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Revolutionizing enterprise web development

Drupal Queue API : Built In Procrastination. . Revolutionizing enterprise web development. Overview. What is a queue? When do you want to queue? Drupal Queue 7 Classes and Methods Batch API Implementing Batch Summary. What is a Queue?.

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Revolutionizing enterprise web development

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  1. Drupal Queue API: Built In Procrastination \ Revolutionizing enterprise web development

  2. Overview • What is a queue? • When do you want to queue? • Drupal Queue 7 Classes and Methods • Batch API • Implementing Batch • Summary

  3. What is a Queue? • Queue: A line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed. What does this mean to developers? • Queue: A sequence of items awaiting their turn to be processed.

  4. Presentation Problem • Client Wants a Drupal site where user interactions need to be processed. • User updates a title-> gets put into a queue to be processed. • User changes a field -> gets put into a queue to be processed. • User publishes a node -> gets put into a queue to be processed. • Requests are programmatically moderated. • Moderating AI can be slow, likes to take lunch breaks, has a mind of it’s own.

  5. Very Simple Queue Example User Requests: A sequence* of requests from a user. * These items must be done in order. FIFO

  6. FIFO

  7. What is a Queue (again) ? • Queue: A sequence of items awaiting their turn to be processed. • Do items always need to be processed in a sequence? • No. • Queue: A set of items awaiting their turn to be processed.

  8. Very Simple Queue Example 2 User Requests: A set* of requests from a user. * These items don’t need to be done in order.

  9. Set

  10. Multiple Workers

  11. When do you want a queue? Queues work best when you have a lot of items which eventually need to be processed. Some examples: • Mass Email • Content Indexing • Order Processing • Third Party Service Requests (Saleforce, MailChimp, etc.)

  12. When do you want a queue? // When you are doing way too much $query = selectQuery('user_requests', 'ur'); $res = $query->fields('ur')->execute(); while ($req = $res->fetchObject()) { if (user_requests_process_request($req)) { user_requests_delete_request($req); } }

  13. Queue Basics • Create a Queue • Gotta start somewhere • Add item to the Queue • Put something into the queue for later. • Claim an item from the Queue • Get me the next Item that needs to be done. • Release the item from the Queue • Leave the item back in the queue because it couldn't be processed yet. • Remove the item from the Queue • Count how many items are left in the Queue.

  14. DrupalQueueInterface:: createQueue() - Create a queue createItem() - Add an item to the queue claimItem() - Claim next queue item. Lock. releaseItem() - Leave the item in the queue deleteItem() - Delete the item from the queue. numberOffItems() - Retrieve the number of items in the queue. More@ http://dgo.to/a/DrupalQueueInterface

  15. Drupal Core Queues Storage: Database • SystemQueue • BatchQueue extends SystemQueue Storage: Memory • MemoryQueue • BatchMemoryQueue extends MemoryQueue

  16. Adding Items to SystemQueue $queue = DrupalQueue::get('user_requests'); $queue->createQueue(); $requests = array(); $requests[]= array('uid' => 100, 'request' => 'upvote node 1'); $requests[]= array('uid' => 200, 'request' => 'downvote node 2'); $requests[]= array('uid' => 300, 'request' => 'upvote node 1'); foreach ($requests as $request) { // Adds the item as a serialized string to the queue table $queue->createItem($request); }

  17. SystemQueue Queue Table

  18. Work is lined up, now what? Data processing strategy: • Does the work have to be done in order it was queued? • Do we have a limit of items we're allowed to process per day? • Do we have the resources to run multiple processing workers in parallel?

  19. Simple Queue processor function user_requests_processor_1() { $queue = DrupalQueue::get('user_requests'); while($queue->numberOfItems()) { $request = $queue->claimItem(); user_requests_process_request($request); $queue->deleteItem($item); // Done, remove it from queue } }

  20. Feedback on Worker Worker: user_requests_processor_1 • Still times out • Potential headaches depending on the success rate of user_request_process_request() • Potential headaches if running multiple workers. • Better memory footprint. • Overall a positive change

  21. Working with a Queue function user_requests_processor_2() { $queue = DrupalQueue::get('user_requests'); $ops = array('%count' => $queue->numberOfItems()); drupal_set_message("Processing user requests. %count Items in queue.", $ops); while ($request = $queue->claimItem()) { if (user_requests_process_request($request)) { $queue->deleteItem($item); // Done, remove it from queue } else { // Couldn't process this. Leave it in the queue $queue->releaseItem($item); } } }

  22. Feedback on Worker Worker: user_requests_processor_2 • Both will time out... but.... • Can run in scaled up or down as needed. Big win.

  23. Need a better Queue? Store items in a different location? Want to notify somebody when you create a Queue? Don’t want to allow locking of items?

  24. Subclass SystemQueue class BatchQueue extendsSystemQueue{ public function claimItem($lease_time = 0) { // Ignores lease time. Forces sequential processing. $item =db_query_range('SELECT data, item_id FROM {queue} q WHERE name = :name ORDER BY item_id ASC', 0, 1, array(':name' => $this->name))->fetchObject(); if ($item) { $item->data = unserialize($item->data); return $item; } return FALSE; } public function getAllItems() { $result = array(); $items = db_query('SELECT data FROM {queue} q WHERE name = :name ORDER BY item_id ASC', array(':name' => $this->name))->fetchAll(); foreach ($items as $item) { $result[] = unserialize($item->data); } return $result; } }

  25. Subclass SystemQueue class AwesomeQueueextendsSystemQueue{ public function releaseMultipleItems($items) { // Release multiple items } }

  26. Extending SystemQueue DrupalQueue::get('user_requests'); new SystemQueue('user_requests'); // But we need an AwesomeQueue new AwesomeQueue('user_requests');

  27. Need a better Queue? Changing our Queue Class variable_set('queue_class_user_request', 'AwesomeQueue'); Change Queue Class by Queue variable_get('queue_class_' . $name, NULL); Additionally… Change Default Queue Class variable_get('queue_default_class', 'SystemQueue');

  28. What about MemoryQueue? MemoryQueue implements the same base interface as SystemQueue. Items you put into a MemoryQueue need to be processed within the same request. Use it for small queues you know you can take care off in one page request. Otherwise, stick to the SystemQueue.

