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Edward A. Fox fox@vt fox.cs.vt CS DLRL Internet TIC

University Electronic Publishing through Digital Libraries: Courseware, Theses and Dissertations Singapore - Dec. 2002. Edward A. Fox fox@vt.edu http://fox.cs.vt.edu CS DLRL Internet TIC NDLTD CITIDEL NSDL … Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA.

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Edward A. Fox fox@vt fox.cs.vt CS DLRL Internet TIC

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  1. University Electronic Publishing throughDigital Libraries:Courseware, Theses and DissertationsSingapore - Dec. 2002 Edward A. Fox fox@vt.edu http://fox.cs.vt.edu CS DLRL Internet TIC NDLTD CITIDEL NSDL … Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA

  2. Acknowledgements (Selected) • Sponsors: ACM, Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, NSF (Grants CDA-9312611; DUE-0121741, 0136690, 0121679; IIS-0080748, 0086227, 0002935, and 9986089), OCLC, SOLINET, UNESCO, US Dept. Ed. (FIPSE), VTLS, … • Faculty/Staff (now): Boots Cassel, Debra Dudley, Lee Giles, Rex Hartson, John Impagliazzo, Deborah Knox, JAN Lee, Kurt Maly, Gail McMillan, Manuel Perez, Muhammad Zubair, … • Students: Fernando Das Neves, Marcos Goncalves, Paul Mather, Ryan Richardson, Priya Shivakumar, Hussein Suleman, Wensi Xi, … • UNESCO Analytical Survey: Leonid Kalinichenko

  3. Outline • Case Study: NDLTD • Case Study: CSTC • Case Study: CITIDEL • Interoperability: OAI, ODL • Conclusions

  4. Domain: graduate education, research Genre:ETDs=electronic theses & dissertations Submission: http://etd.vt.edu Collection: http://www.theses.org Project: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD) http://www.ndltd.org A Digital Library Case Study

  5. The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations www.NDLTD.org Training Authors Expanding Access Preserving Knowledge Improving Graduate Education Enhancing Scholarly Communication Empowering Students & Universities Leader of the Worldwide ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation) Initiative

  6. NDLTD IT Ed. (Tech) Grad Program Library

  7. Key Ideas: Networked infrastructure Scalability University collaboration Workflow, automation Education is the rationale 8th graders vs. grads Maximal Access Authors must submit Standards PDF, SGML, MM, MARC, DC, URNs, Federated search

  8. What led to today’s meeting? • 1987 mtg in Ann Arbor: UMI, VT, … • 1992 mtg in Washington: CNI, CGS, UMI, VT and 10 universities with 3 reps each • 1993 mtg in Atlanta to start Monticello Electronic Library (regional, US Southeast): SURA, SOLINET • 1994 mtg at VT: std: PDF + SGML + multimedia objects • 1996 funding by SURA, US Dept. of Education (FIPSE) • 1997 meetings in UK, Germany, ... • 1998 – 1st symposium – Memphis (20) • 1999 – 2nd symposium – Blacksburg (70) • 2000 – 3rd symposium – St. Petersburg (225) • 2001 – 4th symposium – Caltech (200) • 2002 – 5th symposium–BYU; 2003–Berlin; 2004–Kentucky

  9. What are the long term goals? • 400K US students / year getting grad degrees are exposed / involved • 200K/yr rich hypermedia ETDs that may turn into electronic portfolios (images, video, audio, …) • Dramatic increase in knowledge sharing: literature reviews, bibliographies, … • Services providing lifelong access for students: browse, search, prior searches, citation links • Hundreds/thousands of downloads / year / work

  10. ETD Convene Local Planning Group

  11. ETD ETD Workshop/Training Policies Inspection/Approval Build Local ETD Site Digital Library

  12. Student Prepares Thesis/Dissertation NDLTD Literature Computer Resources Research

  13. My Thesis ETD Student Defends & Finalizes ETD Multimedia Start ETD early!

  14. Student Gets Committee Signatures and Submits ETD Signed Grad School Approval form

  15. Graduate School Approves ETD, Student is Graduated Ph.D. Quality control

  16. Library Catalogs ETD, Access is Opened to the New Research WWW NDLTD Digital library access control

  17. Australia U. New South Wales (lead) U. of Melbourne U. of Queensland U. of Sydney Australian National U. Curtin U. of Technology Griffith U. Germany Humboldt University (lead) 3 other universities 5 learned societies: Math, Physics, Chemistry, Sociology, Education 1 computing center 2 major libraries OhioLINK: 79 colleges/univs Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya, as group, www.cbuc.es: 9 sites India Korea Brazil UK (British Library, JISC, Edinburgh) UNESCO (especially Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa) National / Regional Projects

  18. Australia Belgium Brazil Canada China, Hong Kong Columbia Finland France Germany India (Hyderabad) Italy Korea Mexico Netherland Norway Russia Singapore S. Africa (Rhodes U.) S. Korea Spain Sudan Sweden Taiwan UK USA Some Countries

