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Les Cartes de Grammaire. Chapitre 6. The Imperfect. Tells how things were or what used to happen repeatedly in the past. Formation: Take present-tense nous conjugation , drop – ons , add appropriate ending: Je – ais Nous – ions Tu – ais Vous – iez
Les Cartes de Grammaire Chapitre 6
The Imperfect • Tells how things were or what used to happen repeatedly in the past. • Formation: Take present-tense nous conjugation, drop –ons, add appropriate ending: • Je –ais Nous –ions Tu – aisVous – iez Il/Elle – aitIls/Elles – aient • Ex: parler parlons parl- + ending Je parlais Nous parlions TuparlaisVousparliez Il/Elle parlaitIls/Ellesparlaient • Irregulars: • Manger No “e” in nous/vous forms (Mangions, Mangiez) • Commencer No “ç” in nous/vous forms(Commencions/Commenciez) • être irregular stem ét-
Passé ComposéouImparfait? • Both the passé composé and the imparfait are used to describe actions that happened in the past, but they are used in different ways. • *In this case, the passé composé and the imparfait are often used in the same sentence, as an action being done (imp) that is interrupted by another action (P.C.).
Passé ComposéouImparfait? • It was beautiful outside. • IMP- Il faisait beau. • I went to the store. • PC- Je suisallé(e) au magasin. • You used to listen to music. • IMP- Tuécoutais de la musique. • She was beautiful when she was young. • IMP- Elle était belle quandelleétaitjeune. • They made a sand castle. • PC- Ilsont fait un château de sable. • I was sleeping when my brother woke me up. • PC et IMP- Je dormaisquandmon frère m’ontreveillé.
Adverb Placement • Adverbs describe adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs • Typically, adverbs describing how much, how often, or how well something is done are placed after the conjugated verb • Ex: I play tennis often. Je jouesouvent au tennis. • EXCEPTIONS:Commecicommeça, quelquefois, and de temps en temps are placed either at the beginning or the end of a sentence. • Most other adverbs (time, ending in –ment) will be placed at the beginning or end of a sentence • Ex: Yesterday I went to school. Hier, je suisallé à l‘école.
Le Comparatif • Used to make comparisons: something is more, equal to, or less than something else. • With adjectives (don’t forget agreement!): • Plus/Aussi/Moins + adj + que more…than, as…as, less…than • Elle est plus intelligentequemoi. She is smarter (more intelligent) than me. • Mon frère estaussiénervantque ton frère. My brother is as annoying as your brother. • La villeestmoins belle que la campagne. The city is less beautiful than the country. • With nouns: • Plus/Moins/Autant + de + noun + que more…than, as many…as, fewer…than • J’ai plus de livresquetoi. I have more books than you. • Il a autant de coursque son ami. He has as many classes as his friend. • Il y a moins de profs que des étudiants. There are fewer teachers than students.
Le Superlatif • Used to express the most or the least • Adjectives (don’t forget agreement!) • Le/La/Les + Plus/Moins + adj + de • Ex: C’estla plus jolie fleur du monde. That’s the prettiest flower in the world. • Ex: J’habitedans la maisonla plus intéressantedu voisinage. I live in the most interesting house in the neighborhood. • *NOTE: Depending on the placement of the adjective (BANGS), the le/la/les + plus/moins will be placed differently in the sentence.
Les Irréguliers du Comparatif et Superlatif • Two adjectives, bon and mauvais, when used in the comparative and superlative, are irregular. • Ex: Ma mèreestmeilleurequetamère. My mom is better than your mom. • Ex: Hier, c’était la pirejournée de ma vie. Yesterday was the worst day of my life. • Don’t forget that since these are adjectives, they must agree with the noun they are describing! • You can also use the expression moins bon(ne)(s) in place of pire.