg T – J Nowotny D Kuechel C Araya C Franquet T Somma D Abbott D Abbott J Irving B Kissinger J Nowotny J Nowotny P Weddington C Araya B Banks L Sederberg R Esposto T Somma P Berry C Franquet B Evans J Ringel B Evans S Hillaire B Evans J Kennedy P Weddington T Somma R Esposto T Somma A Mox A Mox S Blackstone B Groendyke K Batt L Post P DiFalco C Araya S Kodai C Franquet S Hillaire L Gardiner D McElroberts A Graham J Musselman B Groendyke C Guenter D Partington Application Administration Student Training & Support Vista Project Instructional Documentary J Bracey S Kodai B Oppy J Ringel M Owens B Banks Esposto B Evans K Fernandes M Spiess D Carter T Somma L Sederberg L Sederberg C Franquet L Sederberg ATEC Faculty Networking B Evans M Ferris C Araya DBAs PeopleSoft Application Development C Franquet J Nowotny S Kodai Info Security User Services

  18. Project Scheduling & Tracking

  19. Targets and Milestones • 2005 • Fall – Installation & Train the Trainers • Fall/Winter – Develop Training for Faculty • 2006 • Winter – Train Fac. & Develop Pilot Courses • Spring – Run Pilot Courses; Integration – Full Training Series; Train Faculty • Summer – Migrate courses; Test integration • Fall – Half courses running in Vista • 2007 • Spring – All courses in Vista • Summer – Clean-up & wrap up

  20. LMS Transition by Department • More fun to learn with people you know • Less confusion for students • Easier management of change • Vista is a better department tool • Group decisions/communication • Sharing resources • Program assessment goals

  21. Training Options • “Transition to Vista” migration module • 2-1/2 hours, experience with WebCT CE required • Foundation series • Vista 101 through 105 (beginners welcome) • Intermediate modules • List of electives by topic

  22. Faculty: Why Training? • Faculty decisions to be made • Migration methods to choose from • Migrate one course or more? • Consultations

  23. Faculty Training Aids • Coffee and cookies • Graphics for Vista tools • Posters • Hats for Build, Teach & Student tabs • T-Shirts

  24. Training with Props Chico trainers teach Vista tabs with hats: Build= Construction hat Teach = Mortar board Student View = Chico ball cap

  25. Issues & Challenges • Getting Buy-in/Ownership • Started with selection process • System maintenance • Cost factors: Buy or build? • Training? Services? • Getting others plans • Strategic Plans • Project Plans

  26. Resource Links • Chico’s IT Strategic Planswww.csuchico.edu/inf/ • Chico’s VEW Web sitewww.csuchico.edu/tlp/vew/ • Rubric for Online Instruction www.csuchico.edu/celt/roi/

  27. Questions?

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