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事實是沉默的,人們需要寫或講出來的敘述 才能理解數據 Roald Hoffmann 1981諾貝爾化學獎
研討會摘要 • Abstract • A summary of the research report • 120 words or less (研討會和期刊會規定) • Includes the hypothesis, procedure, and the broad pattern of results
標題 作者 機構 Effects of bottom-up input and top-down expectation on object-based attention Ming-Chou Ho1 and Su-Ling Yeh2 1Department of Psychology, Chung-Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan 2Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Bottom-up input and top-down expectation of objects are usually intertwined to contribute to the occurrence of object-based attention. The current study demonstrates the dissociation of influences of bottom-up object input and top-down expectation on the same-object effect by using the double outlined rectangles of Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994).One of the two rectangles was first cued, and the participants were asked to detect a target shown on the target frame. The same-object effect refers to the result of faster responses when the cue and target appears on the same object than on different objects. We manipulated the presence probability of (1) rectangles and an empty space, or (2) rectangles and a new object in the final target frame. The new object is an outlined boomerang whose orientation varies with the cue location in a way to either reduce or enhance same-object effects when the double rectangles are in the target frame.When the double rectangles are absent in the target frame, no same-object effects are observed, regardless of the probability of rectangles presence. The dependence of same-object effects on the presence of the attended object indicates the effect of bottom-up object input. However, the ever occurrence of the boomerang, even with a probability of appearance as low as 20%, influences the same-object effects when in fact it is the rectangles that appear in the target frame. That is, the expectation of the presence of the boomerang has influence on the same-object effects while the rectangles are present.Although bottom-up input usually interacts with top-down expectation, their dissociation revealed in this study sheds light on their respective roles in object-based attention. [Supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan, NSC95-2752-H-002-007-PAE and 95-2413-H-002-020] 簡單回顧 程序 結果 簡單解釋 經費單位
標題 作者 Can attention shift between objects in a discrete mode? Shuo-Heng Li, Ming-Chou Ho, Chen-Chia Hsu, Chung-Yang Kuo, Nien-Ying Yang, Hsiao-Heng Chen Department of Psychology, Chung-Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan As early debate regarding the mode of attentional shift in space (i.e., analog vs. discrete), the mode of attentional shift between objects requires further investigation.We employed the same/different judgment task similar to Kwak, Dagenbach and Egeth (1991) to examine the mode debate. Participants judged two letters (TT, LL, or TL) that appear briefly on two of eight outlined squares with three different distances between these two squares.Result showed comparable judgment times across three distances (a discrete mode). Further, a horse racing model ensured a serial process in such task.This study has critical implications in object-based attention literature. 機構 簡單回顧 程序 結果 簡單解釋 [Supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan, NSC 96-2815-C-040-006-H] 經費單位
海報 • 格式詳見研討會網頁 • 研討會海報眾多,與會者停留在海報前的時間極短可快速理解的海報為原則 • 字少圖多好理解 • 範例 (Ho_Yeh_VSS07_final.ppt)
論文 • Abstract • Introduction • Method • Results • Discussion • References
ANATOMY OF A RESEARCH ARTICLE • 手稿(manuscript)和已出版(published paper)的文章格式不同 • 手稿要遵守APA (American Psychological Association)格式 • 期刊均有“instruction to authors” • 線上投稿
Sample of title page (必須遵守期刊規則) 將會印在期刊內頁上方 作者排序,貢獻度的排序 但規則依實驗室不同而不同 有的期刊會要求不得有作者名 、機關名 • 通訊作者,期刊主編會與此 • 人聯繫 • 貢獻程度與第一作者同
ANATOMY OF A RESEARCH ARTICLE • Introduction (literature + hypothesis) • Outlines the problems investigated • 由廣到窄 • Past research and theories relevant to the problems described • Formal hypotheses or specific expectations are introduced and connected to past research
ANATOMY OF A RESEARCH ARTICLE • Method section • 讓其他研究者可以複製實驗! • Subsections depend of complexity of the design • Overview of design • Characteristics of participants • Procedure • Equipment or testing materials
ANATOMY OF A RESEARCH ARTICLE • Results section • Findings presented three ways: • Description in narrative form • Description in statistical language • Material in table or graphs(重要!)
ANATOMY OF A RESEARCH ARTICLE • Discussion section • 需和introduction前後呼應,有一體感 • Review research from various perspectives (重要) • Present methodological weaknesses and/or strengths • Explain how the results compare with past results (重要) • Include suggestions for practical applications • Include suggestions for future research on the topic (重要)
ANATOMY OF A RESEARCH ARTICLE • References:不需要太多,精要即可 • 格式根據期刊不同而不同