  19. Institutional Members • British Library • Cinemedia • Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) • Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) • Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya • Diplomica.com • Dissertation.com • Dissertationen Online (Germany) • ETDweb, a Division of Answer4.com • Ibero-American Science & Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC) • National Documentation Centre (NDC), Greece • National Library of Portugal (for all universities) • OCLC Online Computer Library Center • OhioLINK • Organization of American States (SEDI/OAS) • Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) • UNESCO (www.unesco.org/webworld/etd)

  20. Access Possibilities www. openarchives. org Web search engines www. theses. org library catalog clients 3rd Party Services (e.g., UMI) Virginia Tech MIT National Library of Portugal CBUC (Spain) Ohio Link National Projects: AU, GE, …

  21. ETD-MS • ETD Metadata Standard • XML-encoded metadata standard (content and encoding) for Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) • in part conforming to Dublin Core (DC) • using UNICODE • (optionally / later using RDF) • Well specified relationship with MARC

  22. NDLTD Members and ETD-MS • NDLTD members will • Share metadata for their ETDs • Providing that in either ETD-MS • Or if they use a version of MARC locally, work to have that eventually shared in either MARC21 or UNIMARC • Run OAI, either locally or in consortia, so their metadata can be harvested, according to necessary terms and conditions

  23. Some recent additions • ETD individuals support • http://etdindividuals.dlib.vt.edu:9090 • ETD discussion (e-prints) • http://ndltdpapers.dlib.vt.edu:9090 • Conference papers and presentations • http://www.ndltd.org/WVUproc.htm • Marcel Dekker book in publication

  24. What are plans at VT? • LOCKSS welcomed us • Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe • MARIAN: harvest, crawl/scrape, fed search • Metadata crosswalks and format converters • XML schema for ETDs • Open Digital Libraries: easy to add services! • http://oai.dlib.vt.edu/odl

  25. Union catalog (OCLC) • OCLC will expand the OAI data provider on TDs • Will get data from WorldCat • Will harvest from all who contact them • Need DC and either ETD-MS or MARC • Will have a set for ETDs

  26. Union catalog (VTLS, VT) • VTLS will enhance search/browse service for ETDs • Will harvest from OCLC’s set of ETD records • Will receive through other mechanisms, too • Will work with MARC-21 and ETD-MS • VT will continue to offer experimental services

  27. NUDL(www.nudl.org)Int’l Research Support • Networked University Digital Library • Partners: Germany, Mexico (Puebla and Monterrey), Brazil • Problems: Multilingual search, high performance DLs, requirements/usability, … • Start with ETDs, then expand to other student works, portfolios, data sets, (CS) courseware, ...

  28. Outline • Case Study: NDLTD • Case Study: CSTC • Case Study: CITIDEL • Interoperability: OAI, ODL • Conclusions

  29. CS Teaching Center (CSTC) • Instead of building large, expensive multimedia packages, that become obsolete and are difficult to re-use, concentrate on small knowledge units. • Learners benefit from having well-crafted modules that have been reviewed and tested. • Use digital libraries to build a powerful base of support for learners, upon which a variety of courses, self-study tutorials & reference resources can be built.

  30. Browsing (2)

  31. JERIC • Journal of Educational Resources in Computing • Accessible from www.cstc.org and www.acm.org • ACM and SIGCSE support • Refereed and interactive • Part of ACM Digital Library

  32. Outline • Case Study: NDLTD • Case Study: CSTC • Case Study: CITIDEL • Interoperability: OAI, ODL • Conclusions

  33. www.CITIDEL.org • Computing and Information Technology Interactive Digital Education Library, an NSDL Collection Track project • Led by Virginia Tech, with co-PIs: • Fox (director, DL systems) • Lee (history) • Perez (user interface, Spanish support) • Partners • College of New Jersey (Knox) • Hofstra (Impagliazzo) • Villanova (Cassel) • Penn State (Giles)

  34. Multi-dimensional Categorization

  35. CITIDEL Collection Sources include ACM CSTC Research Index IEEE-CS … Experts’ finding aids NCSTRL include include include metadata fulltext NEC’s data data processed w. R.I. Borner’s info viz software repository include include ACM DL SIGCSE proceedings JERIC

  36. CITIDEL Collection Building thru Nominating Submitting include after after or thru Creating include after Searching, Browsing Crawling Composing thru aided by using using GetSmart Classifying Crawlifier VIADUCT

  37. Overview of CITIDEL architecture

  38. Distributed repository structure

  39. Digital library architecture for local and interoperable CITIDEL services

  40. Outline • Case Study: NDLTD • Case Study: CSTC • Case Study: CITIDEL • Interoperability: OAI, ODL • Conclusions

  41. Open Archives Initiative OAI www.openarchives.org openarchives@openarchives.org

  42. Metadata harvesting The World According to OAI Service Providers Discovery Current Awareness Preservation Data Providers

  43. Technical Umbrella for Practical Interoperability… Metadata Harvesting Reference Libraries Museums Publishers E-PrintArchives …that can be exploited by different communities

  44. Tiered Model of Interoperability Mediator services Metadata harvesting Document models

  45. OA 1 OA 2 OA 4 OA 3 OA 5 OA 6 OA 7 OAI – Black Box Perspective Services: Search Browse Summarize Visualize Metadata: Docs: DO DO DO DO DO DO DO

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