CALIFORNIA RESOURCE & Recycling Association August 6, 2012 Debra Kaufman
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CALIFORNIA RESOURCE & Recycling Association August 6, 2012 Debra Kaufman. Countywide public agency with 17 member agencies (cities/county/sanitary districts), 1.4 million population Mission is to reduce waste
CALIFORNIA RESOURCE & Recycling Association August 6, 2012 Debra Kaufman
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CALIFORNIA RESOURCE & Recycling Association August 6, 2012 Debra Kaufman
Countywide public agency with 17 member agencies (cities/county/sanitary districts), 1.4 million population Mission is to reduce waste Programs in Business Recycling/Composting, Green Building, Bay-Friendly Landscaping, Environmental Purchasing, proper hazardous waste disposal Funded by per ton disposal fees Services at no cost
Mandatory Recycling Ordinance for Alameda County Designed to reduce amount of recyclable materials going to Alameda County landfills Same effective date as state reg: July 1, 2012 Applies to same entities as state regulation Fulfills AB 341 requirements Builds on state requirement by specifying materials to be recycled and sets a performance threshold
Alameda County Waste Management Authority Mandatory Recycling Ordinance Differences from State Reg: Gave jurisdictions opportunity to opt-out Defines materials that must be recycled Defines a performance threshold Requires businesses & MF owner/manager to educate employees, tenants, contractors Adds organics as of 2014 Includes Enforcement Provisions
Mandatory Recycling Phase 1: Begins July 1, 2012 Who is affected: All multifamily properties with 5+ units All commercial accounts generating 4+ cubic yards/week of solid waste Materials Included: Paper, cardboard, glass and metal food and beverage containers, #1 and #2 plastic bottles
Mandatory Recycling Phase 2: Begins July 1, 2014 Who is affected: All businesses (not just 4 cubic yard threshold) Applicable materials: Organics (food and compostable paper) in addition to the basic recyclables
By July, 2012: Paper, Cardboard, Cans & Bottles Materials that must be Recycled By July 2014: Food
Key Compliance Steps Commercial & MF Property Owner/Manager Must: Arrange for sufficient recycling service for paper, cardboard, cans & bottles Arrange for signage Provide information at move-in, move-out and annually to tenants, employees & contractors about the ordinance requirements
1. Arrange for recycling service for paper, cardboard, cans & bottles Contact service providers to order recycling service and to determine how many containers are needed. Place containers next to garbage. Provide indoor containers for tenants, employees and customers (typically provider only gives external containers) If you are using a private sector recycler, make sure this is consistent with city’s franchise.
2. Arrange for Signage Post Signs and Placards Convey what goes where Helps janitorial staff Color Coding for sample signs
3. Provide information At move in & Move out and at least annually to tenants, employees & contractors Chart Progress and Reinforce the Message in Emails, Newsletters, Posters
Implementation Assistance Free Site-Specific Assessments for businesses w/Recycling, Composting & & WP Recommendations Funding: Mini-grants for organics, Waste Prevention Referral to Extensive on-line resources Education & Training Public Recognition & Awards
Commercial resources (PRINT & ON-LINE) Extensive print & on-line resources: Recycling guides Letter to employees/tenants about program Posters, Signage, Labels Fact sheets about ordinance requirements for different audiences: hauler, MF, business
Mandatory Recycling Ordinance Outreach To Date: Direct mail to business service address and account holder address, twice Printed messages directly on envelopes Simple graphic heavy materials Free media: chamber newsletters; BOMA newsletter Dedicated hotline Business e-news New Mandatory Recycling Website:
Sample outreach graphics
Recycling for businesses + multi-family homes is now the law. Learn what it takes to follow the rules of recycling in Alameda County.
mind your business. recycle. Recycling for all businesses with 4 or more cubic yards of waste per week is now the law.
Timeline, Enforcement, Exemptions Focus on outreach/technical assistance between now and Jan 1, 2013 Notices of violation begin Jan 1, 2013 Emphasis will be on outreach and education; violation and fines will be option of last resort Exemptions on a case-by-case basis available for space limitations, financial hardship and other
Challenges Developing outreach materials for 14 jurisdictions; managing data for 14 jurisdictions Developing protocols/forms for exemptions, enforcement Deciding on most effective outreach mechanisms Determining methodology to confirm compliance (using a combination of random inspections and service level data)
Thank You! Contact Us www.StopWastePartnership.Org Partnership@StopWaste.Org 1-877-STOPWASTE Debra Kaufman Tom padia RACHEL BALSLEY