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ME? You talking to Me? You want me to do WHAT?. A Foundation for your Writing. 6+1 Traits of Writing. Developed and Presented by Cynthia Mann, Reading Coach Redland Elementary Elmore County Schools January 2012. Presentation. Characteristics of good writing. Activity:
A Foundation for your Writing 6+1 Traits of Writing Developed and Presented by Cynthia Mann, Reading Coach Redland Elementary Elmore County Schools January 2012 Presentation
Characteristics of good writing • Activity: Using post-it notes, list characteristics of good writing, putting each characteristics on a separate post-it note.
6+1 Traits of Writing • 6+1 traits are made up of key qualities that define strong writing • The key qualities are categorized as: Presentation
Ideas • Ideas are: • The main message • The content and foundation of the piece • The main theme Idea Development
Organization • Organization is the overall structure of the piece • Points to remember about organization: • An inviting introduction • Thoughtful transitions • Logical sequencing • Pacing • Satisfying conclusion Organization
Voice • Voice is the soul of the piece. • The personal tone and flavor of the writer’s message • It is what makes the writer’s style her own, as her feelings and convictions come out through her words Voice
Word Choice Word Choice Word Choice • The vocabulary a writer uses to convey meaning • Word choice is at its best when it includes the use of rich, colorful, precise language that moves and enlightens the reader.
SENTENCE FLUENCY • The rhythm and flow of the language • It is the sound of word patterns
Conventions • The mechanical correctness in the piece of writing • The way the writing plays to the ear, not just to the eye.
Presentation • How the writing actually looks on the page • It zeros in on the form and layout-how pleasing the piece is to the eye Presentation
Where do we start? • READ, READ, READ • Read like a writer • Write, write, write
Mentor Texts • Mentor text are those works of literature that provide clear examples of each of the traits.
Activity: Identify books and look for trait connections. • Examine books on your table • Work with table partners to match the books to the trait • Select one text and share a short sample with the group and explain how it exemplifies the trait
Teaching the 6+1 Traits • With your table partners, list ways to teach or strategies to use when teaching the trait assigned to your table • List the strategies on the poster • Hang poster and be prepared to share
Teaching writing using the 6+1 Traits • For students to arrive at good content we must help them: • Select an idea • Narrow the idea • Elaborate on the idea • Discover the best information to convey the main idea
Teaching writing using the 6+1 Traits Where do we begin?
Teaching writing using the 6+1 Traits • Voice • How can we teach students about voice in writing?
Teaching writing using the 6+1 Traits • Word Choice • Word choice can turn mediocre writing into great writing, but how do students learn this?
Teaching writing using the 6+1 Traits • Sentence Fluency • Strategies for teaching sentence fluency?
Teaching writing using the 6+1 Traits How do students best learn about conventions?
Teaching writing using the 6+1 Traits • Presentation • How the writing looks influences the reader’s reaction to the piece. • When a piece is hard to read, it creates a negative mindset in the reader
Points to Remember • Process/content balance • Using the 6+1 traits • The traits are the language writers use
Resources for Teaching 6+1 Traits • NWREL - This link gives you many writing prompts http://educationnorthwest.org/resource/514 • North Central Regional Educational Laboratory - Graphic Organizers to help sort ideas for writing http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/students/learning/lr1grorg.htm • http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/ Lesson Plans - NWREL has many well developed Lesson Plans http://apps.educationnorthwest.org/traits/lessonplans.php • NWREL - This Link gives ideas on how to get started using the Six Traits in your classroom • http://educationnorthwest.org/resource/504 • Ideas for Teaching Writing and the Six Traitshttp://www.kimskorner4teachertalk.com/writing/menu.html • The Writing Process Ideas and Links http://www.proteacher.com/070038.shtmll
References • Culham, R. (2005). 6+1 Traits of Writing. New York: Scholastic. • Culham, R. (1998). Picture Books. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. • Cump, L. retrieved Feb. 2012 from www.readinglady.com • Edwina Public Schools. Retrieved Feb, 2010 from: http://www.edina.k12.mn.us/concord/teacherlinks/sixtraits/sixtraits.html • Northern Nevada Writing Project and Writing Fix. (2007). • Ray, K. (2002). What you know by heart. Portsmouth, NH. Heineman. • Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Retrieved Feb. 2012 from http://educationnorthwest.org • Urquhart, V. & McIver, M. (2005). Teaching writing in the content areas. Aurora, CO. Mid-Continental Research for Education and Learning.