  29. Helpful Links/Debugging Interactive Queued http://tinyurl.com/cyk9qch Views Queue http://dgo.to/views_queue Queue UI http://dgo.to/queue_ui

  30. Simple Queue process in chunks function user_requests_processor_3() { $queue = DrupalQueue::get('user_requests'); while($queue->numberOfItems()) { $limit = 1000; $chunk = array(); while ($limit && $request = $queue->claimItem()) { $limit--; $chunk[] = $request; $queue->deleteItem($item); // Done, remove it from queue } user_requests_process_requests($chunk); } }

  31. Batch API Built In Procrastination

  32. What is Batch? Another tool for getting a lot of work done. Built to help fight off issues with hitting max_execution_time

  33. When to use Batch When you have a lot of tasks that need to be done. When you want inform the user of progress on the work.

  34. You've seen Batch at work Familiar Cases: Drupal Install Rebuild Node Access Drupal Update Pretty much whenever you see a progress bar

  35. How does batch fight off timeout? Batch Engine • How much work is there to do? Where are we at? New HTTP Request Reset the clock! yey! Batch Form Submit Batch Engine Do SOME of the work. Are we finished? Yes No Batch Engine Complete

  36. Lets get to it! function user_requests_batch_form($form, &$form_state) { $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Process User Requests'), ); return $form; } function user_requests_batch_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $batch = array( 'operations' => array( array(user_requests_process_batch_requests', array()), ), ); batch_set($batch); }

  37. Multiple Operations function user_requests_batch_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $batch = array( 'operations' => array( array( 'user_requests_preprocess_requests', array() ), array( 'user_requests_process_requests', array('argument_1', 'argument2') ), ), ); batch_set($batch); }

  38. Batch variables $batch = array( 'init_message' => t('Getting ready to Process User Requests'), 'title' => t('Processing User Requests'), 'progress_message' => t('Processed @current of @total User Requests'), 'error_message' => t('An Error occurred while processing User Request'), 'finished' => 'user_requests_finished_batch_work', 'operations' => array( array( 'user_requests_preprocess_requests',array()), ), ), );

  39. $batch['progess_message'] @current - current operation @remaining - remaining operations @total - total operations @percentage - percentage complete @elapsed - Time elapsed Defaults to t('Completed @current of @total.').

  40. Batch Operation Callbacks Operation callbacks need to accept $context variable. function user_requests_preprocess_requests(&$context); function user_requests_process_requests($arg1, $arg2, &$context);

  41. Batch $context // Operations can tell Batch what they have done $context['results'][]; // The message to display on the progress page $context['message']; // Sandbox is primary means of communication between Iterations $context['sandbox']; // A float between 0 and 1 the tells the batch engine is the batch work is done. Defaults to 1. // Moves the progress bar forward. $context['finished'] = 0;

  42. Back to our user requests user_requests_process_batch_requests(&$context) { if (empty($context['sandbox'])) { $context['sandbox']['max'] = count_db_items(); $context['sandbox']['current'] = 0; } // Fetch next item $context['sandbox']['current']++; user_requests_process_request($request); $context['message'] = 'Processed request ' . $request->id $max = $context['sandbox']['max']; $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['current']/$max; }

  43. User Requests Demo

  44. Bringing it together • DrupalQueue and Batch work great as Complementary Systems. • DrupalQueue set tasks up. • Batch knocks them down.

  45. DrupalQueue in Batch Operation #1 user_requests_process_batch_requests(&$context) { $queue = DrupalQueue::get('user_requests'); if (empty($context['sandbox'])) { $context['sandbox']['max']=$queue->numberOfItems(); $context['sandbox']['current']=0; } $request=$queue->claimItem(); $context['sandbox']['current']++; user_requests_process_request($request); $queue->deleteItem($request); $max = $context['sandbox']['max']; $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['current']/$max; }

  46. DrupalQueue in Batch Operation #2 user_requests_process_batch_requests(&$context) { $queue = DrupalQueue::get('user_requests'); if (empty($context['sandbox'])) { $context['sandbox']['max'] = $queue->numberOfItems(); $context['sandbox']['current'] = 0; } for ($i = 1; $i < 20; $i++) { // Process 20 items on each request. if ($request = $queue->claimItem()){ $context['sandbox']['current']++; user_requests_process_request($request); $queue->deleteItem($request); } } $max = $context['sandbox']['max']; $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['current']/$max; }

  47. Further Reading Batch Operations Page http://tinyurl.com/7asc4p8 Batch Example Module in Examples project http://dgo.to/examples

  48. Summary DrupalQueue - SystemQueue • Great for saving work you can do later. • Simple tool with big implications. • Great way to bring distributed processing of data to you Drupal projects. DrupalQueue - MemoryQueue • Use it for lining up tasks that can be handled in one request.

  49. Summary Batch API • Drupal's goto solution for getting past max_execution_time limits • Great for processing a large amount of in chunks at a time. • Really shines when users need to be notified of progress on the work being completed. • Compliments DrupalQueue very well.

  50. Thank You DagobertoAceves www.achieveinternet.com dago.aceves

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