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HEAT PROCESSES. HP 1. Rules, datab ase , presentation s. Introduction and rules (form of lectures, presentations of papers by students, requirements for exam). Preacquaintance (photography). Schedule of student presentations. Working with databases and primary sources.
HEAT PROCESSES HP1 Rules, database, presentations Introduction and rules (form of lectures, presentations of papers by students, requirements for exam). Preacquaintance (photography). Schedule of student presentations. Working with databases and primary sources. Rudolf Žitný, Ústav procesní a zpracovatelské techniky ČVUT FS 2010
HEAT processes+Eqipment3P/2C, 4 credits, exam, LS2014, room133 HP1 TZ1 • LecturesProf.Ing.Rudolf Žitný, CSc. (Wednesday16:00-18:30) • TutorialsIng.Martin Dostál, PhD., Ing.Jaromír Štancl (Fridays) • Rating30(semester)+40(written test)+30(oral exam) points
HEAT processes+Equipment3P/2C, 4 credits, exam, LS2014, room133 HP1 TZ1
HEAT processes+Equipment3P/2C, 4 credits, exam, LS2014, room133 HP1 TZ1 Mehmet Ayas Ekin Taylan Marine Brottier Romain Isquierdo Nadezda Lavrova A|lend Sharafani
Jméno DUPS LITERATUREdatabase HP1 TZ1 • Textbook: Šesták J., Žitný R.: Tepelné pochody II, ČVUT Praha, 2000 • Monography: McCabe W.L., Smith J.C., Harriot P.: Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering. 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, Inc., N.Y., 2005 Lewis M., Heppell N.: Continuous thermal processes of foods. An ASPEN Publication, Gaithersburg, 2000 Schlünder E. Edt. VDI-Wärmeatlas. 10-überarbeitete Auflage, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2005 Hewitt G.F.: Heat Exchanger Design Handbook. Begell house inc., N.Y., 1998 • Databases of primary sources Direct access to databases (WoS, Elsevier, Springer,…) knihovny.cvut.cz
DATABASE SELECTION HP1 TZ1 Information about peoples (publications) database of papers used in presentations.
SCIENCE DIRECT HP1 TZ1 Key words Full text available in pdf