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Do Now:. Free write on the topic “life’s transitions.” What does that mean to you? What does it make you think of? What is your feeling towards it? Write down whatever comes to mind given this topic. Session One Part A--Listening Multiple Choice Essay Part B—Infographic

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do Now: • Free write on the topic “life’s transitions.” What does that mean to you? What does it make you think of? What is your feeling towards it? Write down whatever comes to mind given this topic.

  2. Session One Part A--Listening Multiple Choice Essay Part B—Infographic Multiple Choice Essay Session Two Part A—Dual Passage Multiple Choice Essay (Thematic) Part B—Critical Lens Essay (Critical lens) Aim: How do you master task three of the ELA Regents?

  3. Aim: How do you master task three of the ELA Regents? • Tip #1: Assess the Prompt--Get it down PAT! • Tip #2: Skim the questions FIRST, BEFORE reading the passage • Tip #3: Read the passage with a PEN or PENCIL in your hand to ANNOTATE • Tip #4: Answer the questions WITHOUT considering the choices first!

  4. Aim: How do you master task three of the ELA Regents? • Controlling Idea=Thesis • What do they BOTH say ABOUT “life’s transitions?” • Significance! • Consequence! • Reason!

  5. Aim: How do you master task three of the ELA Regents? • TOPIC (What you see, how each passage deals with the topic) + ANGLE (What you are saying ABOUT what you see) =THESIS (The umbrella)

  6. Aim: How do you master task three of the ELA Regents? • Tip #5: Be sure to have a controlling idea that is either a SIGNIFICANCE, CONSEQUENCE, or REASON. Do NOT simply write a compare/contrast essay!

  7. Aim: How do you master task three of the ELA Regents? • Working with your partner, compose ONE sentence—a theme/thesis/controlling idea. What are you saying ABOUT life’s transitions? • “The transition process emerges as one which is indeed difficult, but one which parents can, ultimately, come to understand and accept.”

  8. Aim: How do you master task three of the ELA Regents? • Tip #6: Choose a FRAMEWORK • Essay framework • Organizational Pattern • Appropriate transitional words and phrases

  9. Subject by Subject Intro Passage One Passage Two (Synthesis) Conclusion Point by Point Intro Point One Passage One and Two Point Two Passage One and Two (Point Three) Passage One and Two Conclusion Aim: How do you master task three of the ELA Regents?

  10. Aim: How do you master task three of the ELA Regents? • Tip #7: USE LITERARY ELEMENTS in your discussion!!! (Aim for TWO a passage) • HW: Settle on a thesis and sketch out your plan (rough outline) for this essay. In your outline, include the literary elements you would discuss from each passage

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