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Architecture and Sustainable Development Based on Eco-Humanistic Principles & Advanced Technologies without Losing Identity 530197-Tempus-1-2012-1-IT-TEMPUS-JPCR Project duration: 15 October 2012 – 14 October 2015. SEHUD. Project goals and objectives:.
Architecture and Sustainable Development Based on Eco-Humanistic Principles & Advanced Technologies without Losing Identity 530197-Tempus-1-2012-1-IT-TEMPUS-JPCR Project duration: 15 October 2012 – 14 October 2015 SEHUD
Project goals and objectives: Creating curricula in urban development based on eco-humanistic principles & advanced technologies for MSc, PhD, LLL students; Amplifying training capacity of PC universities by creating advanced infrastructure & integrating e-learning components; Developing interactive network of universities, enterprises, municipal & public organizations involved in urban development. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M.Averbakh (P17)
Activities: Work package 1 (WP1) 1.1 identifying SEHUD competence profiles, 1.2 developing training program for SEHUD project developers, 1.3 training SEHUD project developers at EU universities and organizations, Work package 2 (WP2) 2.1 developing SEHUD methodology, 2.2 developing SEHUD curricula & training packages, Work package 3 (WP3) 3.1 developing SEHUD e-training package, 3.2 developing platforms for SEHUD e-learning & on-line team work, 3.3 developing SEHUD pools for e-learning , on-line team work & consulting, Work package 4 (WP4) 4.1 pilot training MSc, PhD, LLL students & trainees in SEHUD, Work package 5 (WP5) 5.1 developing SEHUD evaluation strategy & resources, 5.2 providing SEHUD project evaluation, Work package 6 (WP6) 6.1 developing SEHUD dissemination strategy & resources, 6.2 providing SEHUD dissemination events, Work package 7 (WP7) 7.1 developing SEHUD sustainability strategy & resources, 7.2 developing SEHUD interactive network, Work package 8 (WP8) 8.1 developing SEHUD management strategy & resources, 8.1 providing SEHUD project management.
SEHUD human resources WP1 aim WP1 is aimed at developing SEHUD project human resources to improve PC educational, professional, technical & partnership capacity in Urban Development (UD). It is planned to use strategy for training project developers on the bases of competence approach. Balanced team of project developers should perform 6 functions that correspond to the roles: coordinator, methodologist, SEHUD course author, trainer, evaluator, IT expert. These roles imply competences that are planned to be improved within training at EU organizations and performed during project development process. There are the following competences: 1) for coordinators - project management; 2) for methodologists - advanced educational technologies (competence approach; project- -orientated multidisciplinary teamwork & e-learning); 3) for authors - UD field (modern approaches & technologies); 4) for trainers- training process based on advanced technologies; 5) for evaluators- evaluation technologies; 6) for IT experts -IT technologies in education (e-learning), interaction (on-line teamwork). SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
WP1 activities SEHUD human resources For realizing WP1 aims the following steps are planned: 1) identifying SEHUD competence profile. This activity is planned to be realized within international round table and simulation; 2) organizing multidisciplinary international project teamwork that integrates academic & professional expertise for transferring identified needs into UD profile with qualification descriptors for overviewing existing EU & PC curricula; 3) providing training program for project developers according to the competence profile & functions in the project at EU universities & enterprises; 4) studying teaching materials available at the EU & PC Universities & identifying the list of materials for teachers that is necessary to be elaborated or updated. SEHUD developers’ reports & documents certifying competence gained by training at EU organizations can serve as indicators of progress. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
WP1 outputs & outcomes SEHUD human resources DEV 1.1. SEHUD competence profiles built by the 2nd pm (month of project activity) SEHUD profiles are graphic forms & descriptors of key competences that are required: 1) for UD specialist; 2) for multidisciplinary project development. It is planned within first SEHUD team meeting: 1) to organize brain-storm & simulation for constructing UD profile based on market & society requirements in context of city sustainable development & harmonize it with competences developed by curricula; 2) to identify competences for balanced teamwork & “training of the trainers” program. DEV 1.2. training program for SEHUD project developers developed by the 3rd pm SEHUD training program is expected to be presented as a curriculum aimed at developing competences of PC project developers in accordance with their function in the project on the bases of SEHUD competence profiles. This program is expected to be realized during 1st year in “training of the trainers” format that includes lecturers, workshops, master classes, role plays & simulations, schools for sharing know-how & experience at EU universities & organisations. DEV 1.3. 