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Digital Success – What It Means For Your Business?<br>The roles have changed! From being a mere supportive player, digitalization has fast become a leading driver of market growth, innovation and revenue. From evading extinction to battling revenue shrinkage, digital success could do it all for your business. <br>
A B?ief… • Have you observed digital marketing experts grow massive user bases before you bat an eyelid? This agility helps them further convert those users into business models that threaten their peers in multiple markets • This could be an ideal situation for your business, but what if you were on the other side of the table? You could be one of the peers fa?i?g e?ti??tio?… U?less ?ou ha?e a ?ell-defined digital strategy in place to step up your game and take your business towards success • Barrels of ink have been spilt over discussing its potential, but senior management of nearly 45% companies fail to take digital disruption seriously. Businesses do not realize that disruption is not an option anymore, but an inevitable reality that could render them obsolete
Digital Success – What It Means For Your Business? • The roles have changed! From being a mere supportive player, digitalization has fast become a leading driver of market growth, innovation and revenue. From evading extinction to battling revenue shrinkage, digital success could do it all for your business • Gartner predicts that lack of digital business competence would have undermined the competitiveness of 25% companies, by 2017. This ?ea?s e???a?i?g digital alo?e ?ould??t suffi?e i? toda??s ?o?petiti?e ?o?ld. This ??i?gs us to ou? ?e?t ?uestio?…
How To Attain Digital Success – Be A Digital Marketing Expert! • While aspiring to attain digital success, it is important to push the envelope. Want to be a digital marketing expert who can attain success in all digital outcomes? Harness the power of the following 5 secret weapons that will lead you to guaranteed success:
1. Customer Segmentation For Result-Oriented Success • Atte?pti?g to ad?e?tise to e?e??o?e ofte? e?ds up appeali?g to ?o o?e… As digital marketing experts, ?ou?d ?e?tai?l? ?ot ?a?t to ?e i? this ?atego??. If ?ou??e looki?g to attai? digital su??ess, ?ou?d ha?e to g?oup current and potential customers based on their behaviours • Befo?e ?ou go o? to ta?get ?ou? ?usto?e?s p?e?isel?, ?ou?d ?eed to figu?e out your business goals. Do you want more interactions, more subscriptions, greater conversions, new Customers? Once your goal is set, you need to segment your audience. Some of the best ways to segment your audience could be: Geography Demographics Pain Points Interests & Values
• Think like a customer, and ponder over how your business will fulfil their needs. Once you have all your answers, you will start observing a pattern Group your customers into segments, based on the results you have. You can further segment them into: • Who would benefit most from your product or service? Which group can help you with fast conversions? Which group could help you with long-term benefits? • You would now have segmented your audience further, and can rack your brains over which segment and its specific needs will help you reach your ?usi?ess goals ?ette?. O??e ?ou ha?e the ?ight a?s?e?s, ?ou??e ?ead? to skyrocket sales and reach digital success
2. Give Your Customers Fabulous First Impressions! • First impressions are everything! On the digital sphere, your first impressions are reflected in your ads, websites, landing pages or other digital properties. What should you do to make a lasting first impression? Here is a lowdown: Do??t st?ess out ?ou? audie??e ?? ?o?fusi?g the? ?ith ?o?e optio?s. Put your best foot forward by highlighting the best features and links Write well, and in a way that engages them Stimulate them with strong visual appeal Write a clear call to action that encourages your audience to complete the action them came to do Customize the landing page behaviour for regular customers to retain them • A strong landing page will reduce your risks of greater bounce rates and lo?e? ?o??e?sio?s. E??ite ?ou? audie??es a?d offe? the? so?ethi?g the??d cherish! A strong digital experience will ensure you retain your customers and have them coming back to you again and again
3. Keep Customers Engaged With Content • Engaging customers with content – not the newest sounding subject out there, right? But we can help you look at it in a different way Think of being in a party where no one knows of your existence, until your friend helps you get noticed. Now put yourself into the real world. Content is the f?ie?d ?ou ha?e a?d ?ou??e still i? a pa?t? ?he?e ?o o?e gets to k?o? you, until you make your content engaging •
