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Improving Safety in Pediatric Anesthesia in Moldova. Markus Schily Biel, Switzerland. Is more safety in anesthesia in Eastern Europe needed ? Who is responsible for it ? Who is going to do it ?. Moldova. 3.3 mill . people. Anesthesia safety differs in Europe.
Improving Safety in Pediatric Anesthesiain Moldova Markus Schily Biel, Switzerland
Is moresafety in anesthesia in Eastern Europe needed? Who isresponsibleforit? Who isgoingto do it?
Moldova 3.3 mill. people Anesthesiasafetydiffers in Europe
Different Standards: Example1: ChildrenshouldhaveanesthesiaforTE Example2: Childrenshouldhavepainfree CC Example3: Most ped.anesthesiashouldbecombined with a regional block Motivation, technologies, knowledge Interculturallearning Progress
A projecttoimproveanesthesiasafety 2007: firstactivitieswithMoldovandoctors 2008: foundationof IATC
I = Information • A = Assistance • T= Technologies • C = Communication
Driving on theleftside? KEEP LEFT!
Wikipedia: Promote empathy, role-play . Supports students in making the shift in perspective: own culture becomes a strange, looked at from the outside, target culture becomes familiar.
Inter Cultural Learning • Gradual approach: • Identification and understanding of the fundamental values • of the host country • Acquisition of the keys needed to decode new situations • Adaptation of behaviour
ImprovingSafety - Projects obstacles Funding? Language & culturebarrier MinistryofHealth: decisionmaker
Who isgoingto listen tous? German MinistryofHealth Z31 International Cooperation
Strategy: Target governmental funding introduction of modern drugs and technologies
Anesthesiaequipmentupgrade Ministries of Health Annual meetings in Moldova AnesthesiaSafety
Strategy: Improvecommunication • Involving societies, find a name of activities • improved anesthesia training
Fundraising strategy Private fundraising improving means of teaching, humanitarian aid
Initial IATC project in Moldova: Upgrade ofanesthesiaequipment
IATC aidtoMoldovaincluded: Budget ofabout 2 Mill. EUR More than 80 anesthesiaworkingstations 3 ultrasoundmachines, 55 syringepumps 150 hospitalbeds Ambulancecar
All threechildrenhospitals fullyequipedwithnew anesthesiamachines
First result Reducedpediatricanesthesiamortalitycomparedto 2007 ref: MoHMoldova, 2012
Improvingcommunicationbetweensocieties WFSA SARM
ESPA delegatefromMoldova 2011 -2013, sponsoredandsupportedby IATC
Commission SARM, MoH, ESA: Reform ofanesthesiaresidency 2010 – 2011, sponsoredandsupportedby IATC
Situation ahead of Anesthesia Reform (before 2011) • Pediatric Anesthesia Residency 4 years • (separate Residency) • 2. Anesthesia Residency: 4 years • 3. Moldovan Syllabus • 4. Moldovan oral Exam
Plan of Reform , Anesthesia Residency Moldova, Nov. 2011: • Pediatric Anesthesia Residency integrated • Residency: 5 years • European Syllabus • EDAIC exam
Whatiswrong? Moldovan anesthesia exam result 2012: 100% candidates passing EDAIC exam Chisinau exam result 2012: 0 % candidates passing
Corruption Extra feestodoctors MC questions: knownaheadofexam Everythingcanbebought
2012: last 35 anesthesiamachines / monitorsdelivered New Teaching Concept: Mobile Simulation based & clinicalteaching OLA
Mobile Anesthesia Simulation Unit Curriculum: Recommendations, guidelines Crisismanagement, crewresourcemanagement Rare casemanagement, patienttransfer Simulation cannotreplaceclinicalteaching!
German GiZfundingtill end of 2013 Sim baby, Sim 3G man, Sim junior Ambulancecar, transportcar Anesthesiaworkingplace
Simulation in Switzerland, 2013 No ECG leads! Cardiacarrest after aspiration
ESPA SafetyCommitteeand Simulation: Joint venture: spreadguidelinesandrecommendations PediatricAnesthesia Simulation Course: ESimPA
ESimPA: • European network • Small mobile teachingteams • Inclusionof Eastern Europe • CoordinatingsimulationactivitieswithESPA • Certificationofattendance (ESPA
First steps: Moldovanproject ESPA safetyproject TTC forESimPAtutors ESimPAtutors: Simulation stage in Swiss and German hospitals Learning fromothers: Visitations
Conclusion: 6 yrs.IATCprojectprovedthatanesthesiasafetydifferssignificantly in Europe Technical upgrade must befollowedbyteachingactivities ESPA: keyfactor in making European pediatricanesthesiamoresafe
IATC supports ESPA… It‘s all aboutanesthesiasafetyin Europe 2010 2011