20 SEHUD project developers trained at EU universities and organisations SEHUD competences are intangible outcome gained by project developers within “training of the trainers” program that deal with project management; new curricula methodologies & teaching methods, advanced technologies & concepts including development of teaching materials; project-orientated multidisciplinary teamwork; supervision of doctoral level teaching; course design using modern equipment & IT technologies (e-learning & on-line teamwork). SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD training resources WP2 aim & activities WP2 is aimed at developing SEHUD methodology, curricula, & training materials SEHUD training methodology is based on competence approach & multidisciplinary project teamwork supported by e-learning tools. Training process is orientated to students’ self-development on bases of metacognitive approach with providing synergy of cognitive-professional-social development of student’s personality within the training process. Courses are expected to be designed on bases of learning outcome. Training are combining lectures, practical exercises or experiments, case works, simulations, modelling field trips, internship, thesis research, project work. Two years curriculum (3600 h. – 120 cr.) in UD is Bologna-compliant. Modules can be flexibly used for MSc, PhD & LLL in the context of concrete needs. Every course unit has definite structure including: description of course aims; glossary; lists of used & recommended literature; lists of drawings & tables; chapter introduction & summery; hyperlinks; questions & tasks for self-control; answer keys. Methodology issued in the format of instructions for teachers & complete set of SEHUD training package including curricula, 56 course units, 30 course books as well as availability of 200 copies of each course book at every PC University can serve as indicators of progress. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD trainingresources WP2 outputs & outcomes DEV 2.1 SEHUD methodology developed by the 6th pm (month of project activity) SEHUD methodology is based on innovative education technologies that provide 1) curriculum based on UD competence profile & learning outcome; 2) students’ “cognitive-professional-social development” within training process; 3) involving students into professional environment by organizing multidisciplinary project teamwork using e-learning tools. Methodology is developing by PC team using best EU universities practices & advances in target field. DEV 2.2 SEHUD curricula & training package developed by the 21st pm SEHUD package includes Bologna-compliant curricula for MSc, PhD & LLL comprising 8 modules of 120 ECTS & 3600 hours for 2 academic years. Each module includes 4 course units (8 ECTS & 240 hours), social competence training (3 ECTS & 90 hours), self-control & practice unit (4 ECTS & 120 hours). Full circle is crowned by multidisciplinary project teamwork. Every module is developing by PC experts’ team. SEHUD training materials package includes curricula and training materials for 8 modules: 1) “city as an open system”, 2) “heritage protection for saving city identity”, 3) “economics, policy & law regulations in UD”, 4) “modern approaches & technologies in UD”, 5) “eco-human measurement of UD”, 6) “visual communications in UD”, 7) “IT technologies for UD & management”; 8) multidisciplinary team project “Eco-human city sustainable development”. 30 course books with self-control & lectures CD are expected to be indicators of progress SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD e-resources & infrastructure WP3 aim & activities • WP3 is aimed at integrating e-learning components • & developing infrastructure for SEHUD project support. • First task concerns: • designing course modules as e-learning resource by formatting SEHUD training package (course books, lectures & control materials) in electronic format; • developing & printing SEHUD CD with self-control tests & self-evaluation inventories for individual profiles construction; • developing & printing CD with SEHUD lectures in Power Point format; • developing platform for SEHUD e-learning that help creating multi-disciplinary learning environment for education and research; • developing platform for cross-cultural communication of multiple-stakeholders and international team work on-line. • Second task concerns developing training capacity of PC Universities by organizing and equipping pools and Multimedia classes for 1) distance learning; 2) multidisciplinary project teamwork on-line; 3) students’ project offices; 4) UD consulting & training centers; 5) UD libraries. • For fulfilling both tasks it is necessary: 1) making equipment needs analyses; 2) purchasing necessary equipment, 3) installing & testing equipment; 4) training technical stuff in equipment operation and maintenance. These activities are performing by PC project team including methodologists, IT experts, course authors & trainers. Complete set of SEHUD e-learning package, SEHUD platforms with statistics of users; 5 SEHUD pools & 5 multimedia classes at 5 PC universities working in accordance with timetable can serve as indicators of progress. