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nEUROPHSYLOGIST. The Neurophysiologist deals with the nervous system . It takes 10 years to become a Neurophysiologist . Eight years of medical school and two years of neurophysiologist school . .

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  2. The Neurophysiologist deals with the nervous system . It takes 10 years to become a Neurophysiologist . Eight years of medical school and two years of neurophysiologist school .

  3. The closest school to Texarkana, Texas is Mayo school of health schools . It is located in Magnolia . The body system it deals with is the nervous system. The common problems with patients with is flinching and emotional distress .

  4. Their hasn’t been no quality ability in finding new advancements for the Neurophysiologist study. They have been looking for new treatments and medicines for the symptoms of the nervous system

  5. The closet doctor office to our town Texarkana, Texas is UCLA Medical center its located in Los Angeles , California .

  6. The proximate estimate is 64,000 dollars a year and with 50,000 salaries per year .

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