• You can still have all the fun, and make lasting bonds with potential customers, by usi?g ?o?te?t i? the ?ight ?a?. Let?s help ?ou e?jo? the pa?t? of ?ou? life. He?e?s ?hat you need to do: Know Your Target Audience– You need to know what appeals to your audience, what are their pain points Be A Sneaky Competitor– You need to be aware of your competition at all times. See ?hat st?ategies the???e deplo?i?g a?d ?hat is helpi?g the? st?ike gold ?ith the audience. This will help you understand what could work best for you Develop A Content Strategy– All content you share is a part of the larger ?o??e?satio? ?ou??e ha?i?g ?ith ?ou? audie??e. If ?ou ha?e a ?u??h of ?a?do? musings that make no sense together, your strategy is not in place. Develop a strategy that resonates with your core strengths, objectives and the pain points of your target audiences Document Your Goals – Have your goals listed out and keep a tab on what works best Share Stories – Stories fueled by emotions work best with any audience. You need to sell yourself with stories that connect with your audience and position you strongly • Analyze the digital market from time to time. Are you including enough videos? Do your posts contain just blogs? Are your content forms engaging enough? Look out for the ?est fo??s of ?o?te?t, a?d i??lude ?isuals ?e?ause ?A pi?tu?e sa?s a thousa?d ?o?ds? a?d a? i?age is pe?haps a thousa?d ?o?ds sa?ed!
4. Switch To Data-Driven Decision-Making Research has revealed that data-driven decisions have helped businesses: Enjoy a market value 12% above average Generate 9% more revenues Outperform industry peers by 6% • We are in the Digital Age, where humungous amount of data is being generated every minute. Ever considered where does so much data go? This data goes behind those innumerable decisions that take some businesses close to the pinnacle of success, and others towards extinction • Where would you want to be? The answer is in your own hands! Switch to data-driven decision making today, to reach the acme of digital success and attain your big goals. Digital marketing experts have been working on data-driven insights and making fruitful decisions that work best for them. Join the league and stop flying blind!
5. Prototype – Build. Test. Tweak. No strategy in the digital world can be successful without proper planning, e?e?utio? a?d testi?g. But he?e, ?e?d like ?ou to pla? i? detail, e?e?ute to perfection and prototype smartly! Prototyping is about building and testing nascent versions of your ideas to help you figure out how to develop it further Thi?k of p?otot?pi?g a?d ?e?d pe?haps ha?e eli?ited a ?a?? al?ead?! Whe? you think of prototyping, it is easy to think of machines, robots or gadgets that go o? doi?g the sa?e thi?g agai? a?d agai?. But he?e ?e?d like ?ou to think of prototyping as an agent of success, or an intelligent failure. No, we do not want you to fail at all! But if you do, owing to the innumerable os?illatio?s i? the digital ?o?ld, ?e?d like ?ou to fail i?tellige?tl? • • • Using prototyping, you can rapidly improve your ideas using the age-old method of trial and error. After all, it is better than testing your idea and completely blowing it off at a later stage. In the rapidly changing digital environment, prototyping is the only way to implement intelligent ideas and extract the best results
• You can look for more valuable feedback with a tangible hypothesis that allows other creative brains to add their inputs. You can use prototyping to ask questions, and upon polishing it further you can revel in the results of a newfound discovery! Get in touch with reliable digital marketing experts who can help you inch close to your business goals by guaranteed digital success advice Do ?ou ha?e ?o?e ideas to e?su?e digital su??ess i? toda??s ?apidl? vacillating times? Share them with us through your comments below! •
About Author: Tata BSS As I?dia?s p?e?iu? ?usi?ess p?o?ess, customer lifecycle management company Tata Business Support Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Sons, the holding company of the 142 years old Tata Group –I?dia?s most reputed brand. Inspiring trust and un-complicating business transformations since 2004, Tata BSS is driven by the value of simplicity and serve companies that want to increase their customer base, retain high value customers, protect their brand reputation and become more efficient.
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