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New Oslo PSC biobank

New Oslo PSC biobank. New Oslo PSC biobank. Broad consent – covers all clinical and research biobanking Integrated storage of clinical data and biological material DNA, RNA ( blood ), serum, plasma, cell-isolates Biliary eptihelial cells ( brushings ), bile, intestinal biopsies

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New Oslo PSC biobank

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  1. New Oslo PSC biobank

  2. New Oslo PSC biobank • Broadconsent – covers all clinical and researchbiobanking • Integratedstorage of clinical data and biological material • DNA, RNA (blood), serum, plasma, cell-isolates • Biliary eptihelialcells (brushings), bile, intestinalbiopsies • Freshtissue at liver explantation, cancer tissue at resection • Standardized and writtenprotocols all steps (SOP) • Regular QC of stored material • Barcode-basedinventory system (-80°C/liquid nitrogen)

  3. Physicalstorage system

  4. Physicalstorage system

  5. Database integration

  6. Biobanking - background Norsk senter for PSC

  7. Biobanks ? • Population banks • Biomarkers of susceptibility and population identity, and their operational substrate is germinal-line DNA from a huge number of healthy donors, representative of a concrete country/region or ethnic cohort • Disease-oriented banks for epidemiology • Biomarkers of exposure, using a huge number of samples, usually following a healthy exposed cohort/ case–control design studying germinal-line DNA or serum markers and a great amount of specifically designed and collected data. • Disease-oriented general biobanks (i.e. tumour banks) • Biomarkers of disease through prospective and/or retrospective collections of tumour and no-tumour samples and their derivates (DNA/RNA/ proteins), usually associated to clinical data and sometimes associated to clinical trials. • The amount of clinical data linked to the sample determinate the availability and biological value of the sample Norsk senter for PSC

  8. Biobanking in PSC – why and how ? • Ethiopatogenesis • Serum/plasma samples • DNA-samples • Liver biopsies/ explanted liver • Bile duct cytology/biopsies • Colon biopsies: IBD+/- • Disease progression • Liver biopsies • Bile duct cytology/biopsies • Cholangiocancer • Tumor material • Dysplasia cytology Norsk senter for PSC

  9. Biobanking in PSC: Discussion • Controversy: Competition vs. collaboration • Types of material? • Minimal level • Standardization (SOP) • study group website w/protocols? • Material exchange conditions • study group MTA ? • Study proposals • centers

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