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Benchmarking in e-learning: an overview

Benchmarking in e-learning: an overview. Professor Paul Bacsich Matic Media Ltd and Middlesex University, UK. The Menu. UK e-learning – why listen? Benchmarking overview Pick & Mix system MBS case study Conclusions. Myself. Consultant to several UK agencies & universities

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Benchmarking in e-learning: an overview

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  1. Benchmarking in e-learning:an overview Professor Paul Bacsich Matic Media Ltd and Middlesex University, UK

  2. The Menu • UK e-learning – why listen? • Benchmarking overview • Pick & Mix system • MBS case study • Conclusions

  3. Myself • Consultant to several UK agencies & universities • Adjunct professor at Middlesex University • Global Campus and School of Computing Science • Open University for 25 years • One of the former Directors of UK eUniversities, which aimed to be a global provider of e-learning • Current work includes developing a global benchmarking methodology for e-learning • Already piloted at Manchester Business School • Presented to EU conference in Brussels, and in Colombia, ALT-C, HEA and Sydney Uni

  4. Not in my talk! • Costs of e-learning (Activity Based Costing) • Competitor analysis of e-learning providers • What went wrong with UK eUniversities? • Two volumes of reports (35 chapters, over 2500 pages) and research overview available • More soon

  5. Why listen to UK? • UK has many years experience of quality management in universities, via various organisations • Latest is Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Ed • This has guidelines for quality in e-learning • UK has substantial experience in distance learning and e-learning including global delivery • Benchmarking is part of Higher Ed policy for e-learning (HE Academy, under way now) • UK-Australian collaboration/co-funding on a number of issues including e-Framework

  6. The main UK agencies • QAA – for quality • JISC – for support of ICT in universities • UKERNA to run the JANET high-speed network across all UK • Higher Education Academy (HEA) – for pedagogy • Some smaller agencies: • Leadership Foundation for HE (LFHE) • Observatory for Borderless HE (OBHE)

  7. Quality Assurance Agency UK • Covers all four UK home nations • “Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education” • See www.qaa.ac.uk/academicinfrastructure/codeOfPractice/ • Not much on pedagogy – this is left to the discretion of the academic • Only 1 private uni in UK, over 100 public ones

  8. QAA in e-learning • “Collaborative provision and flexible and distributed learning (including e-learning)” • September 2004 • BUT • Some feel it says too little, others do not want to be restricted • It was too late – 4 years? • No international comparisons (whereas research has)

  9. Pedagogy • Higher Education Academy • “works with universities and colleges, discipline groups, individual staff and organisations to help them deliver the best possible learning experience for all students” • Runs Subject Centres for each subject • Advising on e-learning since early 2005 • Slowish progress

  10. JISC and JANET • Joint Information Systems Committee • ICT for universities and colleges (not schools) • England, Scotland, Wales, N Ireland • JANET is the UK National Academic and Research Network (JANET) • JISC funds JANET via UKERNA company

  11. In UK, universities compete- and now in e-learning • Universities want to judge how well they are doing in e-learning • Funding agencies and public want to know • But universities don’t want to tell if they are doing badly! • And universities (like people) are not good at judging themselves

  12. Benchmarking • Like Activity Based Costing (ABC), it has been around for many years • Unlike ABC, but like BPR, quality, excellence, etc; no one is now sure what it means…

  13. Back to Basics (Xerox) a process of self-evaluation and self-improvement through the systematic and collaborative comparison of practice [process] and performance [metrics, KPIs] with competitors [or comparators] in order to identify own strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to adapt and improve as conditions change.

  14. Benchmarking (in Universities) • There are several reports that will tell you how to do benchmarking in general • Higher Education Academy (UK) • Learning and Skills Development Agency (UK) • Department of Education Training and Youth Affairs (Australia)/Sydney Uni

  15. Benchmarking in e-Learning There are few published reports re approaches • My surveys and proposals • http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc2005/timetable/files/527/Benchmark_overview.doc • E-Learning Maturity Model (NZ) – Marshall • NUTN/Hezel emerging work (Jan 2006?) • Work by OECD and OBHE • National Learning Network (UK) – colleges • So far unpublished work (Sydney/OU and ACODE)

  16. Best Practice in e-Learning • There are a few reports (US): • APQC/SHEEO Study 1998 (US) • IHEP “Quality on the Line” 2000 (US) • And several projects (EU): • BENVIC • SEEQUEL • Swiss Virtual Campus @ Lugano: MINE (adapting the IHEP work for EU) • E-xcellence (EADTU and others)

