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Why SHIP? In Minnesota, we need to Improve health Decrease costs

Why SHIP? In Minnesota, we need to Improve health Decrease costs. Our goal: Increase healthy weight adults by 9 percent Reduce young adult tobacco use by 9 percent. C auses of death. SHIP works to reduce the top causes of death. Real causes of death.

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Why SHIP? In Minnesota, we need to Improve health Decrease costs

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  1. Why SHIP? In Minnesota, we need to • Improve health • Decrease costs • Our goal: • Increase healthy weight adults by 9 percent • Reduce young adult tobacco use by 9 percent

  2. Causes of death SHIP works to reduce the top causes of death.

  3. Real causes of death It does this through prevention—reducing the behaviors that lead to chronic disease. Other Diet/physical activity 15% Tobacco 18% Source: Mokdad et al, JAMA 2004 March 10; 291 (10):1238-45 U.S. 2000

  4. Tobacco and obesity are very expensive, driving up health care costs for everyone.

  5. How does SHIP work? With SHIP, communities are working together to make healthy living easier.

  6. The problem is, that sometimes healthy living is not so easy.

  7. We may resolve to eat better, but sometimes good food is just not available.

  8. It’s easy to say “get more physical activity,” but often it’s a challenge.

  9. It can be hard to avoid second-hand smoke, and sometimes we need help if we want to quit.

  10. Therefore, SHIP is aboutgiving people a helping hand.

  11. SHIP works with businesses, schools, health care, and with communities to make healthy food more available, physical activity easier to get, and smoke-free spaces the norm.

  12. For example…

  13. After three years: Healthier eating at 580 childcare sites benefiting 10,400 children After three years: More physical activity at 1070 child care sites benefiting 23,900 children Healthier eating and more physical activity in child care

  14. After three years: • 440 schools offer Farm to School, Benefiting 235,000 students Healthier eating in schools, including connecting with local farmers

  15. After three years: 215 schools now offer Safe Routes to School, benefiting 143,000 students More opportunities for walking and biking to school

  16. After three years: • 59 campuses are now or will soon be smoke-free Smoke-free colleges

  17. After three years: • 24,000 apartments are smoke-free Helping families avoid tobacco smoke at home

  18. Results from the First Two Years After three years: 71 new farmers markets Farmers marketsSupported or created 71 farmers markets Communities have more access to healthy foods

  19. After three years: 293 cities are making it easier to bike and walk • More sidewalks, bike paths, and safe crosswalks

  20. In 2012 SHIP worked with 43 health care providers Partnering with healthcare providers

  21. After three years: 940 worksite wellness initiatives benefiting 163,500 employees Healthier work places

  22. For More Information And that’s just a start. As a result, • More Minnesotans are getting the physical activity they need • Healthier food is more available • More people are avoiding second-hand smoke

  23. For More Information That’s SHIP Helping to create good health where Minnesotans live, learn and work.

  24. For More Information Find out more: www.health.state.mn.us/SHIP

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