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Resolusi kOnflik Global: Suatu pengantar Komprehensif

Resolusi kOnflik Global: Suatu pengantar Komprehensif. Muhammad Nizar Ziyad Falahi. Perspectives. Classic Ideas: Very high priority to defending one’s own interest causes conflict Two parties causes win-lose conflict ex: Prisoners dilemma and game theory

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Resolusi kOnflik Global: Suatu pengantar Komprehensif

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  1. Resolusi kOnflik Global: Suatu pengantar Komprehensif Muhammad Nizar ZiyadFalahi

  2. Perspectives • Classic Ideas: Very high priority to defending one’s own interest causes conflict • Two parties causes win-lose conflict ex: Prisoners dilemma and game theory • Third party and the emerge of mediation • Symmetric and asymmetric conflict • Singer’s conflict typology and Holsti. • Regional pattern of conflict.

  3. Terminology • Conflict  the pursuit of incompatible goals by different groups. • Armed Conflict • Violent conflict/deadly conflict • Contemporary conflict • Conflict settlement • Conflict management • Conflict transformation • Negotiation • Peacemaking, peacekeeping, & peace building. • Conflict resolution

  4. Phases in the Dev of CR FieldL. Kriesberg • 1914 – 45 : Precursors • WW1&2 (full of emotions) Large Scale Conflict, • class-based struggles, particularly revolutions, • organization conflict (labor management relations), • social-psychology, • symmetries Conflict

  5. 1946 – 69 : Early Efforts and Basic Research • Journal of Conflict Resolution (1957) & the Center for Conflict Resolution (1959), • Quantitative Data, • institution and cooperative activities, • Game Theory (Tit for Tat), the Prisoner’s Dilemma, GRIT (Graduated-Reciprocation in Tension-Reduction). • traditional diplomacy, • sociologist, anthropologist.

  6. 1970 – 85 : Crystallization and Expansion • as social movements (practice in art: mediation, negotiation, peacemaking, etc). • CR ideas arising from research and theory provided a theoretical basis and intellectual justification for CR practices. • CR work in many parts of the world. • Non violent actions. • Feminist Contribution for CR work. • Game Theory & GRIT. • 1986 – Present : Extension, Diffusion, and Institutionalization

  7. School of Tough • American Pragmatis : emphasize interest as the major factor • English school: not only interest, but ethics is also important

  8. Foundation • Presented by Johan galtung (marxist ) • Concern about structural factor • Direct Violence, Structural Violence or cultural Violence • Transnational approach • Needs Theory

  9. Construction • Believes with objectivism • Positivism approach • Concern with technique and application • Problem solving approaches

  10. The reconstruction • The demise of problem-solving theory • The emerge of pluralism • Structuration theory • Cultural approaches • Imperfect peace

  11. IR and CR according louis kreisberg • Converging : IR have contribute have contribute to some CR development. • Complementary ; Peacemaking practice of CR and IR often complement each other.

  12. Conclusion • Runtuhnya pandangan universal dan obyektifitas dalam resolusi konflik menyebabkan munculnya beberapa pendekatan khas HI • studi HI yang mulai menyadari kompleksitas aktor dalam era global mengembangkan beberapa macam pendekatan dengan lebih melihat aspek-aspek partikular penyebab konflik,

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