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ENT 214 Biomechanics

Explore mechanical loads on the human body, effects of loading, bone structure impact, and more in human motion analysis.

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ENT 214 Biomechanics

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  1. ENT 214 Biomechanics Chapter 3 Kinetic Concepts for Analyzing Human Motion

  2. Chapter Content Identify and describe the different types of mechanical loads that act on the human body. Explain the effects of loading on human body. Identify and describe the uses of available instrumentation for measuring kinetic quantities. Explain how the material constituents and structural organization of bone affect its ability to withstand mechanical loads. Describe the effects of exercise and of weightlessness on bone mineralization. Explain the relationship between different forms of mechanical loading and common bone injuries.

  3. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What ismass? • quantity of matter composing a body • represented by m • units are kg

  4. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is inertia? • tendency to resist change in state of motion • proportional to mass • has no units!

  5. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What isforce? • a push or a pull • characterized by magnitude, direction, and point of application • F = ma • unit is the Newton (N)

  6. Force applied by racquet Ball being struck by a racquet Air resistance ball weight Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is afree body diagram? (diagram showing vector representations of all forces acting on a defined system)

  7. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is anet force? • the single resultant force derived from the vector composition of all the acting forces • the force that determines the net effect of all acting forces on a body

  8. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is atorque? • the rotary effect of a force • the angular equivalent of force • also known as moment of force

  9. F = 10N d = 2m axis T = Fd (the product of force and the perpendicular distance from the force’s line of action to the axis of rotation) T = Fd T = (10N)(2m) T = 20 Nm Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is atorque?

  10. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is thecenter of gravity? • point around which a body’s weight is equally balanced in all directions • point that serves as an index of total • body motion • point at which the weight vector acts • same as the center of mass

  11. 10N 20N CG 2m 1m Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics The weights are balanced, creating equal torques on either side of the fulcrum.

  12. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What isweight? • attractive force that the earth exerts on a body • wt = mag (product of mass and the acceleration of gravity: -9.81 m/s 2)

  13. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is weight? • the point of application of the weight • force is a body’s center of gravity • since weight is a force, units of weight are units of force: N

  14. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What ispressure? • force per unit of area over which the force acts • commonly used to describe force distribution within a fluid (e.g. blood pressure, water pressure) • units are N/m2

  15. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What isstress? • force per unit of area over which the force acts • commonly used to describe force distribution within a solid • units are N/m2

  16. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is stress?

  17. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What isvolume? • space occupied by a body • has three dimensions (width, height, and depth) • units are m3 and cm3

  18. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is density? • mass per unit of volume • represented with the small Greek letter rho:  • units are kg/m3

  19. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is specific weight? • weight per unit of volume • represented with the Greek letter gamma:  • units are N/m3

  20. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is impulse? • the product of force and the time over which the force acts (Ft) • units are Ns

  21. Compression Original Shape Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is compression? (pressing or squeezing force directed axially through a body)

  22. Tension Original Shape Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is tension? (pulling or stretching force directed axially through a body)

  23. Original Shape Shear Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is shear? (force directed parallel to a surface)

  24. Compression Tension Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is bending? (asymmetric loading that produces tension on one side of a body’s longitudinal axis and compression on the other side)

  25. Neutral axis Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is torsion? (load producing twisting of a body around its longitudinal axis)

  26. Yield Ultimate Point Failure Load Point Elastic Plastic Region Region Deformation Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What is deformation? (change in shape)

  27. Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics What are repetitive and acute loading? • repetitive: repeated application of a subacute load that is usually of relatively low magnitude • acute: application of a single force of sufficient magnitude to cause injury to a biological tissue

  28. Likelihood of Injury Load Magnitude Frequency of Loading Basic Concepts Related to Kinetics Repetitive vs. acute loading

  29. Vector Algebra What is vector composition? (process of determining a single vector from two or more vectors by vector addition)

  30. Vector Algebra The composition of vectors with the same direction requires adding their magnitudes.

  31. Vector Algebra The composition of vectors with the opposite directions requires subtracting their magnitudes.

  32. Vector Algebra The tip-to-tail method of vector composition.

  33. Vector Algebra What is vector resolution? (operation that replaces a single vector with two perpendicular vectors such that the vector composition of the two perpendicular vectors yields the original vector)

  34. Vector Algebra Vectors may be resolved into perpendicular components. The vector composition of each pair of components yields the original vector.

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