  17. Benchmarking e-learning A global “synthesis” incorporating what work has been done elsewhere

  18. Focus of my work • Focussed purely on e-learning • But not to any particular style (e.g. DL) • Oriented to institutions past the “a few projects” stage • Suitable for desk research as well as “invasive” studies • Suitable for single- and multi-institution studies • Started work in Jan 2005, already piloted at Manchester Business School against 12 competitors world-wide

  19. Processes or Outputs? • Outputs: measure first (can be done by desk research) • Processes: later (best done in clubs or invasive studies) • Inputs: not of so much interest to students; but of course of great interest to funders

  20. Metrics or Bureaucratic • Use a 6-point scale • 5 from Likert plus 1 more for “excellence” • Backed up by metrics where possible • Also contextualised by narrative • Some issues of judging “best practice”; judging “better practice” is easier • e.g. VLE convergence • Some criteria are rather “criteria bundles”

  21. Other Decisions • Explicit (otherwise you are not trying) • Independent or collaborative • Internal or external • Horizontal • focus on processes across whole institution • but can look at individual projects, missions and departments to get “range of scores”

  22. How Many Benchmarks? • It is like ABC: how many activities? • Answer: Not 5, not 500 • Better answer: Well under 100 • Composite some criteria together • Remove any not specific to e-learning • Be careful about any which are not provably critical success factors • Institutions may wish to add specific ones to monitor their objectives and KPIs.

  23. How Many do Others Have? • LSDA (UK) has 14 – but colleges • IHEP (US) has 24 – but old • APQC/SHEEO (US) had 14 – but older • EMM (NZ) has 43 – but some are being merged and some are outside core e-learning area • OECD has many but several are “taxonomic” not critical success factors

  24. Pick and Mix System • Based on survey of “best of breed” ideas • 6-point scale (Likert + excellence) • Backed up by narrative and metrics • 18 core criteria (e-learning specific) • Can easily add more in same vein for local needs • Output and student-oriented aspects covered • Focussed on critical success factors • Methodology-agnostic • Requires no long training course to understand • But must know and be undogmatic about e-learning

  25. “Adoption phase” (Rogers) • Innovators only • Early adopters taking it up • Early adopters adopted; early majority taking it up • Early majority adopted; late majority taking it up • All taken up except laggards, who are now taking it up (or retiring or leaving) • First wave embedded, second wave under way (e.g. m-learning after e-learning)

  26. “Training” • No systematic training for e-learning • Some systematic training, e.g. in some projects and departments • U-wide training programme but little monitoring of attendance or encouragement to go • U-wide training programme, monitored and incentivised • All staff trained in VLE use, training appropriate to job type – and retrained when needed • Staff increasingly keep themselves up to date in a “just in time, just for me” fashion except in situations of discontinuous change

  27. “Accessibility” • e-learning material and services is not accessible • Much e-learning material and most services conform to minimum standards of accessibility • Almost all e-learning material and services conform to minimum standards of accessibility • All e-learning material and services conform to at least minimum standards of accessibility, much to higher standards • e-learning material and services are accessible, and key components validated by external agencies • Strong evidence of conformance with letter & spirit of accessibility in all countries where students study Too aspirational, too international, too regulated?

  28. Case StudyJan-Apr 2005 Manchester Business School within Manchester U (done by Matic Media Ltd)

  29. Methodology • Externally-focussed (internal going on now) • Looked at 12 “comparator” business schools (2 UK, 10 non-UK) – no time to discuss • Focus on speedy desk research (Web+DB) • Focus on criteria susceptible to that • plus “narratives of good practice” • Aim: to learn lessons for MBS

  30. A few MBS conclusions • Numeric (not so interesting) – “taxonomic” • Tabular (see next slide) • Lots of case study narrative (but structured) • Top-level conclusions include: • Saturation wireless networks universal • e-Portfolios used in “sandstone-level” • Alumni get same IT systems as students

  31. Work in progress • Presentation at UK HEA Town Meeting • Discussions with EU projects on “quality” and “excellence” • Implications of report on UKeU Committee for Academic Quality (in e-Learning) • Keynote at EFQEL conference • Workshop and Presentation at Online Educa Berlin (Nov/Dec 2005) • Detailed comparison of methodologies (NB costing) • See how this can be taken into account for UK HEA strategy for benchmarking e-learning • 12+60 HEIs to be involved in 2006

  32. Thank you for listeningAny questions? Professor Paul Bacsich bacsich@matic-media.co.uk www.cs.mdx.ac.uk/staff/profiles/p_bacsich.html

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