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD e-resources & infrastructure WP3 outputs & outcomes DEV 3.1 SEHUD e-training package issued by the 27th pm E-learning training materials are presented as SEHUD course modules in e-learning format: 1) 30 SEHUD course books designed & issued as e-textbooks; 2) control and self-control materials presented as tests, inventory & personal profile construction program on CD; 3) SEHUD lectures designed as Power Point presentations on CD for using both while delivering lectures in multimedia classes or via distance learning tools. DEV 3.2 SEHUD platforms for e-learning developed by the 29th pm SEHUD platforms are designed for: 1) modeling multi-disciplinary & multiple-stakeholder training & research environment; 2) virtual seminars; 3) students’ project teamwork on-line; 4) project developers teamwork on-line 5) students’ “free university” communication; 6) cross-cultural communication of academic, professional, social and political actors to support sustainable interaction after project work. DEV 3.3 SEHUD pools & multimedia classes for e-learning & teamwork SEHUD pools & multimedia classes are planned to be integrated into PC Universities infrastructure to amplify their training capacity generally and to support the SEHUD project activity particularly. SEHUD infrastructure includes: “Pools for distance learning and multidisciplinary international team work”; “Students’ project office”; “Counseling & LLL training centre”; “UD library” equipped with advanced facilities & IT tools. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
WP4 aim & activities SEHUD pilot training WP4 is aimed at organizing pilot training in UD for MSc, PhD, LLL. 2 years SEHUD pilot training for MSc, PhD, LLL in Urban Development is aimed at developing professional knowledge & skills in UD; metacognitive knowledge & skills of self-development, efficient communication and decision making, teamwork; practical skills of using distance & e-learning resources. Training is combining lectures, practical exercises or experiments, case works, simulations, modelling field trips, internship, thesis research, project work. It is expected to involve students into “Students design office” practical activity on the bases of partnership with EU & PC enterprises; organizing series of International video conferences with participation of EU professors & professionals; developing sustainable exchange program for PhD students by organizing thematic research groups that can integrate into European Research Area (ERA). 160 MSc, PhD, LLL students trained at 5 PC & documents certifying their competence gained within project pilot phase can be considered as indicators of progress.. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD pilot training WP4 outputs & outcomes DEV 4.1. 160 SEHUD MSc, PhD, LLL trained • Competences acquired within 2 years pilot training in UD includes: • 1. professional knowledge & skills; • 2. metacognitive knowledge & skills in self-development, communication, • decision making & teamwork; • 3. practical skills in using e-learning resources. • Competences are based on advanced experience of EU & PC universities in integration with practical skills developed in multidisciplinary project team. • There will be an advanced mode for selecting individual training program based on students individual profile that allows flexible choice of the following modules: “city as an open system”, “heritage protection for saving city identity”, “economics, policy & law regulations in UD”, “modern approaches & technologies in UD”, “eco-human measurement of UD”, “visual communications in UD”, “IT technologies for UD & management”. Multidisciplinary team project “Eco-human city sustainable development” is compulsory for all students. • Pilot training is expected to be provided by leading PC & EU professors at 5 PC Universities both in traditional & distance mode. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD evaluation WP5 aim & activities SEHUD project evaluation is aimed at external and internal quality control & self-evaluation of project process & results by students, trainers, experts & professionals. For regular evaluation it is planned to select the team of SEHUD project evaluators whose functions are 1) developing strategy, planning and realizing evaluation of SEHUD project; 2) developing strategy, planning and realizing evaluation of training process & materials (curriculum, training courses and teaching materials); 3) comparing results and elaborating recommendations for necessary corrections and best practice dissemination; 4) giving feed-back to people whose activity & level were evaluated; 5) informing those who are involved in the process of control; 6) writing reports generalizing results for providing quality assurance in UD education; 7) issuing evaluation digest; 8) developing SEHUD project evaluation database. For supporting evaluation process a special computer program is planned to be designed. It is expected to provide professional tests & inventories for defining level of: 1) individual cognitive & personal development; 2) evaluating level of training material & training sessions. The results are planned to be accumulated in project database that is developed and presented in the format of histograms, comparative tables, profiles of the training materials, training sessions and personal development in the context of training aims. A mode of self-evaluationis planned. Number of profiles reflecting evaluated units & sessions; statistics of feedback based on evaluation results; evaluation digest & reports can serve as indicators for measuring evaluation efficiency. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD evaluation WP5 outputs & outcomes QPLN 5.1 SEHUD evaluation strategy & resources developed by the 12th pm Strategy is based on system approach to external & internal quality control of project process & results performed by experts, students, trainers & professionals. Resources include: criteria for training material & process control; tests for training results & self-evaluation of individual development; comparative tables, histograms, individual & group profiles with recommendations for improvement. It is expected to develop these tools by PC team (evaluators & IT experts). QPLN 5.2 SEHUD evaluation database developed by the 33rd pm Database includes: 1) SEHUD evaluators list with corresponding function descriptors; 2) data of project process & results evaluations; 3) data of training process & materials (curriculum, courses & sessions) evaluation; 4) recommendations for corrections and best practice dissemination based on evaluation results analysis; 5) records of feed-back meetings; 7) evaluation digest (reports). Database is expected to be developed by PC project team including 2 evaluators & 2 IT experts. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD dissemination WP6 aim & activities WP6 is aimed at development and realization of project results dissemination complex program in accordance with target groups. System approach to dissemination implies the following activities: 1) developing strategy for facilitating transfer of experience gained within SEHUD project into UD education & practice; 2) organizing PR campaign for increasing awareness on strategies, tools and policies of UD education on the bases of eco-humanistic principles: a) design and maintenance of project web portal; b) monthly issue of “Electronic Project Bulletin”; c) arranging international scientific conference, multystakeholders meetings, seminars; round tables, info-sessions; d) involving local TV to the promotion of eco-humanistic city development; 3) bringing higher education establishments closer to labor market by: a) organizing “UD Labor Market Day” at PC Universities, b) participating in “Student Job Fairs” and “Technological Fairs”; c) involving UD alumni association into SEHUD dissemination activity; 4) supporting cross cultural dialogue: a) organizing international competitions of students’ projects in UD; b) organizing exhibitions of students, teachers and practitioners’ best works in the context of project policy & values of eco-humanistic synergy and saving identity. As indicators of activity success measurement can be used the following criteria: regular organization (5-6 a year) of 17 events, statistics of project site visitors; publications of programs, reports & articles concerning the project events; number of participants of planned events; reports on SEHUD presentations; TV program records. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD dissemination WP6 outputs & outcomes DISS 6.1 SEHUD dissemination strategy & resources developed by 12th pm SEHUD dissemination strategy is based on system approach with respect to target groups. For its realization the following resources are expected to be developed by PC team: 1) SEHUD site; 2) 8 SEHUD presentations; 3) programs, reports & articles issued as a result of 17 dissemination events (conferences, seminars, round tables, education fairs, etc); 3) records of feed-back information; 4) list and coordinates of potential users of SEHUD project results; 5) TV programs records. DISS 6.2 SEHUD dissemination database developed by the 33rd pm SEHUD dissemination database is planned to be developed for facilitating project dissemination activity during the project life as well as for supporting sustainability of SEHUD project results after EU financing. All SEHUD dissemination resources mentioned above (deliverables 6.1) are to be integrated into database for providing multiplication of project results by the development of SEHUD international network. It is planned to organize 17 dissemination events: 2 conferences, 3 info sessions; 3 round tables; 3 workshops, 3 education fairs, student job fair, technological fair, UD labor market day, 2 international competitions of students’ projects & 2 SEHUD exhibitions. Target groups of dissemination activities are: teachers, students, trainees, university authorities, HE policy makers, practitioners, social workers; as well as other project teams including coordinators, methodologists, authors of training course units, trainers, evaluators, IT experts (interproject coaching) SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD sustainability WP7 aim & activities WP7 is aimed at ensuring sustainability of SEHUD project results beyond Tempus funding. Though most of SEHUD dissemination resources (see WP6) mediately invest into achieving this aim special SEHUD sustainability strategy is planned. It intends: 1. elaborating system approach for ‘university – enterprises – municipal administration – public organizations partnership’ by: a) conducting a survey among stakeholders for analyzing their needs, interests and expectations; b) laying the foundation for establishing “Experts council of city development”, “Centers for consultancy services & re-training for professionals in urban planning”, “National network of students design offices”; 2. organizing international interactive multidisciplinary network of PC & EU universities – enterprises – municipal authorities - public organizations for solving academic, practical & policy issues of eco-human sustainable city development; 3. achieving approval (pre-accreditation, quality auditing) of the UD curricula and courses syllabi on institutional and national level. The following indicators of progress are used: sustainability strategy developed by 4th month; international SEHUD network organized (agreements between members signed) by 20th month; sustainability resources developed by 30th month, sustainability database developed by 34th month acknowledgement of SEHUD course provided by 36th month. