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LUNG CANCER AND TOBACCO USE. What is the function of the lungs?. Right lung=3 lobes Left lung=2 lobes Air enters lungs through trachea Trachea divides into bronchi Bronchi divide into bronchioles Alveoli are the air sacs at the end of the bronchioles Pleura = lining of the lungs.

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  2. What is the function of the lungs? Right lung=3 lobes Left lung=2 lobes Air enters lungs through trachea Trachea divides into bronchi Bronchi divide into bronchioles Alveoli are the air sacs at the end of the bronchioles Pleura = lining of the lungs

  3. What is lung cancer? Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. These cells develop into tumors and the tumors disrupt the proper function of the lung.

  4. Cough that does not go away Breathing trouble, such as shortness of breath Constant chest pain Coughing up blood A hoarse voice Frequent lung infections Feeling tired all the time Weight loss with no known cause Symptoms

  5. United States lung cancer facts • Estimated new cases and deaths from lung cancer in the United States in 2007: • New cases: 213,380 • Deaths: 160,390 (29% of all cancer deaths) • Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among men and women • More than 87% of lung cancers are smoking related • More Americans die each year of lung cancer than from breast, prostate and colorectal cancers combined American Cancer Society, 2007 www.cancer.org

  6. North Dakota lung cancer facts About 390 new cases each year in North Dakota.It is estimated that 330 Lung cancer deaths will occur in North Dakota this year. American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts and Figures 2008

  7. Lung/Bronchus cancer rates1980-2005 Age-adjusted rate per 100,000 7

  8. North Dakota lung and bronchus cancer by gender, 1980-2005 Age-adjusted rate per 100,000

  9. Lung cancer mortality rates, IHS regions and U.S. all races, 1999-2003 9

  10. No approved screening test proven to improve survival or detect localized disease Clinical studies are under way Screening

  11. Physical exam Chest X-ray CT Scan PET Scan MRI Sputum sample Bronchoscopy Biopsy Diagnosis PET Scan CT Scan Chest Xray

  12. Primary Risk Factors Tobacco use & Secondhand Smoke

  13. Lung cancer is the most preventable form of cancer death • in our society. • More than 87% of lung cancers are smoking related

  14. Each year about 3,000 non-smoking adults die of lung cancer as a result of breathing secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke

  15. What about secondhand smoke? Being in a nonsmoking section of a restaurant for 2 hours = Being in a smoky home for one day = Being in a smoky bar = Mayo Clinic

  16. What can you do? To learn what you can do to make a difference with secondhand smoke? www.breatheND.com

  17. Smokeless (spit) tobacco is not a safe alternative to cigarettes – smokeless tobacco also causes serious health problems! Smokeless tobacco contains 28 cancer-causing agents. Spit tobacco is not harmless

  18. Tooth discoloration and staining Tooth abrasion/worn teeth Cavities Stained tongue/bad breath Tarter buildup and gingivitis Receding gums Gum disease Addiction Precancerous mouth lesions Oral cancers and other cancers Heart problems Consequences of spit tobacco use

  19. A sore in the mouth that bleeds easily and does not heal A lump or red/white patch in the mouth Prolonged sore throat Difficulty chewing or swallowing Restricted movement of the tongue or jaw Pain is rarely an early symptom! Warning signs of oral cancer

  20. Precancerous lesion Oral cancer Oral cancer-deadly to ignore

  21. Exposure to asbestos and toxic chemicals Environmental contamination Chronic lung inflammation /scarring Family history Other risk factors

  22. Surgery Chemotherapy Radiation Therapy Treatment

  23. Lung cancer is the most preventable form of cancer death in our society. By quitting tobacco use you significantly reduce your risk of all cancers. It is preventable!

  24. Quit tobacco use today • Seek help in quitting by: • Becoming familiar with the medications and combinations of medications available. • Contacting your local health department • Contacting your physician • Calling the North Dakota Tobacco Quitline

  25. Is a resource for: • Tobacco users • Family members & friends • Health care professionals

  26. Supported by North Dakota Department of Health with funding from Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) funds appropriated by ND legislature Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grant

  27. Hours that you can speak to someone direct are: Monday-Thursday 7:00am – 8:00pm(CT) Friday 7:00am – 7:00pm(CT) Saturday 10:00am – 4:00pm(CT) Voice mail available 24 hours/day Quit Tips audio library also available

  28. Every caller receives a thorough initial assessment May also receive up to 5 additional counseling sessions Special protocols for certain populations Will refer callers to local cessation programs if needed

  29. Free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) Free 28 day supply of your choice of nicotine patch, gum or Lozenge to qualified enrollees

  30. For The Directory of North Dakota Tobacco Cessation Programs In Your Area: www.ndhealth.gov/tobacco

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