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Join us on a virtual journey to explore the history, food, religion, and geography of the Bahamas. This interactive PowerPoint presentation is designed for 4th and 5th-grade students in a learning environment such as a computer lab. Through engaging visuals and quizzes, students will learn about the rich heritage and cultural significance of the Bahamas. Get ready for an exciting learning experience!
A Bahamian Adventure! By: Sarah Clark
Target Audience • 4th and 5th grade students • Learning Environment • Computer lab with headphones • In groups of one or two • Quiet environment • Enough space for students to work separately from each other Teacher Page Objectives Using the PowerPoint given students will be able to describe the history of the Bahamas with 100% accuracy. Using the PowerPoint given students will be able to describe the food of the Bahamas with 100% accuracy. Using the PowerPoint given students will be able to describe the religion in the Bahamas with 100% accuracy. Using the PowerPoint given students will be able to describe the geography/location of the Bahamas with 100% accuracy.
Video Introduction Click on the box below to watch a preview of the journey you’re about to take!!!
Main Menu Food History Religion Geography/Location Quiz
History The definition of the word Bahamas means “baja mar” in Spanish or “shallow sea” in English.
History The name was given by Christopher Columbus when he came to San Salvador in 1492.
History Mini Quiz! A B What does the word Bahamas translate to? Shallow Sea Sea Big Sea C
History Correct!!The Bahamas translate to “shallow sea”.
History Oops!Try again, go back and reread the information.
History The Arawaks also known as the Lucayans or Indians were the first inhabitants of the Bahamas.
History They were a very peaceful people, which made it easy for Columbus to enslave them. 25 years after Columbus arrived their culture was destroyed.
History Mini Quiz!! A B What was the name of the first inhabitants of the Bahamas other than the Arawak's? The Arrowheads The Lucayans The Lancelot's C
History Correct!!The Lucayans were another name for the Arawak's.
History Oops!!Try again, go back and reread the information.
History The Eleutheran Adventurers came to the Bahamas in 1647 for religious freedom.
History They were the first British colony. They also started the still existing agricultural economy.
History Mini Quiz!! A B Why did the Eleutheran Adventurers come to the Bahamas? They were tired of their homeland Warmer weather Religious freedom C
History Correct!!They came for religious freedom.
History Oops!!Try again. Go back and reread the information.
History Pirates ruled the Bahamas for 70 years because it was easy for them to hide since the islands have secluded areas.
History Famous Pirates like Blackbeard even inhabited the island. In 1718 the British regained the island.
History A Mini Quiz!! B C How long did pirates rule the Bahamas? 70 years 7 years 17 years
History Correct!!The pirates ruled the Bahamas for 70 years.
History Oops!!Try again. Go back and reread the information.
History During the Civil War the Bahamas were used as a smuggling area for alcohol due to the prohibition law in the United States.
History After the prohibition ended the island went back to normal. After the second World War the island became a tourist attraction. They became a nation on July 10, 1973.
History Mini Quiz!! A B During what war was the island used for smuggling? World War II Vietnam Civil War C
History Correct!!During the Civil War was the island was used for smuggling.
History Oops!!Try again. Go back and reread the information.
Food Main foods the Bahamians eat are fruits, vegetables, rice, bread, meat, and fish.
Food The national dishes are conch which is sea snail, rice, and peas. These are the most common because they’re cheap.
Food A B Mini Quiz!! C What is conch? Sea Snail Squid Shark
Food Correct!!Conch is sea snail.
Food Oops!! Try again. Go back and reread the information.
Food On holidays they eat local fish, conch, peas, baked goods, and fresh fruit. They drink Bahamian rum, imported beer, soft drinks, tea, and coffee.
Food Mini Quiz!! A B What is one thing the Bahamians eat on holidays? Local fish Lobster Sand C
Food Correct!!They eat local fish on holidays.
Food Oops!!Try again. Go back and reread the information.
Religion Most people are Christian. 80% are Protestant and 20% are Roman Catholic. They also have a belief in spirits called Obeah. Most services and ceremonies are held in churches.
Religion They also have a belief in spirits called Obeah. Most services and ceremonies are held in churches.
Religion A Mini Quiz!! B C What is the Bahamians belief in spirits called? Obeah Christianity Catholic
Religion Correct!!The belief in spirits is called Obeah.
Religion Oops!!Try again. Go back and reread the information.
Religion The dead are put in pine coffins and wakes are held at home. Funerals are held in churches.
Religion Most people believe that the soul goes to heaven or hell. Some believe that the souls wander around.
Religion A Mini Quiz!! B C Where are funerals held? Outside Churches Graveyards
Religion Correct!!Funerals are held in churches.
Religion Oops!!Try again. Go back and reread the information.
Geography The Bahamas are located on the Atlantic. It has about 700 islands and cays.
Geography There are 14 islands that make up the Bahamas. The land is 5,382 square miles. The climate is subtropical.