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD dissemination WP7 outputs & outcomes EXP 7.1 SEHUD sustainability strategy & resources developed by 36th pm SEHUD sustainability strategy is based on system approach & intends target activity by using results of all project activities by means of accumulating them in database that provides sustainability resources: 1) list & coordinates of potential SEHUD results users; 2) agreements & coordinates of interactive SEHUD network members; 3) SEHUD course acknowledgement documents; 4) program of SEHUD financial sustainability after EU funding. Deliverable realization is to be provided by PC team. EXP 7.2 SEHUD interactive network organized by the 20th pm SEHUD network includes PC & EU universities – enterprises – municipal authorities – public organizations for sharing ideas in solving problems of eco-human city development. It is planned with respect to stakeholders’ needs, interests & expectations for concrete prospect of establishing “Experts councils of city development”, “Centers for consultancy & re-training in urban planning”, “Network of students design offices”. Activity aimed at project results sustainability is expected to be performed by SEHUD project developers team during the whole project life both within target activities & activities aimed at development of SEHUD human resources (see WP1), training resources (see WP2), e-resources & infrastructure (see WP3), pilot training (see WP4), evaluation (see WP5) & dissemination (WP6). Corresponding data will be accumulated in sustainability database that serve as information support for providing sustainability both during & after project life. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD management WP8 aim & activities WP8 is aimed at system organization of SEHUD project management that includes planning, monitoring, control, summarizing SEHUD project process & aims realization by using project human, technical & financial resources Every organization that is a member of project consortium propose their coordinator to SEHUD project managerial team & delegate their coordinator a function of presenting their organization at coordination meetings. The activity of SEHUD project managerial team deals with: 1) elaborating management strategy; 2) selecting multidisciplinary team of SEHUD project developers (methodologists, authors of training course units, trainers, evaluators, IT experts); 3) providing project process planning, informing, executing & monitoring; 4) organizing kick off, coordinating, and final meetings; 5) elaborating project activity progress and final reports. It is planned a special intensive training for project coordinators within SEHUD training of the trainers program at EU universities & organizations. They are expected to develop their competence in project management, human resources management, efficient communication, decision making, time management & conflict management. Regular management (1 interaction a week), management database including SEHUD project diary & activity reports as well as meetings records can serve as measurable indicators of the progress SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
SEHUD dissemination WP8 outputs & outcomes EXP 8.1 SEHUD management strategy & resources SEHUD management is based on system approach with respect to project balanced team roles. Key principle is providing synergetic interaction of multidisciplinary & multicultural team. For efficient work intensive training in advanced management is planned at EU organizations. The management resources (indicated in deliverable 8.2) are planned to be developed by project team & integrated into database. Management team will develop SEHUD management strategy by 2nd & resources by 30th pm. EXP 8.2 SEHUD management digest developed by the 30th pm • SEHUD digest is presented as a database including: • 1) SEHUD project management program based on developed LFM, project tables & documentation; • 2) SEHUD project developers list with roles & function descriptors; • 3) schedule, agenda & records of kick off, coordinating and final meetings; • 4) reports on project activities; individual reports (activity & travel); • 5) results of internal & external quality control. • Digest will be developing by project management team during the whole project life. SEHUD database WP 8.2. Developed by T.Sergeyeva (P10), M. Averbach (P17)
Expected results: WP1 Human resources developed at UA universities for creating modern curriculum by interdisciplinary teams on the bases of competence profiles and innovative technologies. WP2 SEHUD methodology, curricula & training packages (30 course books) developed. WP3 SEHUD e-training package (CD & 30 electronic course books) & SEHUD platform developed; 5 pools for e-learning & teamwork on-line at 5 UA universities equipped. WP4 160 MSc, PhD, LLL students trained in SEHUD at 5 UA universities. WP5 SEHUD evaluation resources package, database and digest developed. WP6 SEHUD site and dissemination database developed; 17 dissemination events including 2 conferences, 7 workshops, 2 round tables, 3 education fairs, 2 competitions of best projects & 2 TV programmes organized. WP7 SEHUD sustainability database developed; SEHUD network organized; package of agreements signed by members of SEHUD consortium, accreditation documents received. WP8 SEHUD management database developed; SEHUD digest published.