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STRAPEAT University of Leicester

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STRAPEAT University of Leicester

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    1. STRAPEAT University of Leicester Research team at UNILEI: Sue Page, Nicola Waldes, Colin Ferris Research team at CIMTROP, UNPAR Sahara Alim, Edi Chandra Research team at Darwin Herbarium, CIMTROP Erna Poesie Allied projects OUTROP, biodiversity and orang utan population studies Raphael Wuest, Dominik Weiss, peat accumulation rates and geochemistry

    2. UNILEI Achievements : Biodiversity I State of knowledge report on biodiversity Collation of information on plant and animal communities Tree species of PSF diversity and biogeography, with emphasis on Borneo

    3. UNILEI Achievements : Biodiversity II Tree species of PSF phylogenetic studies, with initial work on Gonystylus bancanus Tree species of PSF continued collection of voucher specimens for the Darwin Herbarium, RBGK, National Herbarium of Brunei, Herbarium Bogoriense & RBGE. Collaboration with RBGK, Herbarium Bogoriense and Forestry Department of Brunei for continued taxonomic work on PSF flora of the region (now including all psf plants) Paper under review for TELOPEA Field studies impacts of logging and fire regeneration and indicator species

    4. UNILEI Achievements : Carbon Dynamics Publication of benchmark paper on carbon released from 1997 forest and peatland fires (Nature 420) the result of collaboration between four STRAPEAT partners (UniLei, UniNot, RSS, UNPAR) Further analysis and interpretation of data on peat accumulation and carbon storage Elucidation of the role of tropical peatlands in the Late Pleistocene/Holocene global carbon cycle

    5. UNILEI Achievements : Spin-off Projects Participation in British Council funded link to develop postgraduate and short, continuing development courses at UNPAR PEATWISE successful application under EU Asia-Link aid budget to develop postgraduate teaching materials on sustainable natural resource management with focus on tropical peatlands (Alterra, Uni Leicester, UNIMAS and UNPAR)

    6. UNILEI Problems Heightened tension caused by current political instability in the Middle East could limit activities planned to take place in Southeast Asia during the second half of 2003

    7. UNILEI Future Plans : Biodiversity Continue monitoring of post-fire forest regeneration plots and obtain control plot data Ascertain effect of fires on forest fragmentation and collect field data (collaboration with RSS?) Continue specimen collections for all Herbaria Preparation of field guide to trees of psf at NL Collate ornithological data from the NL with a view to publication; identify key species Continue phylogenetic work and expand range of species and sequences investigated Identify ecological indicators (flora and fauna) and contribute data to STRAPEAT partners working on the Biorights Concept

    8. UNILEI Future Plans : Carbon Dynamics Present keynote paper and poster to the session Late Quaternary Ecosystem Dynamics and Carbon Cycling in the Tropics at the INQUA 2003 conference Provide an assessment of the role of tropical peatlands in the global carbon cycle past, present, future Collect further data on peat accumulation rates Supply data to other STRAPEAT partners as required to inform debate on Carbon Credits

    9. UNILEI Inputs into Strategies for Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatlands Biodiversity impacts of fire and land-use change Biodiversity indicator species and monitoring procedures (Biorights) Peat carbon extent of the carbon store and impacts of fire and land-use change (Carbon Credits) Wise use strategies

    10. UNILEI Future Plans : Spin-off Projects Proposal to EU FP6 INCO-DEV budget line on Ecological Restoration of Tropical Peatlands. Consider proposal to EU Pro-Eco Asia aid budget for reforestation trials on tropical peatlands (Alterra, UniLei, UNPAR & others) Expand phylogenetic/ecological studies to include invasive species of tropical peatlands collaboration with USM Expand studies of peat carbon storage and accumulation rates - collaboration with James Cook University, Australia and others.

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